(This involves the neko-wolf Goth from my multishot Animal Love and his best friend/boyfriend turned werewolf Palette.)
Sighing, I watched my younger siblings as they played. Raven, as per usual when we watched Shino and Sombre, was napping next to me. Shino and Sombre were only ten and yet he still tried to say they didn't need both of us out here. But with Mom's stories of his past in the sector, I thought our parents were reasonably worried to let out their litter into the world alone. Plus, Sombre's fragile bones needed a close eye so he didn't die.
"Is my kitten lonely?" asked a light voice behind me as arms wrapped around me.
Purring slightly, I looked up at Palette's smiling face. Oh, he was adorable sometimes... I just wish he were more like me and less, I guess, normal...
Gesturing at Raven I nodded, "Can't even be bothered to watch our siblings."
Palette plopped down next to me, "Well, then, you need a second set of eyes? I mean, there are two of them..." he waved at Shino and Sombre. Smiling gently I leaned on him.
"That would be nice of you, Palette," I told him.
Heh, he thought I was asleep again... I heard Palette arrive and sit down, so I settled in a bit more, still pretending to be asleep. As if I was stupid enough not to watch my own siblings...
After giving them a little private time together, I sat up slowly and yawned widely. Goth was leaning on Palette's shoulder, as always, and the two of them watched the second litter play about.
"Sup, you two?"
"Enjoy your nap, Rae?" Goth gave me a small glare and I grinned at him, shrugging.
"Yup." Checking my watch I stood up, stretching a little, "It's time to head home." Rolling my hips, I sprinted towards my siblings to run around and cut them off.
"Play time's over!"
"NEVER!" Shino yelled, giggling. She grabbed Sombre's arm and dashed for a tree.
Little shit, "Get back here, guys!" I ran after them, hearing Shino giggle wildly as Sombre shouted at her to stop. They reached the tree and Shino pounced up, climbing with an agility I greatly admired when she wasn't running away! Sombre looked back at me, uncertain, before joining our sister in the climb. Oh crap... if he fell Mom would have my hide, right after Dad skinned me alive...
"Raven, what are you doing?"
"Getting our siblings, what's it look like I'm doing?" I shouted at Goth, who was running with Palette. Poor soul: he didn't have our speed so Goth kept pace with him. Too bad.
Growling as I reached the base of the tree I glared up at Shino. "Shino, Sombre, get your butts down here now!"
"Come and get us, Raven!" Shino cried gleefully. She still thought it was all a game. They climbed up higher and higher, giggling with the play.
Until it wasn't a game anymore.
Sombre slipped and clung to the branch, screaming. He dangled off a far-out branch that swayed under his small weight. Shino gasped and backed up to the trunk. Growling in fear and frustration I stared up as Sombre dangled, his little claws the only thing keeping him on the tree. I couldn't climb up that high, not without breaking the branch. I wasn't flexible enough.
"Brother, help me!" Sombre cried, trying to pull himself up.
"Hold on, Som!" I called, glancing to see where Goth was. I barely turned my head when he pounced on the tree and began climbing. Being much more cat-like than me, he climbed nearly as high as Shino and Sombre. He stopped below Shino and held out his hand.
"Shino, climb down to me," he said calmly. Shino nodded, making her way down carefully until he held her. He grabbed the back of her shirt while she squirmed.
"Goth, what are you doing?!" I shouted at him as he held our sister over open air. Shino stopped squirming and tensed, nodding at Goth. At her nod, he DROPPED our sister. She fell feet first and I rushed to catch her but Palette grabbed me back. Snarling I whipped around at him and he released. Turning back I panicked at how close to the ground Shino was. But she landed on her feet lightly and stood up, running to me and hugging me.
"Sorry I scared you, Raven!" she cried into my sweatshirt. Hugging her back, my brain kind of reset. What just happened...?
Goth climbed to a thick branch beneath Sombre and called up to him, swishing his tail to retain balance. "Sombre, let go, I'll catch you."
