Omega Flowey
The flower and skeleton didn't seem to notice you were there. They were talking, and by the looks of things, Sans was pissed. You and Melody snuck behind a nearby pillar to listen to the conversation.
"Oh come on smiley trashbag, we could rule the world together! And I am NOT taking no for an answer." Flowey said.
"like I would ever help you! weeds like you don't deserve help." Sans replied.
"You are such an idiot Sans. I told you that I wasn't taking no as an answer!" Flower said. Suddenly, several different colored souls appeared.
Oh no... Frisk said.
"Oh no? Oh no what? What's going on?" you whisper-yelled to the child. You were staring down at your soul, wanting to get an answer but Frisk kept quiet.
"(Y-Y/n)? I-I think THAT is the problem..." Melody said, nudging your side. You looked up and your jaw dropped at the sight.
You looked over at Sans and saw his left eye was glowing bright blue. Your feelings said not to intervene so you stayed put.
Everything went black. You and Melody's souls appeared. Flowey threw the first attack. His attacks were really random and weird. Sans started attacking as well. His were pretty random but made more sense.
They contiued fighting, and it seemed like Sans was winning...until he grew tired. Luckly, Flowey was exausted as well, so they both stopped fighting and stared at each other for a while.
Flowey started to grin. Sans looked at him in confusion. Your feelings told you that Sans was in danger. You hesitated, wondering what was going to harm him, until you saw movement a few feet behind Sans. It was a 'friendliness' pellet.
"Watch out!" you yelled as you ran towards Sans...but you were too late. The pellet hit Sans in the back of the skull, exiting out his forehead. His eyesockets grew wide and he fell to the floor.
"SANS!" you yelled and ran to his side. You saw blood pooling by Sans's skull. His skull started to break apart and fly away.
"What is happening? Sans! Please! Don't die!" you yelled. Tears started blurring your vision. Sans slowly turned his skull to face you. He looked so weak. He gave you a small smile.
"heh, at least I got to see you again. I love you kid... Goodbye." Sans weakly said. Your years started to fall down your cheeks.
"Don't say goodbye! You are going to be ok. Y-your gonna be fine..." you cried. Melody walked to your side.
Sans reached his disappearing hand up to your face and wiped away some tears. You leaned down and kissed his forehead. You stood up and faced Flowey, who was watching with amusement.
"Melody...please try to help Sans. Its time for me to get rid of this weed." you said. Flowey laughed loudly.
"And what do you think you can do to stop me? You are just a human!" Flowey asked. His already large grin grew bigger.
You smiled and started walking toward Flowey. On the way, you grabbed a bone that was in the floor. You could feel yourself going crazy.
"Hit me with your best shot Flowey!" you yelled.
"You really are an idiot!" Flowey laughed. He started to throw his randomized attacks at you. You managed to dodge most of the attacks using the bone as both a sheild and a weapon.
After a few minutes, the light blue soul started flashing, indicating that it was attacking. It's attacks were with a knife. This human must not have been the nicest, huh. You thought to yourself. While you dodged as many attacks as you could, Frisk called out for help. A few moments went by and you were starting to be healed.
You were then back to fighting Flowey. There were a few new random attacks that he threw at you but other than that it was pretty much the same. A few more minutes of fighting Flowey went by before the orange soul attacked.
I have no idea with this one. You thought. This soul attacked with gloves. You and Frisk did the same thing as last time. You dodged while she asked for help. You began getting healed again after a few moments.
Once again, Flowey fight. This time, he didn't have any new attacks. His attacks did seem to get more difficult to avoid. You got hit more than you did the first two times. Finally, the dark blue soul attacked.
This soul's attacks were will ballet shoes. This one must have been a ballerina when she was alive. I bet she was really good! You thought. You dodged easily while Frisk called out to them. Moments later, you healed again.
Flowey's attacks were more difficult again but you used the bone more to help dodge, so you didn't take as much damage as before. Frisk seemed to be proud of how well you were doing. The purple soul attacked.
This soul's attacks were words. They were actually pretty depressing, but easy to dodge. They must have been kinda depressed... You thought. Once again, Frisk called out to them. The words became more cheerful after the few moments. It made you kinda happy. Then, you were back at the Flowey fight. It was the same as last time.
Now was the green soul's turn. This soul's attacks were frying pans that dropped what looked to be grease. A cook, nice! You thought. Frisk called to them and a few moments later you were healed and put back to fighting the giant weed. Now yellow soul attacked.
This one is the same color as Melody's. I wonder if they have similar personalities. You thought. This soul fought with a gun. It was an antique pistol. You guess this one was a a cowboy/cowgirl. You dodged and Frisk called to them. You were then healed and brought back to Flowey. You kept dodging wondering what was going to happen now, when Frisk spoke up.
Flowey's defences have dropped to 0. I hate violence, but this is the only way to progress. Frisk suggested. You nodded and for the bone ready. You started attacking and dodging. You did more damage than you thought you would. After a while, you finally defeated him.
"No...NO!!! This CAN'T be happening! You...YOU..." Flowey fully healed...
"You IDIOT." Flowey laughed and hit you over and over. You had one hp left and he surrounded you with 'friendliness' pellets.
"Hehehe. Did you REALLY think... That you could defeat ME!? I am the GOD of this world. And YOU? Your HOPELESS! HOPELESS and alone... Golly, that right! Your WORTHLESS friends... Can't save you now. Call for help. I dare you. Cry into the darkness! Mommy! Daddy! Somebody help! See what good it does you!" Flowey said.
You took a deep breath and called for help.
"...But nobody came. Boy, what a shame! Nobody else will get to see you die!" He laughed as he slowly brought them closer. He slammed them into you healed?
You and Flowey looked at each other confusingly.
"What? How'd you...? Well I'll just..." Flowey said. Nothing happened.
Load failed! Frisk said.
"Wh...where are my powers?" Flowey asked. Suddenly, the soul's appeared. They started to over power him. He tried and tried to stop them but failed. A flash of light showed. When it disappeared, Flowey say there in his normal form. Scratches in his petals. He seemed upset.
You sighed and pulled out your soul. Frisk said goodbye to you and her soul came out of your own. You held her red soul in your hand. You looked at the flower and knelt down beside him.
"What do you want? Just kill me and get this over with!" Flowey said. You thought for a second and remembered a conversation you had with Frisk earlier.
"I'm not going to kill you. I want to help you... Asriel"
WOOOO!!! After two months, it is finally here! I almost cried making this! Anyway, next one is in a few days. In the mean time, why not check out my Ask and Dare book? That one I will be updating as soon as someone comments. Self advertising for the win! Woop woop! Bye bye for now my beautiful reader-chans!
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