Chapter 4
“That is quite enough!” A female voice called. When the two looked, they saw a beautiful brunette haired woman. However, that wasn’t the surprising part….she had wings!
“Who the hell are you?” Red questioned. However, the woman completely ignored Red and walked straight to you. She gently pushed Red away and put her hands on your arms. She gave you a warm and relieved smile.
“Finally, I found you!” The woman stated with excitement. Both you and Red had visual confusion on your faces. The woman let out a laugh.
“I think we should go somewhere more appropriate before I talk with you. But I should introduce myself. My name is Serenity!” The woman explained. She led you and Red to a small hill that overlooked the town. She sat down and patted the ground beside her for you to sit down.
“I know this may be odd to say, but I knew your mother.” Serenity stated. You raised a brow before looking at Serenity.
“What do you mean?” You questioned. The woman smiled and put her arms on her knees.
“Your mother’s name was (m/n). Her and I used to...well, I wouldn’t say ‘work together’ but she was a huge help to me and my family.” Serenity explained. You frowned and looked at her in confusion.
“You’re still not making sense.” You stated.
“I guess I should explain my background first. My mom and dad are life and death! Like, actually Life and Death. The story has been lost in time, but I remember it so vividly.” Serenity started.
Once upon a time, there were two beings, Life and Death. They lived in a white empty space, with nothing but each other. However, they despised each other. Everything Life created, Death would destroy. Everything Death destroyed, Life would just make something new. It was an endless cycle of torment for the both of them.
At one point, Life created a flower. Death, of course, tried to destroy it, but something stopped him. That flower was oddly beautiful. Finally, he took the time to look at Life. If he had a heart, it would have blown up at the sight. Life was the most beautiful thing he has seen. However, he realized the angry look on her face. He had touched the flower, killing it.
From then on, Death fell farther and farther in love with Life. He refused to touch anything she created. She was furious at this and thought he was just doing this to anger her. When she confronted him about him, he finally told her his feeling for her. Of course, she didn’t believe him.
More time passed and Live created more and more things, but Death never touched a single thing. Finally, she gave up. She stopped making things, which made Death sad. He carefully looked through the things she made and fashioned a pair of gloves. He took a handful of flowers, giving them to her. Seeing how hard he has tried to please her, she fell in love as well.
The two made a deal, that Life would create life, and after a certain amount of time, Death would have them die, that way more things can come to life as some die. In the empty void, they built a home together and Life created a large garden, each flower holding a different universe within it.
Life and Death soon had a child, whom they named Serenity. It was her job to keep the peace between universes. In order to help Serenity, Life created a handful of demigod-like people, namef Guardians, each with a special power.
“Now, as you can imagine, I’m that Serenity. Dad would tell me that story all the time. It even allowed me to see that I get my stubbornness from my mother!” Serenity laughed.
“Where does my mother come into this though? I really don’t understand!” You questioned.
“Well, I was the one who brought your mother to your universe. I put her into ‘the Underground’.” Serenity explained. You frowned as you paused for a moment before shaking your head.
“That still doesn’t explain how you know her!” You protested. Serenity playfully rolled her eyes.
“Well, that’s simple. Have you ever wondered why your mother had those ‘feelings’ of hers?” She asked you. You let out a defeated sigh and nodded.
“It’s because when she was in the underground, my boyfriend’s Dad experimented on her which caused her to have those,” You explained.
“Is that what they have been telling you? Haha, no she had them way before I put her there! Do you remember what I said at the end of the story? Live created a handful of Guardians, each with a special power.” Serenity explained. You paused but shook your head once again.
“No, she can’t be a demigod! She’s human!” You argued.
“That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. She was a Guardian who wanted a family. She wanted more to life and to do things the rest of them couldn’t. Needless to say I got a good ass beating’ when my parents found out, but your mom was happy! I visited her here and there, even once when you were born, but after a while, I couldn’t come back in. I was just too busy. Now I finally got to see you, and I found out that she…” Serenity explained. She seemed to get a little sad when she almost mentioned your mother’s death. She shrugged it off with a smile.
“But if she was a demigod…” You started, thinking about it for a moment.
“Well, not demigod. Guardians seem like demigod, but unlike demigod, they can die. Buyout, that means that you’re part Guardian. It also explains why you don’t show up anywhere else. Your mother didn’t belong to a universe, so neither do you.” Serenity smiled.
“That bastard was dating a demigod this whole time, huh, lucky” Red interrupted. Both you and Serenity glared at him.
(Just to explain a little, because I'm sure you all are still wondering about Serenity and how she ties into all of this. Well, more will be revealed about her later, but she is the "oc" my mom made. But Serenity isnt exactly an undertale oc. Shes just a character mom made and we developed a huge story with her which, like I said previously, will be revealed later! I hope you all enjoy and I love you guys!)
(Also, my mom and I expanded upon the "demigod" thing a little bit, saying that they arent demigods but are a lot like them. So I went back and fixed it a little!
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