The Banquet
*Song does not belong to me nor does the video. and for the best experience don't play the video, until i say so that it makes more sense.
Sans settles down again on the edge of the pool, while you continue to swim for a bit. This was by far your favorite place to be in the entire underground. You loved flouting on the surface of the water and staring at the cave full of stars. You swim over to sans and jump out of the illuminated water. Sans looks at you with a smile of content. He looked as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. 'I guess he was keeping all these feelings bottled up for a long time.' You think looking at sans expression. You wrap your arms around sans and pull him into a hug.
"What's up kid?" Sans asked.
"Nothing." You say laying your head on his shoulder.
"You ready to go?" Sans says patting you on the back.
You feel a little disappointed, but you knew it was time to go home. Papyrus is probably home, wondering where we are. You nod your head and dive underwater, leaving your beautiful cave. Sans follows for one last swim along the floor of the pool. You take in as much of the scenery as possible. Hopefully you will come back again soon. Sans jumps out first and offers you a hand. You take his hand and are pulled from the water. Just as you are about to leave you quickly stop sans from teleporting.
"Wait! I need to do something first." You run off telling sans to wait for you there.
"Where ya going kid?" He asks.
" Don't worry I'll be right back." You say turning the corner out of sight.
You remember there was an echo flower somewhere around here. You look around a bit and see the opening meadow of tall grass. There was an echo flower at the very center of the meadow. You ran over to the flower you sat down on your knees and whispered into the flower.
"Hey kid come on paps probably worried sick." You hear sans say from across the meadow.
You jump up and run over to sans. He tilts his head in confusion as to what you were doing.
"It's nothing." You say with a smile. "let's go home."
Sans takes you by the hand and teleports both of you onto the couch. Papyrus immediately confronted you.
" WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN ALL DAY. I HAVE BE LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU." Papyrus crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. Looks like you were in trouble.
"Sorry pap, tibia-honest we were in waterfall. I didn't mean to rattle your bones." You and sans started laughing which made papyrus give up on scolding you.
" Why were you looking for us paps?" You asked out of curiosity.
"I don't know sounds lame to me." Sans say.
" WHAT?! YOU DONT WANT TO GO TO THE BANQUET." Papyrus seemed very disappointed.
You hit sans in the back with your tail signaling to be nice.
"Of coarse well come pap. We wouldn't miss it, right sans." You looked at sans hoping he would say yes.
"I can't go I....I...I have nothing to wear yeah that's it." He was obviously trying to get out of going. You felt like teasing him a bit.
"Oh but sans, I think I remember seeing a brand new suit up in the attic." Sans jolts his head in your direction, sweat beading down his skull. You stick your tongue out him.
"You do huh?" His eyes telling you to stop, but you continue anyway.
" Yeah, in fact I'll go get it right now." You walk past sans and hear him whisper. 'You sneaky little fox.' You see him give you a grin, showing his thoughts. You snicker to yourself and run to get the suit.
"Now I remember sans hiding it somewhere over......ah here it is." You brush off a little dust and proceed downstairs.
You walk over to sans and hand him the suit.
"Here ya go sans." You flash a smile of playfulness. Sans looked at you and all he could manage was to whisper a single sentence. 'Paybacks are a bitch.'
*(Sorry for cussing >.< it sounded funny)
"WOWIE, NOW WE CAN GO TO METTATONS BANQUET." Papyrus was so happy he was practically bouncing off the walls.
"Yep, I'm gonna go pick out what I should wear for tonight." You leave to go upstairs when sans wraps his arm around your waist stopping you.
"Oh no your not." Sans says.
" What do you mean?" You were confused by sans words.
"I mean, I get to pick out your outfit since you are making me wear this." He gives you a grin with revenge in his eyes.
You begin to feel nervous. Maybe you went a bit too far. " Uh t-that's okay I was just gonna wear some jeans and a t-shirt since its in hotland." You try and inch your way past sans but are quickly stopped.