"G-Goth, I'm s-so scared..." he cried, shaking as he held onto the branch.
"Trust me, little brother, I won't let you fall," Goth insisted, holding out his hands, "Let go, I'll catch you."
Hugging Shino, I watched the scene from below. If Sombre fell and Goth didn't catch him, he would break several bones if not die. "Be careful!" I called up. Goth swished his tail.
"Not helping!" he called down to me before looking back up at Sombre, "Trust me, Sombre, I'm right here."
Sombre whimpered, looking down at Goth. Letting out a little cry he let go, screaming as he fell. Goth caught him, wrapping his tail around the branch to keep steady. Hugging him with one hand as Sombre clung to his neck, Goth made his way back to the trunk and slowly made his way down. He dropped the last few feet to land, holding onto Sombre with both arms as he braced his knees and landed expertly. He held onto a sobbing Sombre as he made his way over to me and Shino, glaring like Mom does when he's pissed.
"What were you thinking, young lady?" he snapped at Shino, who cowered into my jeans.
"I'm s-sorry, Goth," she said, shaking, "I w-was just p-playing..."
"You almost got hurt, and worse Sombre almost got injured," Goth said angrily, "You know better than to climb so high."
"Pl-please don't t-tell mommy..." Shino whimpered, holding my hand.
Goth knelt in front of her, still holding onto Sombre, "I won't tell him this time. But you have to promise never to play a trick like that again. I don't care if you let Raven chase you around the yard, just don't climb up a tree so high. You know he can't come after you."
Shino nodded and Goth gave her a one-arm hug. Then he looked at me and stood. He handed me Sombre, who curled into my arms, "Take them home, please. I have a date with Palette."
Smirking, I quirked a browbone at him, "Does mom know~?"
"Yes, he does," Goth said, killing my spark, "Be careful and watchful, Raven."
"I will," I said, taking Shino's hand in my own, "and you two lovebirds use protection~!" I called as I walked away.
"Damn you, Raven! Not in front of them!"
"And I'm not a bird! I'm a skeleton!" called Palette defensively. I snorted, chuckling.
Sombre pulled on my sweatshirt and I looked at him, still grinning.
"Protection for what?" he asked curiously, his ears twitching. My grin vanished in an instant.
Oh shit, "Uh...nothing..."
Growling mildly, I crossed my arms and huffed. Palette snaked an arm around my shoulders.
"Sometimes he's a real jerk to me..." I grumbled as Palette rubbed my shoulders.
"Does he honestly think we do that?" he asked me and I nodded.
"Jerk bugs me about it ever since our first kiss," I said, taking his hand in my own, "I was a bit dazed and kind of drooling when I entered the door that night."
"Glad I have that effect on you," Palette nuzzled my head and I hugged him.
"You've always left me breathless, Pally," I nuzzled him, purring as we walked down the path, "So, what's the plan for tonight?"
"Thought maybe I'd take you to that play that's in town," he grinned at me and I jumped on him, purring as I clung to him. He chuckled, holding me up as I wrapped around him.
"YES! Yes, yes, yes!"
We walked out of the play, me babbling about it. It had been based off one of my favorite books and I just couldn't stop talking about it.
"Oh, Palette, they did a wonderful job! They got so many things accurate! I mean, I wish they had another actor for the hero but otherwise, they did quite well," I went on and on.
"I'm so happy you liked it, Gothy," Palette chuckled while we walked home, me swinging on his arm. My tail wagged gently, still excited about the play.
Glancing up, my ears went half flat when I saw the moon. It was darker, more crimson than silver tonight. It looked like it would only get redder as the days wore on. Was the blood moon really that close?
Palette heard me sigh softly and turned to look at me. My ears were drooping, as was my tail, and I looked at the ground as we walked.
"Something wrong, Gothy?"
"The blood moon is coming," I sighed, "We won't be able to go out for a month."
"What's a blood moon?"
