Secrets begin to unfold.
*Major spoiler warning for this chapter sooo just a little heads up.
You woke up that morning in sans arms. As usual, it made you happy that he was the first thing you saw when you woke up. You jump out of bed bringing sans with you. He mumbled turning away from you. You ignore him for now and went to take a shower. You do the daily routine of takeing a shower getting dressed, brushing your teeth, same as always. You then go back to the room to wake up sans. He hadn't moved off the floor. You turn him over onto his back and smile. You shake him waking him up temporarily. You were able to get him off the floor and downstairs to the kitchen table. Still groggy, he yawns and lays his head on the table. Papyrus seems to have left already and it was just you and sans. You made pancakes and sat down at the table with sans. You felt like being generous letting sans sleep for a bit on the table. You were in no rush to go to waterfall. Just wanting to enjoy your time with sans is all you wanted. Sans started snoring, suddenly you felt a little less generous. You brush you tail along his face, waking him up fully.
"Heh you tickled my funny bone" sans says moving your tail away.
"Sorry." You say swaying your tail back and forth. You grin and let out a chuckle.
Sans looks at the smile on your face and surrenders.
"Alright kid lets go to waterfall." He says throwing on a jacket.
"Okay, just let me grab my.." Sans cuts you off and grabs your hand. You teleport to waterfall within seconds.
"Sans! I wanted to get the camera." You say, disappointed he wouldn't let you take pictures.
"Why take a picture when you can come here anytime?" Sans walks over to the edge of a nearby waterfall and sits down.
You look around taking in the scenery. It was warmer here than in snowdin. Almost as hot as a summers day. You look over at sans and see he is looking into the distance. You decide to surprise him. Before waking up sans, you got dressed and wore a swimsuit under your clothes. This was sure to surprise sans. You get rid of your cover up and jump into a small pool at the bottom of the waterfall. Sans immediately sprung to his feet thinking you fell in. He runs down to the side of the pool and starts to look for you. You finally come up from under the water and splash him with water.
"Why do you keep doing this to me kid?" He says sitting on the edge of the pool.
"Sorry sans, I wanted to surprise you." You say giving sans a warm smile.
"Well you did a good job there." He chuckles. He takes off his slippers and put his feet in the water while leaning back in his hands.
"Hey sans, why don't you come in?" You ask swimming on your back.
"Never went swimming before." He said.
"What? How could you never go swimming?" You return to the edge of the pool beside where sans was sitting.
"I don't think I can swim." He said motioning to him lack of muscle.
"You won't know if you don't try. I'll even help if you can't." You say grabbing his and wanting him to follow.
"I don't know kid." He says pulling back a bit.
"Don't you trust me?" You ask with your ears drooping a bit.
"Ugh, I can't say no to that." He takes off his jacket leaving his t-shirt and shorts. Sans takes your hand and slowly slip into the pool. You smile knowing he was only doing this cuz you asked him to. Sans slips and falls fully into the pool. You pull him up and have him grab onto the side.
"Hey sans, let's try and swim to the middle." You say still holding his hand.
Nervously sans let's go of the side and tried to swim. You held both of his hands as he kicked his feet in the water. Unfortunately the water went right through him. It didn't look like it was going to work.
"Sorry sans I thought it might have been possible, but it looks like it's not gonna work." You say disappointed you couldn't help.
"What are ya talkin about kid this is great." Sans let's go of your hands and lays on his back in the water. He was..flouting?? How was this possible? You see sans kick his legs in the water with his hands behind his head as if he had always been able to swim...wait.
"Sans you lied to me, you knew you could swim." You punch his shoulder.
Sans laughed and went underwater. You followed him and he lead you to an opening behind the waterfall. You went up for air and saw that sans brought you to a cave behind the waterfall. It was glowing in a light blue reflected off the waterfall.
"It's beautiful." You say hopping out of the water. You shake off the water from your tail and hair while You sit against the cave wall and listen to the light roar of the waterfall. Sans jumps out and rings out his shirt and takes a seat beside you.
"Thanks sans, I always have a great time coming here. You always show me something new." You look at sans and hug him. You wish time could just stop.
"No problem kid. This gives me time to relax." He says crossing his legs and wrapping his arms behind his head.
You jump back into the pool staying behind the waterfall. Sans stays and relaxes a bit while you look around under water. The water illuminated bright enough for you to see clearly.
You scoured the bottom of the pool looking at all the amazing wildlife you had never seen before. You saw jellyfish and eels, all with which had the same 'glow'. Although, as you were exploring this underwater territory something caught your eye. You go to investigate what it was. You saw something shine at the very bottom. You uncover it and find a heat shaped locket. You swim back to the surface to show sans.
"Hey sans, look what I found." You hold up the locket.
"Where did you get that?" He asks. He seemed nervous for some reason.
"At the bottom of the pool. Do you know whos it is?" You ask seeing he obviously knows something about it.
"Yeah, unfortunately, I do." He walks over to you and you hand him the locket.
"Hey kid, remember how I said you weren't like other humans." He said.
"Yeah..." You jump out of the water and sit on the edge with sans.
"Well for me to know the difference, that would mean I've known another human before." He looks at his reflection in the water. "I guess its about time I told ya my past."
