Before you guys ask, no, there's not a new chapter. I won't be making that for a while. (AP work is brutal. Let me tell you...) However, this announcement is REALLY important, so please read it through to the end, okay? This may interest a lot of you writers out there. (Remember last chapter when I said that I'd have an important announcement? Well, this is that announcement.)
WTSM (When Two Souls Meet) will be going on hiatus for a while. Now, before you all freak out and go: "WHAT?! NO! BUT... BUT I LOVE THIS STORY! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE A BREAK! AAAAAAHHHH!" I will tell you that it's a TEMPORARY hiatus, and it won't go into effect right away. Once I'm done with my next AP assignment, I'll make sure to give you one more chapter before this goes into effect. And, while this story will be on hiatus, that doesn't mean that ZanaTale as a whole will just stop.
"What? Zana, what do you mean?" you may ask.
Well, as some of you may know, this story also has a sister story: --it talks about the origins of the skelebros, and their connection to Gaster. While WTSM is on hiatus, I'm going to be turning my full attention to MGE. Actually, that's the whole reason for taking a break from WTSM--I need to finish MGE before I can move the plot of WTSM forward. You see, Gaster's going to be making an entrance soon, and Reader-chan is going to be given a journal (MGE is that journal) and will then know everything that's contained in MGE. The two fanfics are going to collide, and that can't happen if MGE isn't completed.
However, do not panic! You will still get your weekly/every other weekly dose of Sans fluff! Because I'm putting WTSM on hiatus, I thought that I'd start work on something else--something that also directly ties into it, but can also be read separately. Namely... a one-shot collection! You see, following the next chapter, there's going to be a massive time skip--nearly a month will go by before the next plot important chapter. So, instead of just saying "one month later..." I thought that I'd give you a better idea of what happened within that month (especially since Sans and Reader-chan haven't really had a chance to cement their new relationship). So, I'll be writing 5-6 shorter, Sans x Reader based dating-scenario kind of chapters. Originally, I was going to put those into WTSM... but seeing as it's getting insanely long, I thought that I'd make another fanfic in order to spread it out a little bit. These extra chapters will focus on the daily shenanigans of the budding relationship of Sans and Reader-chan, and will give you those fangirling feels that we all crave so much. Basically, WTSM isn't going to go on hiatus at all--it's just going to be exported into a second sister fanfic.
So... that's all well and good. However, 6 chapters... doesn't really sound like a complete fanfic. So, then I thought... "Hey. What if I asked you guys to help me out with this?" And then... the idea for the WTSM official one-shot and fanart contest was born. I'm asking all of you, my devoted readers, to help me fill in that month timeskip in WTSM. You all know the characters. You know the plot. And you know what you want to happen between Sans and Reader-chan. So, I want you to write about it! Create a one-shot using my characters and ideas, and then send it to me. Then, I'll choose my favorites out of the group I'm sent, edit them a little, and include them in my one-shot booklet, along with my own chapters. You guys will have the opportunity to have your ideas and writing officially included in ZanaTale. If you're interested, read on! You don't have to have a Quotev, Wattpad, or A03 account to participate. The rules and guidelines are below.
If writing's not really your thing, I'm also holding a fanart contest. It can be anything. In fact, I don't even have any rules for it. Just draw whatever your heart desires (nothing explicit, please), and send it to me at my email address (see below). Your drawings will be paired randomly with a one-shot, and included as it's chapter image. (Don't worry, I'm make sure to mention that the contents of the one-shot, and the contents of the fanart don't have any correlation.) Oh, and you can do both contests! Feel free to send in a one-shot, too, or vice-versa.
Rules (Things you absolutely HAVE to follow):
My definition of a One-Shot: A one-shot is a single chapter story, often without any concrete plot. It can include anything, ranging from random romantic encounters to discussions between characters to development of relationships. For example, if two characters randomly run into each other at a grocery store, and have a very meaningful conversation that furthers their relationship, that would be considered a one-shot. It doesn't have any beginning, middle, or end--it just happened.
1) Entries can be as long or short as you want, but should be greater than 3,000 words for me to consider them seriously. You all know how long my chapters can be; I like longer chapters. I would say a good size would be 6-20 pages for a oneshot. (Those are Quotev pages. I don't know what that equates to in Wattpad. Sorry guys. -_-)
2) Entries should be written outside of Quotev or Wattpad, and sent to my work email as a Word or plain text document. I'll take entries from Pages, too... but they're harder for me to work with. The subject line of the email should say "WTSM One-shot Contest Entry."
*Or, alternatively, if you can't write outside of Quotev or Wattpad, you can write it as a story and include "WTSM One-shot Contest Entry." in its title. Make sure you message me when it's done, though--otherwise, I may never see it. (Please note, though, that I prefer to have it emailed to me.)
3) This contest is ongoing, and will continue on until I say otherwise. So, there's no time limit.
4) Only one entry per person, please. I love you all, but I don't want to be buried by one-shots. I have to read and edit each of them, and the time I spend on this will stack up if I get too many entries.
5) People that don't have accounts on Quotev, Wattpad, or A03 can also send in one-shots—just make sure to give me a pen name or real name so I can credit them to you.