"It's the start of wolf mating season, the heat season," I explained. He just cocked his head at me, curious.
"Why won't we be able to go out?"
My eyes just couldn't believe him, nor did my ears, "Seriously?"
"Yeah, I don't see why we can't go out."
"You've met my parents, right?"
"You know how protective they are, right...?"
"So you really can't see why we can't go out during the wolf mating season?"
"Yeah, no..."
Oh my god, I love how innocent he is but seriously?! I smiled lightly at him. "Palette, I'm part wolf. The heat season effects me and Dad doesn't want me near you."
Studying his face, I saw the dawning realization as he understood what I was saying. His face flushed a bright green and he looked away, "Oh... He doesn't trust me, does he..."
"No, Palette, it's not you," I cupped his face, making him looked at me, "It's me and the other wolves. He doesn't want me to be caught out here or for me to force you into anything."
"He thinks I can't protect you," Palette said, a hint of bitterness in his cheerful voice. It hurt my heart and I let out a small whine, nuzzling up into his face. Dad had told me about the night he met Mom. He had kept several packs of his back while walking through town, only for him to be snatched by a lone dog as soon as he came within sight of safety. Mom had almost been raped. I continued whining as I nuzzled into Palette, trying to reassure him that it wasn't true. He was my love. He could protect me. Dad just didn't want to take any chances.
"Don't think like that, Palette," I whined softly, "You've always protected me and Dad knows that."
"Then why can't I see you next month?"
"Please, it won't be a long time. I'll see you soon enough," I said as we reached my house. Our conversation had taken up the entire walk. "I'll see you every day until the mating season begins, alright? and I'll call you every day during."
It's been days since Goth said mating season started. Our phone calls were strained and Goth seemed to be in pain most of the time.
Walking around town for no reason than to distract myself, I wandered past all of our favorite places in the hopes of not feeling alone and bored. As it got darker, I sighed and heading home, wishing I could do something for Goth. But I didn't want to do anything against his or Mr. Reaper's wishes. He was too important for that.
It got very dark suddenly and I sped up to head home. Dad wouldn't be happy if I stayed out too late. I think he knew about the mating season but I wasn't sure. I certainly didn't tell him anything.
As I walked home I heard a shuffling nearby and glanced at it.
Big mistake.
Burning red eyes caught mine and before I could even scream something lunged and pinned me to the ground. Sharp claws dug into my shoulders as I stared frightfully into the burning red eyes of a wolf-like creature. It growled, panting in my face, and I let out an ear-shattering scream before a massive paw was shoved on my mouth. Thrashing in his grip I felt tears stream down my face in fear. Sharp fangs gleamed in the snarling muzzle, getting closer and closer to my face. My movements threw off his paw and I screamed again.
"HELP!" before the paw was back on my mouth.
The claws pressed onto my ribcage and I felt some crack under the weight. Crying and thrashing, I screamed into its paw, kicking at it from below.
I must've hit something because the creature yelped loudly, jerking back. It growled at me, "Foolish whelp," and lunged for my throat. Turning away it bit down on my shoulder instead. My scream was so loud it cracked my voice as it rushed past the paw.
"Hey, get off him!" someone shouted and the creature looked up, letting go of my shoulder. It snarled as someone came and kicked its side. Still snarling, it bolted away and left me bleeding on the ground, panting in fear and grunting in pain as I tried to move.
"Hey, hey, kid, hold still," my savior said calmly.
"H-hurts..." I groaned out, unable to move as stars blinked in my vision. I yelped in pain as my savior lifted me up.
"Sorry, bud, but I gotta getcha outta here," my savior said, carrying me away. I could barely see his face as my vision grew dark.
"Hold on, kid, I've gotcha," I heard before I blacked out.
I dunno what I hate more: heats or my brother in heat with me.
As I held the pillow over my head to vainly block out Raven's panting and moaning as he humped a damn pillow, I decided it was my brother in heat with me.
