Learning Trust
(Inkmare, DestructiveDeath and Cream)
(I guess Kingdom AU)
(3rd person POV)
There was rumours that in The Forest of spirits lives a young skeleton. They say he'd built a cottage to live in.
Nobody has found him, but if your lucky enough you can hear him sing. He's told to be a great healer, one of the best, he stays hidden so nobody can use him for his powers.
He knows songs from modern culture as he's heard from around town. While he does go into said town, nobody thinks to track him home.
He's found out ways to easily sneak in and out of the town. It helps that nobody recognizes him. But what nobody knows, is that there is two of them.
Sometimes, people say they hear two voices instead of one. The other nobody has heard of because he was from so long ago, he can raise the dead.
But, he forever has to reap souls in return. He never rests, if he does it is very rare. Both of them only wish to find someone, but are too afraid of people using them.
So they stay in their cottage, safe and sound where nobody can hurt them.
Until two best friends made it their mission to find them. They've made it this far and weren't going to stop. But the legendary pair was so deep in the forest, many gave up.
Not these two, they basically free up with each other. Bound at the hip, you could say. Why were they doing this? Well, you'll see later.
They were pretty close, and one day they had woken up early. They quickly lit a campfire and ate some of their snacks as one of them talked to a dead loved one.
"So, Nighty. Why are you doing this?" A spirit names Dream asked. Nightmare, one of the determined friends chuckled.
"Originally? To get you back, but then I came to terms with your death. So know, Error and I are just trying to get them to trust humanity now" Nightmare smiled.
Dream was his twin brother, he had died when they were almost young adults.
They had this magnificent apple tree in their backyard on a small hill, one side grew golden apples and the other grew black ones.
Nightmare was bullied constantly, no matter what anyone did it would not stop. So one rainy day, he tried to eat a golden apple to be more like his brother.
But Dream caught him and jumped to grab the apple out of his hands. He successfully did so, but fell down the hill.
He soared over the hill, not even touching it but he landed on the other side and slid across the grass and hit another tree.
It first hit his back and he broke several of his bones. Nightmare ran over and saw how lifeless Dream looked.
He could only assume the blunt force caused his back to curve around the edge quickly and curve his neck at such a fast rate that he had snapped his neck.
Nightmare was too shocked to say anything, so when his parents found him crying over his brother's long dead body they had millions of questions.
(Yes, Dream is dead in this story. Sorry!)
Nightmare frowned at the memory, but quickly moved on. "Welp, we better continue. Error should be done packing up our stuff".
Dream followed them deep into the woods and he knew they were getting closer. But then, they heard a voice start to sing.
It was the song, Two Birds by Regina Spektor. It was sung beautifully and definitely of one of the cottage legends.
Error and Nightmare came up with the name, just as a placeholder for until they learned their actual names.
They followed the voice when suddenly Dream disappeared. Nightmare's face paled as he started telling for his brother.
"DREAM?! DREAM?!" Nightmare yelled as he ran towards the voice unknowingly. Error almost couldn't keep up with him.
They soon reached the cottage and heard a voice yelling at another voice.
"HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY RAISE THE DEAD REAPER?!". There were three people next to the cottage, two Nightmare didn't recognize and Dream who was alive again.
Dream ran over to them and tackled Nightmare in a hug. They fell to the ground as Error was almost passed out behind them.
"Next time, don't run so fast-" Error mumbled before passing out.
Nightmare and Dream quickly got up and checked to see if Error was okay.
"Hey, who are you guys?" Someone said from behind them.
"Oh! I'm Nightmare, this is my brother Dream and the guy passed out on the ground is Error" Nightmare introduced.
"I'm Ink and this is Reaper" Ink smiled. Dream tried to pick up Error so he wouldn't be on the dirty ground but failed.
"Nighty? A little help here?" Dream asked, pointing to Error's unconscious body.
Nightmare easily picked him up and continued the conversation.
"So, anyways. We came here to-" Nightmare was cut off by Ink.
"To use us? Capture us and force us to work for you?" Ink growled.
"No! We actually came here to be your friends" Nightmare said calmly.
"Error would say the same if he was awake," Dream added.
"Okay, well we should go inside now. Hopefully we can wake him up" Reaper giggled, opening the door for them.
Dream thanked him as they walked in and Nightmare set Error on the couch. Reaper sat next to Error on the ground, just staring at him.
"Reaper, stop staring. It's rude" Ink said, Reaper turning around to the group.
"So, how did you find us?" Ink asked.
"Well first we just aimlessly wandered into the Forest but then we heard singing and followed that".
"Sorry, that was me" Ink sighed, letting his guard down slightly.