" Change of plans." Sans looks around to see where papyrus was. Noticing papyrus was in the kitchen, distracted, sans looked back at you and smiled. He stretches his arm out to you and a blue glow surrounds you. He lifts you up in the air.
" WHOA! What are you..." You are cut off as sans walks up stairs taking you with him. He places you on the bed and walked out to the attic. He then comes back holding a hanger with a plastic wrap covering its contents.
"Here ya go." He says throwing you the item. He gives you a smile waits for you to reveal it. This made you even more nervous.
"Sans what is thi.." He puts his hand I front of your face to stop you.
"Just open it." He sat on the side of the bed watching you as you went to uncover the item.
You grab the bottom of the plastic and remove it from the hanger. Your jaw drops. In your hands, was a light blue dress with a lace like top and a long thin finish.
"Oh my gawd, sans this is gorgeous. couldn't possibly wear this. It wouldn't look good on me."
Sans tried to slow your rambling by making a statement that shocked you almost as much as the dress did.
"Hey that's the dress I picked out for you and that's what your gonna wear." He immediately turned a light shade of blue and tried to turn away so that you wouldn't notice. "Anyway I'm gonna go see what pap is up to." He bolted out of the room as if it were on fire.
You sat there staring at the dress. You couldn't believe he had this, let alone say he got it for you. You feel your face heat up and you bury your face into your hands. 'Sans what am I gonna do with you.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was finally time for the banquet. You just finished getting ready and it was time to show the boys. You look in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was okay and you were off. As you step out of the room, you look over the banister to see the boys looking up at you. It made you feel like a princess as you walked down the stairs. It was an amazing feeling. That is until you trip on the last step. You were immediately swept into the arms of sans. With his arm around your waist and the other holding onto the railing of the steps, he let out a sigh of relief.
"Geez kid, I didn't know how much you were falling for me." Sans says with a wink.
"Sans, what would I do without you?" You say with a chuckle.
"I see the dress fits." He pulled you to your feet and looked at you. "You look amazing." He said giving a slight blush.
"Thanks, you look pretty good yourself." You look at sans outfit and see he didn't tie his tie. You lean close to him, grabbing the tie. He looks shocked. You giggle and adjust his tie.
"Uh. Thanks." Sans says looking away. It was kinda cute how flustered he was getting.
"ALRIGHT! READY TO GO?" Papyrus said already half way out the door.
"Let's go." And out you were.
You walked the whole way, through Snowden, past waterfall until you reached hotland. The climate change was almost unreal, but you didn't mind it. As you arrived at the entrance, you see a big crowd blocking the door. They were all fans of mettaton. You attempted to budge through the crowd, ultimately failed. Papyrus places his hand on your shoulder and whispers(?) in your ear.
"DONT WORRY HUMAN, WE CAN TAKE THE OTHER ENTRANCE." He said pointing in the direction of an ally.
With both of his hands on your shoulders, papyrus pushes you along until you reach a door on the side of the building labeled 'backstage'. Papyrus reaches into his pocket and takes out a key with a star on it. He puts the key in the lock and walks in the door. You were nervous for many reasons, but proceeded anyway. The three of you walked around until you were greeted by mettaton.
"Oh darlings~ so glad you could make it." Mettaton said while giving you each a hug.
"Thank you for inviting us." You felt honored that a star like mettaton was your friend.
"Oh anything for you my darlings~." He said as he blew a kiss in papyrus'
"By the way you look Gorgeous dear." Mettaton put his hand on your shoulder and pulled you off to the side to talk. "Darling how would you like to be in one of my up coming shows?" He asked.
"Me?" You ears went up and your tail started to move side to side. It was painfully obvious you wanted to, but you wondered what the show was about.
"Yes you silly, all you have to do is sing a song. Don't worry I'll even let you write the song." He said patting your shoulder.
"Sing? But I'm not very good at singing, let alone In front of millions of people. You have sang before, but never in front of anyone.
"You'll be fine dear, instinct tells me there is more to you than meets the eye." And with that he walked away giving you a paper with a date and location listed on it. 'Oh boy' you thought. 'I'll think about this later, right now I have a banquet to attend.
