Go with the flow
The skele-bros, after talking for around two hours, understand your predicament. Although you are all on the same level of understanding, none of you know what to do next.
"So uh kid, what are ya gonna do now. Its not like you can remember where you came from or anything." Sans pointed out. "Your welcome to crash here if your up for it."
Before you are able to respond papyrus basically answers for you.
Wait.. Captured!? What does he mean captured? What are they going to do with you? Sans notices your worried expression and tries to turn the situation around.
"Hey pap, were not capturing her, were-" Sans was cut off by the growling of your stomach. The skelebros both look at you, and you turn away due to the embarrassment.
"DID THAT SOUND COME FROM THE HUMAN?" Papyrus asks somewhat confused.
"I think she's hungry." Sans tries his best not to laugh, but you notice him snickering under his breath.
"WELL I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL MAKE SOME OF MY DELICIOUS SPAGHETTI." Papyrus runs to the kitchen and grabs some spaghetti noodles out of the cupboard.
Sans walks over to you and leans down. He puts his hand to the side of his mouth and whispers in your ear.
"Hey kid, if I were you, I would go and help with the spaghetti, if ya know what I mean."
You actually don't understand, but go to help papyrus anyway. You see him trying to put strange things into the pasta and immediately grab his hand before he is able to do so.
"Oh, so that's why sans suggested I help. Its a good thing he warned me, or else I would be eating sparkle spaghetti." You thought to yourself. You find yourself thinking about all that sans has done for you. A smile is stuck on your face, but you didn't mind. You were kinda happy that it was sans who found you and not someone else.
After you and papyrus finish the spaghetti, you grab some plates off of the counter and offer everyone a serving. Papyrus eagerly accepts, but sans on the other hand seems a bit cautious. You lean down and whisper to him, not letting papyrus hear you.
"Don't worry, its un-bone-lievably good" * I'm bad at puns... sorry ( -_-)
He laughs at your horrible pun and decides to have a plate.
"Bone-appetite" He says with a big grin on his face.
It was nice to have a meal with the skelebros. It felt as if you were meant to be here as if it were your own home. Once you realized you will have to leave some day it makes you sad to think you may never see them again.
For the rest of the night you forgot all your worries and tried have some fun. Once it was time to get some rest, sans offered you his bed to sleep on and he would take the couch.
"No way, I'm taking the couch." You insisted. He gave up and tossed you a blanket and pillow .
"Night kid." He said as he walked upstairs.
"Night sans."
After a good nights rest, on the surprisingly comfy couch, you try to make the brothers breakfast before they wake up. As you open up the fridge you are surprised to find it is filled to the brim in frozen spaghetti.
"How can anyone have this much spaghetti?" you say to yourself.
You close the fridge an look around the kitchen for anything you could make. The only other thing you could find was one bottle of unopened ketchup. You hear footstep coming from upstairs.
"Well so much for making breakfast."
You give up a go to meet the person walking down stairs. It was sans, looking as messy and tired as ever.
"Good morning sleepy bones." You say with the biggest smile you could give him.
"Morning fisk, sleep good?" He asks.
"Yeah, but I couldn't find any food to get breakfast ready."
"Forgetaboutit, lets just eat over at Grillbys." He suggests as he slips on his jacket.
"What about papyrus?" You ask.
"Let him sleep. We'll bring him back a burger or something."
Sans throws you your shoes and waits for you at the door way. You slip them on and jump over to sans.
"Come on kid, I know a shortcut."
Authors note:
Hey guys how are the first two chapters so far. I know I'm not the best at writing but I'm trying to make the story long and cute. I would love some feed back and also i would love some puns to use cuz I'm not good with puns so if ya got any suggestions let me hear them. THANK YOU X3
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