You eyes widen and your ears raised in surprise . You forgot you weren't the only human here before. You also knew that the humans were not the nicest to the monsters. Your head began to ache, but you tried to ignore it so that sans would continue.
"For me to explain this I will have to tell you about the timelines." sans doesn't look up as he explains all this. "There are places where certain people can start and stop the timelines. These starting and stopping points are called save points."
"Save points? So you someone can just end this timeline and start over?" you ask somewhat understanding.
"Yep, but not everyone can do this, only special people. Once a timeline is stopped and restarted, no one, except the people in control of the timeline, will remember. Their memories will be erased as if it never happened." It seemed hard for sans to talk about this. As much as you wanted to stop him, you felt as if you needed to listen.
"Chara..." He hesitated.
"Chara?" You wonder.
"Chara was the first fallen human. Toriel and Asgore took her in and cared for her along with their son Asriel. The kids were the best of friends. Then Chara discovered the reset button."
"What's the reset button?" You ask.
"The reset button is the thing that completely resets the timeline." He answers. "Once you reset it loads to your save point."
This all seemed familiar to you. You felt another sharp pain in your head and began to sweat. Luckily sans didn't seem to notice.
"Chara reset the timeline over and over again, hoping to get a more interesting outcome. She became bored with the timelines and started hurting monsters. She thought that no one would remember anyways after she reset."
"How do you remember sans?" You ask concerned.
"I don't know how or why I remember the timelines, but I don't have the power of resetting or even changing the fate of the monsters. All I could do was sit and watch my friends and family get killed time and time again." Sans was holding back his tears, trying to be strong.
You couldn't take it anymore. You reached out and hugged sans and began to cry. Sans tried to motion that he was alright but you hugged him tighter. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face into your shoulder.
"It's okay, you don't have to continue if you don't want to." You say still clinging to sans.
"No it's alright I gotta tell you the rest." Sans says pulling away from the hug. You held his hand as he continued with the story.
" Chara continued messing with the timelines and killing monsters over and over. Eventually she became bored of this also. Finally she came to the conclusion of killing herself. She figured she could just bring herself back, so she poisoned herself. In the end she didn't have enough determination to reset another timeline and lost her soul."
"What happened after she lost her soul." You ask.
"Asriel mourned the loss of his new sister and thought it would be the right thing to bury her in her home town she use to talk about. So he took her body and headed for the surface. After he arrived on the surface, the humans turned against him thinking he killed Chara. He was killed." Sans grip on your hand tightened.
You felt horrible. How could people kill so easily? You sit with an emotionless face, tears streaming down from your eyes. Sans doesn't look much better. You hug him again and tremble at the though that sans had to endure all this torture. He slowly stroked the back of your head trying to calm your trembling.
"After Chara, every human that has came down here had been possessed by her." Sans said holding you tighter. "I don't want that happening to you." Sans hands started to tremble.
"S-sans, did Chara ever k-kill you?" You managed to ask past all the crying.
"No, but she tried. The last human she possessed, she used them to try and kill me. I defeated her and broke her bond she had with the kid. Haven't seen her since." He said now completely calmed down.
You continue sobbing for a bit while sans comforted you. Eventually you calmed down. It was clear now that you had to be stronger. The only way to do that is for sans to teach you. You figured he would but it seemed now wouldn't be a good time to ask. Instead you try to lighten the mood a bit.
"Hey sans."
"Yeah kid?" he says looking you in the eyes.
"Show me a magic trick." You say jumping up trying to get out of this serious mood.
"Really kid, right now?" He says lazily.
"Pleeese." You beg.
"Alright kid, i'll show ya something new." He stood up and snapped his fingers. 'poof' two flouting goat heads appear out of thin air.
"Woah." You say with your tail moving side to side. Sans laughs at your enthusiasm and sits down to let you look at them.
"Their called Gaster Blasters." He said with his usual smile.
You go to pet one of the Gaster Blasters. Sans jumps up to stop you. It was too late. You pet the Gaster Blaster and it started to nudge against you as if it like you. Sans was speechless. He stood there with a shocked look.
"What?" You asked.
"Well isn't that something" He said putting his hands in his pockets.
"What??" You say again. The Gaster Blasters were cuddling close to you showing their affection.
"The Gaster Blasters have never let anyone near them, let alone be pet." He said.
"Really? But they're sooo sweat." You say cuddling them.
"I guess your one of a kind." he said making you blush.
You walked over to sans and kissed his skull. Surprised he placed his hand where you had kissed him. You laughed and jumped in the water. He grinned and jumped in after you. The rest of the time you spent with sans, you were swimming and having fun. It made you realize how precious you life was here in the underground. You decided you would protect this time line with all your strength.
You were prepared to protect it all.
Authors note:
Hiya guys sorry it took so long and if it seems a bit rushed I just thought this would be a good chapter to get serious and prepare for some future chapters.
I want to thank you guys for everything I mean you guys always give me such great feed back and its always fun answering you comments. And HOLY SMOKES 8k VIEWS?!? that blows me away so thank you guys so much and i hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Question time: What would you protect. XD give me a how would you protect them also.
Cya next chapter XD
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