New Timeline?
Warning! There will be cussing. If you are a little kid that isn't allowed to say bad words...for one, why are you even reading this.. And for two don't repeat the bad words.
Today... Today was the four year aniversery for your parents death. You knew Melody told the goat family about it. Yesterday, you even informed the skeleton family. Today, you just wanted to be alone.
"(Y/n), sweetheart, time to wake up!" you heard a familiar voice say. You groaned and turned away.
"(Y/n) come on, you need to eat breakfast!" the voice said again. You thought about how the voice sounded extremely familiar. You shot up once you figured out the voice. You looked in the doorway to find your mother. You looked around the room which you used to sleep I'm as a child.
"M-mom? But how? You're dead!" you said. You got up. You noticed that you wernt in the same pjs as you were last night.
"Dead? (y/n), what are you talking about?" your mother asked. You started thinking about it. This must be either a dream...or another reset.
"Mom? What is the day? A-and year?" you asked. She answered. Today was the day that your parents died.
"F-four... Four whole years... I can't believe it!" you said.
"(y/n), what in the world are you talking about?" your mom asked.
"The whole world was reset back four years. Today was supposed to be the 4 year aniversery of you and Dad's death. I usually spend it alone in my room." You said. You were still in disbelief. Your mother looked at you with a confused look on her face. She obviously didn't belive you.
You thought for a bit, trying to come up with a way to make her believe you. It finally dawned on you. There was only one man that she knew, that she never talked about. And there was absolutely no proof of his existence. There was no way for you to know about him...unless you met him before.
"Gaster..." you whispered.
"W-what did you say (y/n)?" your mother asked. Nervousness filled her voice.
"You were Gaster's test subject. He fell into the Core a long time ago. You decided to take one of the monster souls he was preserving and crossed the barrier. Mom, I know Just as well as you do, that you have never told me about him. Last timeline, before the world was reset, I went into the Underground and saved him." You explained.
Your mother looked at you, her mouth wide open.
"Time really has reset, huh. I got rid of all evidence of my time with Dr. Gaster. There is no way you could know of him. So I guess I am going to die today?" your mother asked. She was still confused but you knew she understood.
Meanwhile, down in Snowdin:
(Sans point of view)
"SANS! SANS WAKE UP!" I heard Papyrus yell, bursting into my room.
"Go away Papyrus! I have no reason to get up. I'm not gonna see (y/n) today so I don't see the point in waking up." I protested. My eyesockets still closed.
"Who is (y/n)?" Papyrus asked. I opened my eyesockets and looked at him confusingly. But that is when I noticed it. My room looked just like the one in the Underground.
Wait a second...Paps not knowing who (y/n) is...and the room looking like the one in Snowdin...
"Shit! No no no no no!" I yelled. I got up and ran to the window...snow.
"SWEAR JAR BROTHER! AND WHAT HAS GOTTEN YOU SO UPSET ALL OF THE SUDDEN?" Papyrus asked. I almost forgot Paps doesn't remember the last timeline.
"Heh, n-nothing bro. I just got worked up over nothing. Don't worry about me." I replied. God I'm gonna fucking kill Frisk when she gets here.
"IF YOU SAY SO BROTHER! ANYWAY, I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT MY DREAM. IT WAS INTERESTING!" Papyrus said. I nodded and sat back down on my bed.
Well, I guess Paps does remember after all. He just thinks they are dreams. I think he deserved to know that it isn't a dream.
"Paps? Was your girlfriend's name Melody?" I asked. I just wanted to be sure that I was correct.
"WHY, ACTUALLY YES! DID YOU HAVE THE SAME DREAM?" Papyrus asked. I shook my head.
"Papyrus, it is about time I tell you about the resets." I said.
I explained to Papyrus about the resets and the different timelines. I even told him about the one where I watched him die. He seemed to understand.
Once I finished explaining, I glanced at the calender and looked back. Wait...What? I looked back at the calender, this reset went four years into the past. That would mean...
"Fuck! Today is the day (y/n)'s parents die! God damn it! That means we have to wait four fucking years for them to come back!" I yelled. I placed my hands onto my skull. I felt Papyrus place his hand on my shoulder.
"IT IS ALRIGHT BROTHER! WE WILL WAIT FOR THEM! IM SURE WE WONT FORGET THEM, EVEN IF THEY DONT REMEMBER US!" Papyrus explained. I looked up at him. He had the same hope in his eyes as always.
"Yeah. Heh, don't worry (y/n), I'll wait for you. No matter how long it takes, I will still love you..." I said to myself while looking up at the ceiling. She will come back, I know she will...
And that's the end of that chapter! You thought the story was conning to an end huh? MWEH HEH HEH! You thought wrong! Please dont hate me XD. Welp, bye bye for now my beautiful reader-chans!
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