"Oh my god, Raven, quit it before you wake Mom and Dad up!" I snapped at him hushedly. He saw me watching and went a bright red and blue.
"You're awake?"
"No shit, Sherlock," I huffed at him, "How can anyone sleep in the racket you're making?"
"But it's so hot..." he whined, flopping on his bed, "I just wanna do SOMETHING to make it go away..."
"Humping a pillow won't get rid of a heat. I asked dad the first time you did it."
"Did you tell him I was...?"
"No." Raven looked a little relieved at my answer, "Now, go to bed."
"Fine." He flipped over and curled up, as did I.
Now, without the distraction of my brother caving, my thoughts turned to Palette. My heat and needs only got worse every time I called him. I just wanted him close, with me, to help me... But he couldn't. The one reason I hadn't told him when I said I'd be missing for a while was Geno and Reaper were afraid he wouldn't be able to handle me in heat. He was only a monster and I was a hybrid, they doubted he could take me on and handle me.
Oh, the thought of Palette taking me on made my heat flare and I whimpered, curling up around the warmth. I wanted him. I needed him. He was mine...another flare.
A sharp noise pierced my ears and I perked up. Palette? Getting out of bed, I looked out the window, hoping the noise would come again. My ears had been pining for any single spark of Palette's voice, but I had never expected to hear such a high pitched...scream.
Whining slightly, I leaned on the open window, looking for the source of the noise. It came again, slightly softer this time as if being blocked. Looking around, I could see nothing. Sighing, I turned back to bed. It's not Palette. You're just being wishful that he's near...
My eyes flew open. Jaws, fangs, burning red eyes: I shot up and screamed at the pain, falling back down.
"Hey, hey, kid calm down!" called a voice. It wasn't animal. It wasn't the snarl echoing in my head.
A figure came into my vision, looking kind and concerned. It was a human. He had shining brown eyes and dark black hair. Three scars scratched down the left side of his face to his neck, marring his kind face. He had darkish skin, like a caramel color.
"Kid, you okay?" he asked me and I shook my head, wincing at the pain with a sharp intake of breath. "Hey, hold still. Harvey did a number on you."
"You know that thing that attacked me?" I asked, askance. I tried scooting away but it hurt too much and I couldn't move my left arm.
"Unfortunately, yes," the man sighed, "I recognized him when he ran off. He's the only werewolf I know that doesn't have a whole tail. He lost half of it in a fight."
"Werewolf?" I gulped. That thing bit me...
The man gave me a kind smile, "I'm sorry about what he did to you. No one your age deserves our curse. But trust me, if you hadn't fought back and pissed him off you'd be in a lot worse shape."
'Our curse'? "Who are you?" I asked him warily.
"Name's Nova. And yes, I am a werewolf but I won't hurt you. For one, it's daylight and I'm normal right now, and two, I have a mate. I'm not suffering from the heat season like others."
"Daylight? How long have I been out?"
"Well, I found you around eight last night and it's," he checked his watch, "half past two. You've been out for almost a day, kid."
"Oh no! Dad must be scared out of his mind..." I said, feeling guilty.
"Hey, mind telling me your name?" Nova asked kindly, "Maybe I can call your dad, let him know you're okay."
"But I'm not okay! I've been bitten and scratched by a werewolf! I never told Dad where I was! And I'm gonna miss my call with Goth!"
"Reaper's kid?" Nova asked interestedly. Freezing slightly, I nodded. Nova chuckled, standing up, "Man, never would've thought Reaper would let a normal near his pup. He's one of the most possessive wolves I know."
"I've known Goth since we were little. He was my best friend before he became the love of my life," I said defensively, "Mr. Reaper likes me, but I don't think he trusts me to protect Goth..."
"Hey, don't feel too bad," Nova said, "Reaper's an alpha. He really only trusts himself to protect his young."
"I thought Mr. Reaper was a lone wolf..."