"It's fine, it was actually pretty good! Oh, Error's waking up Reaper. I'd suggest to back away" Nightmare warned as Reaper scooted away from the couch.
Error woke up and instantly fell of the couch. He just stayed on the ground, not moving.
"Come one you big drama queen, get up" Nightmare got up and picked up Error, who made a pouty face.
Nightmare set him on the couch as Reaper set next to Error. They had their own conversation while Nightmare continued his with Dream and Ink.
"So, what brought you here? Other than your reason, what motivated you. Many just give up" Ink asked.
"It was the one thing Dream wanted to do when he was young. Error had a brother named Geno that's always wanted to find you guys but couldn't due to being constantly stuck in the hospital".
Both Reaper and Error looked over at the mention of Geno. "I met him yesterday! There was someone I had to reap across the hall and I wandered into his room" Reaper smiled, remembering that day.
"He told me about Error and their little brother Fresh. And even about you, Nightmare!" Reaper chuckled.
"Oh yeah! You came home all excited, happy that someone would find us" Ink sighed.
"Better than you being all paranoid and not being able to use the sleep!" Reaper replied, continuing his conversation with Error.
"Anyways, I was going to go into town anyways. If you want to come, I know a shortcut!" Ink smiled, getting up and walking towards the door.
Error got up, "Sorry Reaps, I need more yarn, thread and fabric". Reaper pouted as he watched the two leave.
"Already calling each other nicknames, huh~?" Nightmare smirked suggestively.
Reaper flushed, "Y-Yeah! What about it?". He tried and failed to hide his nervousness.
"Just saying, Error's not one to use nicknames. He finds them weird for some reason". Reaper blushed even darker as he exused himself outside.
"Okay, he might like you. But he might only see me as a friend, does he even like guys?" Reaper ranted to himself.
"Maybe? Yes? No?" Reaper was pacing in circles, next thing he knew Error and Ink were back.
"Hey Reaps! I got you something!" Error yelled, holding something up. Reaper looked over and walked over.
"You said you liked coffee and you were running low so I got you some!" Error smiled, handing Reaper the bag of coffee grounds.
"Thank you!" Reaper and Error walked inside, putting the coffee bag in the kitchen and sitting on the couch.
Error sat down and started on making a puppet. It looked more like a doll but he got pissed when people called them dolls.
"Whatcha makin?" Reaper asked, sipping his coffee.
"Puppets, but I make them look more like dolls because I learned how to summon magic strings so I can hold them up!".
"I don't think I've ever seen someone do that! You're quite the unique one, Error" Reaper complimented, taking another sip of his coffee.
Error flushed as he continued, thanking Reaper. Said coffee addict observed him, fascinated by what Error could do.
"Holy shit, I've never seen him stay in the same place for so long holy shit" Ink mumbled, Nightmare and Dream barely hearing him.
Soon, Reaper fell asleep despite having coffee. The soft sounds of Error breathing and the humming of a song lulled Reaper to sleep.
His head rested on Error's shoulder, he was going to wake up his new friend until Ink stopped him.
"Please don't wake him up, he hasn't slept in months" Ink asked, Error moving his hand away from the resting Reaper.
Error put down his little project and quickly fell asleep. Ink, Nightmare and Dream all talked until it was night time.
(Time skip a couple months)
"Oh shit I forgot about Cross! He's probably worried shitless right now!" Nightmare yelled, quickly getting up.
"Who's Cross?" Ink growled, surprising Reaper who was right next to him.
"Cross is Dream's boyfriend from when he was alive that I had watch the castle and Fresh!". Ink calmed down as Error got up as well.
Dream was day dreaming while sipping his tea on the couch. Nightmare got him up, "Stop day dreaming about Cross and help us pack up".
"You guys have to leave? Aww" Reaper whined sadly.
"There's definitely room in the castle, you could come with us. Nobody knows what you look like anyways" Nightmare offered, still trying to get Dream to stop day dreaming.
"Yes! I,uh- mean, sure!" Reaper said, happy to see Error more. Soon, they here packed up and they teleported back to the castle.
Nightmare walked in and was instantly greeted by a crying Cross. "Hey Nightmare, I was just thinking about Dream again".
"My dear, I'm back" Dream walked out from behind Nightmare and in front of Cross.
"You must be joking, right? Don't play with my feelings, Nightmare!" Cross yelled. Dream calmly caressed Cross's cheek.
"I'm right here, this isn't a trick" Dream offered a hug to Cross, who instantly accepted.
"But you were dead!".
"I was, but I'm here now and that's what matters" Dream soothed Cross, but didn't notice the protective stance Ink took in front of Nightmare.
