I Can't Handle It
(TW! Depressed!Reaper, Cutting, Thoughts of Suicide, Suicide Attempt)
(Reaper doesn't know what a Tsundere is)
(Reaper's POV)
Another day of reaping done, thank god I thought it was going to go on forever. Before I see Geno, I was going to change my outfit and get a snack.
I change into a pair of shorts and a black hoodie. I grab two poptarts and put them into the toaster as I remember I bought stuff for Geno and the stuff from the others.
I quickly grab the bag from upstairs and come back downstairs quick enough to grab the poptart. It was strawberry, by the way.
Then, I teleported over to the Save Screen. "Hey Gen! I got stuff for ya!" I yelled, getting his attention.
"First, Wanna Poptart?" I ask as he accepts and I hand him the Poptart
"Anyways, I got you some things so you won't be as bored here! Blue said to give you these card games, Ink got you canvases, paints and brushes, Error got you knitting supplies" I paused, catching my breath.
"And I remembered you wanted to learn how to learn about plants so I got you a bunch of books about them!" I finished, handing him the bags.
"Thanks Reaps" He smiles.
"Ooh, finally calling me by a nickname?" I smirk. He almost blushes, and dismisses it coldly.
The day continued with me teasing him, which never went well. I don't even know why I do it anymore, maybe a sliver of hope that he won't react the same way he always has?
But then, like all the other days, he gets too fed up with me. "Just leave me alone!" He yells, the words echoing in my probably empty skull.
My expression falls, for half a second. Luckily, he doesn't see it and so just teleport away.
Once I was home, his words continued to echo in my head. Taunting me, hurting me.
Then, my own thoughts start to fade in.
'You did it again, how stupid are you?'.
'I can't believe he even tolerates your precence'.
'And you hope he likes you back?!'
'Let's face it, you've messed up your chances long ago'
'If you had any chance, I would say Better Luck Next Time'
'And you were going to eat that Poptart, didn't you have enough to eat today?'. More thoughts like this clouded my mind before I grabbed my comfort onesie.
I grabbed a razorblade before putting it on and grabbed bandages. I sat on the bathroom floor and sliced my arms until I felt like stopping.
I wrapped them up in bandages and put on the onesie, then a glint coming off of shiny metal caught my eye.
My scythe was in the corner, as if taunting me to try and end my life. I took my SOUL out of my chest, making it float in front of me.
(3rd Person POV)
He held his scythe in both hands as he positioned it above his SOUL diagonally. As he made the motion to move the scythe, he teleported to the Save Screen accidentally.
Geno watched as Reaper teleported a couple feet ahead of him, but was too late to stop him once he realized what he was doing.
Once the scythe finished making the swipe, he fell to the ground in pain as his SOUL slowly cracked. He watched as Geno ran to his body.
Since he was a god, he was technically immortal and had lived for thousands of years. He didn't remember any of those years but that doesn't matter currently.
Reaper looked confused as Geno held his body and cried, wondering how he got here. He figured it was an accidental teleport, Ink having head done it before.
"Why are you crying? I thought you hated me," Reaper coughed, crimson bone marrow now leaking out of his mouth.
"Gods no, Reaper! I just don't handle being flustered well at all, and tend to be kinda mean. I am so so sorry" Geno sobbed, holding Reaper gently.
"Go-" Reaper coughed, "To Life, she'll know what to do". Geno quickly picked him up but realized he couldn't leave the Save Screen.
Reaper quickly dug into his pocket and grabbed a locket and put it around Geno's neck.
Geno seemed to understand what it did, considering their current crisis. He teleported over to Life and knocked on her door.
"What do you want lazyb- OH MY ASGORE! Geno, how long has this been going on?" Life asked.
"A couple minutes at the least!" Geno yelled, very stressed. Life brought him inside and put Reaper down on a couch covered with vines.
"Okay, at this point we need a very special spell. Since Reaper did this purposefully, it is going much quicker than if he did It accidentally" Life explained.
"So, we need to head over to the flower bed and you need to recite the spell since you witnessed his SOUL breaking, and your the only one here who's seen his SOUL" Life picked up Reaper and ran over to said flower bed.
"You need to imagine his SOUL before it cracked, and you need to think of good memories of him. You need to recite the song from Tangled".
"Why that song?!" Geno questioned.
"There is two enchantations and one is in Latin and the other is the Tangled flower song. Which would you rather have?". Geno didn't answer and sat beside the now unconscious Reaper.
He grabbed his arm gently and started singing, "Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine".
"Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine" Geno closed his eyes, thinking of all the good times they had together.
He started sobbing, hoping that it would work. Suddenly, he felt arms wrapping around his midsection in a hug.
He opened his eyes and saw Reaper, perfectly fine and well. He hugged back, and after a while they sat up and Life spoke up.
"As happy as that was, the real reason I needed Geno to do it was because of his Determination in his SOUL that activeated the flowers. And he only needed to focus and no song was needed".
Geno stood there, eyes sockets dark and empty. "I just wanted to hear him sing" Life smiled, knowing what was going to happen.
Geno started to chase Life but was held back by Reaper. "Gen, calm down. I think you sing wonderfully". Geno grumbled and crossed his arms.
Reaper kissed Geno's cheek and held his hand, "Let's go watch Tangled, today was pretty stressful". Geno blushed and followed the god.
(1132 words)
(Surprisingly, I'm proud of this one)
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