"Doesn't mean he ain't an alpha," Nova chuckled. We sat in silence for a bit, me shifting lightly to test how I could move. My shoulders and back hurt a lot, but a constant burning lit up my left shoulder.
"Well, I gotta go and getcha something to eat," Nova stood up and I stopped him.
"Wait, Mr. Nova!"
"Please, just call me Nova," he smiled gently at me.
"Nova, my name is Palette," I told him, "and, um, am I going to turn?"
His smile turned sad and he looked away, "I'm sorry, Palette, but yes, you will turn. I wish there was something I could've done but with a bite and claw marks...there's too much to fight off."
He left me and I felt a small tear fall down my face. I'm a werewolf now...I'm dangerous...
I can't be with Gothy anymore...
"Ugh, I can't take this anymore!" Raven banged his head on the table in front of him repeatedly while I watched, amused, as he slowly caved...
Admittedly, I felt like caving too. Heats are unbearable. Mating season called out to me, giving me needs and wants I've never really had. Not to mention constant arousal. But I wasn't going to give into my instinctive urges that easily.
"Raven, calm down," Geno admonished, setting dinner in front of us. Raven shot him a glare.
"It's not fair!" he said grumpily, "Dad doesn't have to suffer like we do..."
"He still has his heat, just like you," Geno went on. I snorted as Raven sat up.
"At least he can take care of it! He's got you!"
The look Geno gave Raven would've melted the polar ice caps. As it was, Raven shrunk below the edge of the table, his ears flat to his skull as he whimpered slightly. My hands covered my mouth as I fought off laughter. I'm such a sensitive sibling...
The door slammed open and we all jumped. Reaper stormed in, looked right at me, and said one word, "Come," before turning back around.
Getting up, I followed him into the living room. He paced in the living room, his ears flat and his tail swishing in annoyance. He saw me enter and glanced, continuing his pacing.
He seemed angry and confused. Keeping my distance, I watched him. Before he said anything, he stopped and turned to me.
"Do you trust Palette?" he asked after staring at me for a while, forcing his ears forward.
His question shocked me. "With my life, Dad."
He huffed a little, "Would you trust him no matter what?"
"Dad, he's my mate," I said earnestly. Anger flashed in his eyes and I quickly interrupted him, "Not officially yet! But we've already decided it. As soon as we can we're getting married."
"He didn't talk to me about it..." Reaper growled softly. I held up my hands, going up to him.
"He was going to. He just...gets nervous around you, sometimes..."
Reaper grumbled, rolling his shoulders, "You just made this a lot more difficult of a decision for me..."
"What decision? What's wrong?" Reaper refused to answer me, "Dad, please..."
He sighed, "You trust that I would never do anything to hurt you?"
"Of course."
"Then you're going to come with me. I have to take you somewhere. But I need you to promise me that you'll control yourself, no matter what Palette does."
"Nova, it hurts!" I cried it. It was the second night after my bite. My second change. But this one felt worse. It felt hot and strange.
"I know, I know, Pal, just relax. It'll get easier as time goes on. Eventually, it just stops hurting."
"It's so hot...I f-feel weird..."
"It's okay Palette, it's natural," he said calmly, rubbing my back as I curled up on the floor, shaking.
"Palette?" a soft voice brought my head up.
"Palette, what's wrong?" he tried to step forward but I shook my head.
"D-Don't come closer!" I scooted away from him, feeling the pain get worse.
"Palette, are you okay?!"
"Nova, g-get him out of h-here!"
I couldn't see it but I heard him fight, "No, no! Get off me! I need to help him! Let me go!"
He was being dragged out of the room as I felt my new other side take over, "Palette! Palette!"
As the door slammed I gasped. Scents became much sharper as my body convulsed. The pain centered on my limbs as claws and fur formed. A yowl escaped me as my body grew larger. Noises flooded me as ears formed, the noises of Goth's continued fighting. My vision focused on details I couldn't make out before.
Digging my claws into the wood I panted as the change concluded. Taking deep breaths, I got used to the new smells. One stood out in my head and my mouth watered as the hot feeling returned.