You walked back to the boys and asked if you could sit down. They led you to a table directly beside the stage. 'Why is there a stage at a banquet?' You wondered. It took awhile for the banquet to actually start. In the mean time, you made small talk with the boys and others around you. It was a good thing you were a 'monster'(?) now or else you wouldn't have been able to come. It took a while for you to get use to your situation and it seemed like Alphys would never get back to you.
Suddenly all the lights go out and spotlights shine on the stage. The curtains fly open a mettaton appears.
"Hello my darlings~. Thank you dears for coming. I have a whole show planned out for you, so I hope you enjoy." He blew a kiss to the audience and disappeared behind the curtain.
"Show? Isn't this supposed to be a banquet?" You asked.
"This is always how mettatons banquets go." San replies slouching in his chair. "See that open floor, that is the dance floor, and that over there is the karaoke booth."
"What? This is more of a party than a banquet." You said.
"Special guest?....wait." You look at the boys and they both nod their heads.
"Yep." Sans said with a smirk.
"ISNT IT EXCITING? YOU WILL DO GREAT." Papyrus hugged you.
"No, I can't..I-I'm not ready." You said slowly backing away. Sans stands up and walks over to you.
"Sans don't you dare." You back away further.
"Oh I dare." He takes you by the hand and pulls you back stage.
"Mettaton she's ready." Sans looks back at you and whispers to you. 'Payback.'
Sans hops back off stage and sits with papyrus, leaving you with Mettaton. You try to tell Mettaton you didn't want to sing but it was useless.
"Don't worry darling~ sing whatever you want and make sure you have fun." He fixes your makeup a bit and then runs on stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce our special guest for tonight and she has a surprise for you all." You hear the audience clap and wait for your arrival on stage.
You let out a deep breath and accepted that this was happening. You walk on stage and stand in front of the mic. Mettaton walks over to the sound system and played a sound track you requested. You stood there and waited for it to start.
~Play video~
You closed your eyes and started to sing. The room fell completely silent. As you sung, you felt a sense of happiness overwhelm you. You always loved singing to yourself, but this, again, was you first time in front of others. You open your eyes in the middle of your song to see everyone's reactions. A smile appeared on your face as you saw everyone with either a smile or a look of shock. Papyrus was silently cheering you on, while sans had a huge grin on his face.
You took the mic towards the end of your song and walked to the edge of the stage. You then leaned down and stretched a hand out towards sans. He smiled and joined you on stage. You and sans sung the final chorus of the song together. As the song came to an end, a roar of clapping and whistling overtook the room. You put your hands to mouth, trying to hold back your tears. You were so happy they liked your singing. You gave sans a big hug. He laughed at your reaction to the crowd.
Mettaton came up behind you and whispered in your ear. 'I knew you could do it darling~'
"Lets give one more round of applause to our special guest." Mettaton announced. With that, you took a bow once and then grabbed sans hand and made him take a bow also.
After you left the stage, Mettaton had napstablook play his music. Mettaton quickly met with you backstage along with the boys.
"That was wonderful darling~" He complimented.
"T-thanks." You manage to say past your unfaltering smile.
"Whoa kid, I didn't know you could sing." Sans said patting your head.
"I don't know. For some reason, though I had to sing that song. It was as if that song meant something special to me."
"Well darling~ I hope you will stay for the rest of the banquet." Mettaton insisted.
You look at the boys hoping they will agree. The nod their head and you immediately pulled them into a group hug. You and the boys exited the backstage area and returned to your seats for the moment. You were met with many strangers complimenting your performance. The rest of the party was bound to be fun.
Authors note.
Hiya guys hope you liked the chapter. I had fun writing this cuz the whole thing was written because I heard this song and was just like "Must write with song *.*" XD Also sorry I lied. I got done early Sooo I'm just gonna publish it today. I doubt u guys will complain I got it don't too early but idk.
QUESTION TIME: What is your talent? It would be so cool to see what kind of talents yall got so let meh hear them. Yay
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