6) The one-shot can be about anything, so long as it doesn't affect the plot of cannon WTSM in any significant way. Here are the specifics:
a) There can't be any fallings out between characters (unless it's later resolved). So, in other words: characters can't have death fudes with one another, unless they resolve their differences later on, and go back to their normal relationship status.
b) Plot important characters (Namely: Chara, Flowey, Asriel, and Gaster) can't be included in any way, shape, or form. Those characters are off limits to everyone but me, as they are usually involved in some form of plot twist. (I may allow exceptions to this, but you have to run them by me first. Send me a message or email, and I'll see what I think, okay?)
c) Non-cannon relationships are encouraged, with a few rules. (I absolutely forbid shipping Papyrus, Gaster, Chara, Flowey, Asriel, or Sans [with anyone but reader-chan]. That means no Papyton, people!) However, things like Burgerpants x ??? or Grillby x ???, etc. are okay.
d) Any romantic pairings that affect the plot of WTSM in any significant way are less likely to make it into the one-shot booklet. So, main characters are more risky than secondary characters. (However, ships like Undyne x Alphys and Frisk x Monster Kid are okay. In fact, I really like that one. Hint hint.)
e) OCs are allowed, but they can only be monster OCs. Humans are off limits. Having another human enter the realm of WTSM, even if they're in a position that they can't interact with other characters, will completely destroy everything that I've built in the story so far. I will also judge OCs more harshly—the more powerful they are, the less likely I am to include them. I would say... use Katrina from MGE as a reference. Levitation magic and one special ability is usually a safe bet. Oh, and no skeletons or goats. Sorry guys, but those families don't have room for any new members.
f) No crossing AUs. I know that I just murdered a bunch of Error and Ink fans with that statement, but I need to keep these one-shots within the bounds of ZanaTale, which primarily follows the cannon UnderTale timeline.
g) No crossing series. As much as I like Steven Universe, it has no place in WTSM. WTSM is based on cannon Undertale, and would fall apart with the introduction of characters from other series. Remember, I want your stories to be cannon--I don't want to confuse readers by saying that a one-shot isn't really part of ZanaTale.
h) No resets, or killing off characters. (There are also exceptions to this rule, but again, I will only grant this on a case-by-case basis. If you're curious whether your idea would break this rule or not, please message or email me.)
7) There can be absolutely nothing explicit. I want to keep WTSM's PG-13 rating. (Unless I want to drop it, in which case I'll be the first to write something like that. No one can take Reader-chan's virginity but me. XD)
8) Oh, and soul-sex is off limits, too. I may include it, but I want to be the one to write it. (In fact, that may be one of the six chapters that I include... *eyebrow waggle*)
9) There are a few scenarios that are also off limits, because I plan to write them myself. And those are: Sans and Reader-chan's first date and Reader-chan discovers Sans' basement. While I have other ideas, I'm flexible with them, and can change what I'll do based on the kinds of entries I receive.
10) The one-shot should take place within the one month time skip. You can't do anything that takes place in the future. I will consider past events, but that is (again) a case-by-case basis. Send me a message/email with your idea. (Or read on. There are a few exceptions listed in the guidelines.)
11) (UPDATE) I can't believe I forgot to include this, but one-shots can't be preexisting, and have to be based off of WTSM characters and events. This of it this way, guys: You're literally writing a chapter of WTSM for me to include. If Papyrus ends up making out with Reader-chan, then... well... yeah. That doesn't really match up with the rest of WTSM. :P
Guidelines (things that I would suggest you do/don't do):
1) Your one-shot doesn't have to be romantic. It can be slice-of-life. (You know, just daily events that we take for granted most of the time.)
2) One-shots that involve Sans and Reader-chans day-to-day dating life are highly encouraged. (In fact, that was the main purpose of creating a one-shot booklet. Instead of just saying "a month after they got together," I can give you guys some ideas of what happened in that month.
3) One-shots that develop Reader-chan's friendships with Alphys, Papyrus, or Undyne are also especially encouraged.
4) You'll get brownie points with me if you write from the perspective of a secondary character about cannon events. (For example, Grillby's POV of the Grillby's chapters.) This is one of the exceptions to the timing of the one-shots: you can do a different POV on past events.
5) Don't be afraid to get angsty! I'm going to need some sad scenerios, too. Maybe you can touch on Sans' insomnia, or have Reader-chan and Sans have an argument. (Again, remember to have it resolved by the end of the one-shot).
6) You may have noticed that I make hints of events within WTSM, but then don't go into depth about it. If you have any problems coming up with ideas, maybe you can use these as a kind of prompt. (This is another example of an exception to the past rule.) For example, maybe you can have Sans and Reader-chan go to the MTT department, or when Reader-chan got lost on her way to Snowdin.
7) If I get too many one-shots with a similar idea (say, cooking with Papyrus), I'll have to be forced to choose only one of them. In other words, originality is a huge plus.
8) There's no limit to how many one-shots I include in the one-shot booklet, so I am primarily judging via quality. However, don't be afraid to send me entries just because you don't think you write very well! I'll be editing them myself for grammar and things. But that doesn't give you an excuse to be lazy, though—the worse your grammar is, the less likely I am to consider adding it in.
9) I'll be starting the one-shot booklet after the next chapter of WTSM, once I put it on hiatus. While there's no time limit, I'd appreciate it if a few of you could send something in before then--so, within 2-3 weeks.
That's all the rules/guidelines I can think of at the moment. If you have any questions about a specific scenario or idea, send me a message, and I'll tell you what I think about it. Or, if you have any confusions about the rules, you can send me questions about that, too. Basically... questions, comments, concerns, I'm open to all of it! I mean, I even gave you guys my email. So, this extends to all of you silent and non-account readers, too, okay?
Oh, and one more thing. I just made a timeline/sequence of events for ZanaTale, to help you guys wrap your heads around all of the new information I gave you last chapter. You can find it here:
I'm looking forward to your entries, guys! Zana, out. XD
Chapter image for this contest announcement was done by... Alissa!
(This is an example of how the fanart contest is going to work. You'll send me art, and I'll include it somewhere within the one-shot booklet.)
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