It smelled amazing. Sweet, smokey, alluring, needing, pleading, dripping, familiar: all of these thoughts came to my mind as my nose followed the scent. Sniffing deeply, I crawled on all fours and found myself nose-to-doorknob. Pawing at it, I whined.
The yowl made me lash out and I clawed the werewolf dragging me from my love. He yelped and I dashed back to the door only to be grabbed by my Dad.
"Let me go! He needs me!" I said as he wrapped his arms around me, digging his claws into my cloak to keep me from sliding out.
"He needs some space, Goth!" Reaper growled in my ear.
"Why? He's in pain! He needs me!"
"Nova, explain, please?" Reaper asked the werewolf as I struggled in his grip.
"Goth, you need to leave him be for a bit," the brown werewolf explained, "Palette was bitten by a werewolf. He's changing and he doesn't want to hurt you."
"Palette was bitten?!" I screeched, causing both wolves to flinch.
"Goth, you promised to control yourself! What happened to the self-control I've seen over the past two weeks?"
Palette. Palette happened. Just being this close to him, even through a door, my body begged for him. All of the needs and wants I've been fighting took over my mind as my heat cried out to be answered, fulfilled. Palette was my love, my mate, and my body knew as much as my heart. I wanted him. I needed him.
My body needed breeding. It's mating season and I needed my mate.
Taking deep, calming breaths, I closed my eyes. You can hold on. You can hold on. Relaxing in Reaper's grip, I went limp enough for him to let me go. Still taking calming breaths, I looked back up at Nova.
"I'm sorry for scratching you," I told him.
"It's alright. I know how starter heats can be," he chuckled, "My poor mate. She hates heat season. She gets cranky."
I felt almost fully calm when a whine came from Palette's door. Instantly, I needed to answer it. Running over to the door before my Dad could catch me again, I sat next to the door and whined back. Something pawed the door, whining louder. A scent flooded me from behind the door. A calling scent, an answer.
I reached for the doorknob, ignoring Nova's warning, and opened the door. As soon as I unlocked I was pounced on and pinned beneath a rather large creature. Looking up, I saw the familiar starry eyes above unfamiliar canines and below bright, unfamiliar ears. The creature sniffed me close, getting his nose close to my face and neck.
"Palette?" I asked. The creature's tail wagged.
"Goth!" he barked happily, starting to lick my face excitedly. As he licked me, the scent grew stronger. It was coming from him. He was my answer.
"Goth, you smell so sweet," he yipped, nuzzling me, "I never knew how sweet you smelled."
"Palette," came Reaper's voice behind us. We both looked at him. He looked dangerous, "Get off him, Palette."
Palette let out a small whine and sat back as I sat up, pouting at Reaper. Reaper continued to watch Palette but spoke to me.
"Goth, you told me that you love him, right?"
"Of course, Dad, of course," I answered hurriedly. Reaper glanced at me, letting out a small huff before sighing.
"This had to happen at the worst time...God, Geno and Raven are going to kill me..."
"Dad, what's wrong?"
He glanced at Nova, who coughed and walked over, "Someone needs to teach Palette how to be a wolf...I would, but I'm not that close to him. He needs to be looked after while he gets used to the changes."
My eyes grew wide and I looked at Reaper, my tail wagging, "Does this mean...?"
"Well, you're seventeen..." Reaper sighed, "While Geno doesn't know, the age to become mates is at maturity, at sixteen."
"So you're really letting me...?" I stood up, unable to keep my hopes down.
"I am giving you permission to marry Palette," Reaper sighed, "But I need you to promise me we make it legal before you do anything with him, got it?" He growled at me and I nodded, flinging my arms around him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yipped before turning around and jumping on Palette.
"We're gonna be mates, Palette!" I barked.
Palette howled, hugging me as we rolled on the ground. His scent filled my nose and I realized why Reaper was worried: my answer might be hard to resist.
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