Lemon? lol Nah
(WOOOO OVER 500!!! Thank you guys so much for that much. Ok, so I was writing this planning to do a lemon...It's really fucking cute! I don't want it to be a lemon! Ima just leave it as it is. This is now an unofficial Fluff. I PROMISE I will still do a lemon. It's just that this is way too romantic right now to be a lemon! Thank you all for your cooperation! So NEXT chapter will be the lemon. After that, I will go back to the story!)
"(Y/N)! Hurry up! We are gonna be late!" Melody called to you.
"Oh calm down Mel! If you really want me to hurry, get in here and zip this thing up for me!" You reply. Melody sighed and walked in to help you.
Tonight was the night that Mettaton's ball was going on. You weren't really planning on going because dances really aren't your thing but Sans asked you to join him. How could you say no to your own boyfriend?
Right now, you were getting your dress on. Mettaton, being a nice friend, helped you, Frisk and Melody pick out dresses. All of your dresses looked similar to each other, but of course different colors. Frisk chose a red one to match the color of her soul. Melody chose an orange one to match with Papyrus. You, of course, chose a blue one to match Sans.
Once Melody was finished zipping up your dress, she spun you around and examined you.
"You look so beautiful (Y/n)! You are missing something though, and you aren't gonna like it!" Melody explained with a smirk on her face. You knew Melody too well and knew what she was thinking.
"No! I am NOT putting makeup on!" You protested. (If you are someone that does put makeup on, just skip this little bit because no matter what, makeup is going on your face and you are gonna look sexy af)
"Oh come on! You have a beautiful face as it is, but you would look amazing with makeup on! And I won't do too much! Just enough that it shows!" Melody persuaded. You puffed your cheeks out at your friend.
"Fine! But only because I want to look good! Don't get used to this!" You explained. Melody grinned widely and nodded. She sat you down and started applying the blue makeup onto your face. Once she was done with you, she did her own makeup.
Finally, you two were ready and headed out the door. Frisk was outside of the house waiting for you both. She too had a bit of makeup on as well. You greeted her and then headed to the ball. The brothers were going to meet you at the dance.
"Sooooo anything gonna happen between you and Paps after the dance?" You asked Melody while wiggling your eyebrows. Melody rolled her eyes at you but had a slight smile on her face.
"Stop thinking that him and I are gonna do anything wrong! We already agreed that we won't do anything until we are married. You on the other hand have never promised anything to Sans. So what about you? Anything gonna happen between you two?" Melody asked with a smirk on her face.
"Pff! I doubt it! He's too lazy for anything like that! Sex is a more active thing! It is practically exercise!" You replied giggling.
"Says the virgin!" Frisk laughed.
"Hey! You two are virgins too! I should be the one laughing at you two!" You protested, trying your best not to burst out laughing. You, Melody, and Frisk continued talking until you finally arrived at your destination. You all walked in and decided to go your separate ways. You waved to your friends as you went to find the love of your life. You walked by the wall, knowing that Sans isn't the type of monster to hang in the middle of rooms unless he had EVERYONE's attention just to make a pun or two.
"Hey hot stuff! How about you come hang out with me?" some monster said stopping you.
"Sorry, but I'm looking for my boyfriend. Thank you for the offer though!" You replied as nicely as you could.
"Come on sweet cheeks! This dance would be way more fun if you went with me!" The monster persuaded.
"I'm really sorry, but I am not interested." You explained. You went to leave but the monster grabbed your arm and pull you to the wall, pinning you to it.
"I'm not taking no for an answer cutie!" The monster said.
"Leave (y/n) alone!" A deep voice said. You and the monster looked in the direction of the voice. There stood Sans in a light blue tux. His left eye glowing a dark blue as a sign that he is angry. The monster just laughed.
"This bag of bones is your boyfriend? Ha! I could break every bone of his with my eyes closed!" The monster explained. The monster let you go and faced Sans.
"Good luck with that" You whispered. You moved away from the monster and Sans. The monster was the first to attack, jumping towards Sans to punch him. Sans easily dodged and hit the monster on the back, knocking him down. The battle continued on in a similar manner but soon ended with Sans being the victor. The monster was drug out of the building by his friends.
"Sans! Look at you! You got your tux all messed up!" You pouted. You walked up to him and fixed up his tux a bit and straightened his bow.
"Heh, thanks (y/n)! You look beautiful." Sans said with a small blush on his face. You smiled and kissed his cheek, his blush going a bit darker
"You look as handsome as any man would wish to be!" You replied.
"Been taking flirting lessons from Melody I see." Sans chuckled. You playfully punched his shoulder.
"I've just been hanging out with her too much! You know how she is! She flirts with anything that moves!" You and Sans laughed. You and Sans continued to talk until the ball finally officially begun.
"Welcome beauties and gentle-beauties to my first ball! I have always wanted to be in a ball, so I thought, why not just hold one for all of my wonderful fans! Well everyone, grab your lovers, cuz It's time to dance!" Mettaton announced. A beautiful song started playing.
"May I have this dance?" Sans asked, bowing to you and offered you his hand. You smiled and nodded, taking his hand. Sans put his hands on your waist while you put yours on his shoulders. You two began dancing.
At one point during the ball, you saw Frisk whispering something into Mettaton's ear. She finished and noticed you looking at her. All she did was wink at you and give you a thumbs up. You looked over at Sans with a raised eyebrow and he just shrugged. You just shrugged it off and continued dancing.
Soon, It was midnight. In your eyes, the night went by way too fast. You and Sans were about to start leaving until Mettaton started to announce something.
"Thank you all so much for joining me on this beautiful night. Before you all leave however, there is one last song I wish to play for two very special people. This song was requested by Melody and Frisk!" Mettaton said. You instantly looked over at Frisk and Melody who only winked at you.
"Now, would Sans and (y/n) please come to the middle of the dance floor? Of course, everyone else may dance, but I haven't gotten to see these love birds dance yet because they have been hiding in the crowd!" Mettaton requested. He giggled a bit as well.
You and Sans walked to the middle of the dance floor, both of your faces covered in a bright blush. The song Can't Help Falling In Love starts playing. (The song is up top :3) Sans smiles and grabs your hands. He placed them on his shoulders and puts his hands on your waist. You and Sans start dancing to the song, Sans singing along looking lovingly into your eyes.
You start singing as well and smile like an idiot. Soon, the song ends. Sans pulls you close to him and kisses you. You are shocked at the sudden contact but quickly melt into the kiss, kissing him back. You could hear the claps of the crowd around you but you don't pay attention to it. You both soon break the kiss.
"I love you (y/n)!" Sans stated. You could see that the pin pricks that are his eyes are formed as small hearts. You smile.
"I love you too Sans!" You reply.
"Goodnight Everybody! Thank you all for coming!" Mettaton interrupts. You giggle a bit and wave goodbye to Mettaton. You, Sans, and the rest of your friends walk back to the house. You and Sans were holding hands the whole walk home.
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