Though, once they had ended the hug they did. "Oh, who are you?" Cross asked, ignoring the glare Ink shot at him.
"I'm Reaper! This is Ink, he doesn't trust people easily and is very protective over people he knows" Reaper explained, trying to get Ink do back down.
"Ink, it's okay, you can trust him" Nightmare calmly moved Ink's arms to his sides. Ink stood next to Nightmare, still wary of the new person.
"I'm sorry about him, we should get you guy-" Nightmare looked back at Ink, who looked down.
He grabbed a yellow vial and move it to his mouth. "Ink, what have I said about covering up your feelings?" Reaper calmly moved the vial away from his friend's mouth.
Ink still looked down, embarrassment and shame flooded his mind. Nightmare quickly turned to him, lifting his chin with two of his fingers.
"I'm sorry, I understand that you wanted to protect me. I'm the same way about Dream, it took me a long time to trust him" Nightmare chuckled.
He picked up Ink and carried him in a way so that he could hug him and walk around at the same time.
They were all shown to their rooms, Cross and Dream shared one, but they were allowed to roam. Though, Ink fell asleep in Nightmare's arms.
Nightmare layed Ink on his own bed and sat in a chair and read to pass the time. Error out his stuff away and Cross and Dream caught up.
Reaper was downstairs when he found a room with the name, "Geno" on the door. He knocked and was told he could come in.
"Oh, it's you" Geno grinned lightly. Reaper skipped to a chair next to Geno's bed.
"I don't think I've properly introduced myself, I'm Reaper!". They talked until Reaper had to go to his job, and soon after Error walked into Geno's room.
"Why are you not in the hospital?!" He asked, very worried.
"They said I was in stable enough but I can't do excessive exercise and I have to watch what I eat" Geno sighed.
"By the way, where did Reaper go?".
"He left for work" Geno picked up a book.
"Oh, good. That's what I was going to remind him about" Error lied. Geno narrowed his sockets.
"That's a lie" He smirked, thinking. Error chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"You like him, don't you!" Geno exclaimed, excited. Error blushed heavily, stuttering on his words.
"So, what made you fall for him?" Geno smirked.
"He's just so curious and adorable. He's interested in what I do and didn't judge me from the start, he complimented me Gen!" Error fawned.
Geno let Error rant about Reaper, knowing there was a chance that Reaper could walk in on it.
"Who gave him the right to be so god damn cute?!" Error yelled as Reaper knocked.
Geno let him in and watched as Error didn't notice his crush just walk in and he kept ranting.
"God, if only I could just tell Reaper how I felt! But it's stupid to catch feelings this early! Is it?" Error looked over to Geno for an answer, but finding Reaper in the process.
"Uh. I. Uh. How long have you been there?" Error asked Reaper, both of their faces covered in their respective blush colors.
"Not long, but I heard that last one" Reaper looked away, nervous.
They stood in silence, Geno just watched the two. Eventually, Error looked at the clock on the wall.
Error grabbed Reaper's arm and dragged him out of the room, "It's time to go to bed, we'll leave you alone".
Geno closed the door after they left and read in his bed until he fell asleep.
Dream and Cross cuddled in their bed, quietly telling stories to the other. Ink was still sleeping so Nightmare fell asleep in the chair he was reading in.
Error took Reaper over to his room, seeing Reaper not getting tired he sighed and grabbed his fabric, thread and needles.
"The usual routine?" He asked, Reaper understanding what he meant. They sat on Reaper's bed, Error making a doll as Reaper watched him and fell asleep.
"That looks like you, who's it for?" Reaper slurred his words from being tired.
"It's for Geno, I have one of Fresh ready as well. It's for whenever both of us are away or he's at the hospital so we're with him at all times" Error smiled, finishing up the small doll.
"They're small so they can fit on a side table and not be too much of a hassle to move from building to building" Error noticed Reaper had fallen asleep already.
He knew it wasn't because he was talking about something boring, Reaper just found it easy to fall asleep knowing Error was there.
Error kissed Reaper's forehead as he put down his project and shifted them so they were laying down.
Ink had woken up from a bad dream, almost knocking the chair over by sprinting to Nightmare.
"Woah, Ink! Are you okay, did you have a bad dream?" Nightmare asked, concerned. Ink nodded as Nightmare stood up with the smaller artist in his arms.
He set Ink on the bed and got in with him, he opened his arms. Ink scooted over and buried his face in the taller's chest.
Nightmare calmed Ink down, in case he would start crying. He knew it was late, so he would as Ink what the dream was about in the morning.
(I'm gonna end it there)
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