(ok, NOW! Here is your lemon! Heh, we have already almost reached 600! I will only do special things like this every 500 views though. I will do this lemon, and next chapter will be back on the actual story)
"I don't want to go! I just know they are gonna make me do something weird, like they did last time!" You protested as Frisk and Melody dragged you out of the house.
"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad!" Frisk laughed.
"I was put into a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie cosplay! I had to walk in PUBLIC with that on!" You argued. Melody and Frisk just laughed and brought you to Alphys and Undyne's house. Once there, Melody rang the doorbell. Alphys answered.
"Oh! Hello girls! You ready for some more Truth or Dare (y/n)?" Alphys giggled. You groaned in protest. Melody and Frisk brought you inside. Alphys lead you all into the living room to see Undyne, Sans and Papyrus sitting on the floor.
"Hey Pappy! What are you doing here?" Melody asked. You, Frisk and Melody all sat down on the floor.
"I hate everyone!" You pouted.
"No you don't babe! You know you love me! Besides, I get to see you in a funny outfit!" Sans said winking at you. You glare at him but try to hold back a smile.
"I got popcorn!" Alphys said, walking into the living room and sitting a bowl of popcorn in the middle of the room. Everyone sits in a circle around the bowl.
"Alright punks! What are we gonna start with?" Undyne asked. Frisk jumped up and ran into the other room, coming back with an empty bottle.
"Frisk, do you really want to play spin the bottle? You are literally the only one in this room without a lover." You asked.
"Hey! Technically everyone has a 1 in 6 chance that the bottle will actually land on their lover! So I can kiss someone's cheek all I want! Besides, I miss playing this game!" Frisk laughed. You chuckled and just accepted it. You grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in your mouth.
Papyrus grabbed the bowl and moved it to leave room for the bottle. Frisk placed the bottle where the popcorn used to be and gave it a spin. It spun in a complete circle about three times before landing on Undyne. Frisk giggled and walked over to Undyne, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
Undyne spun the bottle this time. The bottle spun about 20 times thanks to Undyne using a little too much strength in the spin. It landed on Sans. Undyne got up and kissed the top of Sans's skull. Now it was Sans's turn to spin the bottle. Sans spun the bottle but it landed on himself.
"Welp, good thing I brought this mirror!" Sans said, taking out a mirror and started making out with it.
"Hey, save that for your girlfriend!" Melody explained. You punched her shoulder and she just laughed. Sans chuckled and sat the mirror down and spun the bottle again. This time it landed on his brother. Sans kissed his brother's cheek.
"MY TURN!" Papyrus stated. The bottle landed on Melody, leaving Papyrus's face bright orange. He hesitantly pulled Melody close to him and kissed her. Melody was a little shocked at first but kissed back. You, Frisk, and Alphys cheered for them. They break their kiss, both of their faces were covered in their blush.
"Hey, how about we do a little Truth and Dare now?" Alphys suggested.
"You and (y/n) haven't kissed or been kissed yet!" Frisk stated.
"Heh, you sure about that?" Sans asked, nodding to Undyne. Sans pulled you to him and kissed you, Undyne doing the same to Alphys. You hesitated but quickly kissed back.
"Fine, you win! Let's play!" Frisk laughed. She put the bottle away and the popcorn was placed back.
"I'll start! Papyrus! Truth or Dare!" Undyne asked.
"I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL DO A DARE!" Papyrus stated proudly.
"I dare you to be in a closet with Melody for 10 minutes!" Undyne laughed. Papyrus's face became bright orange once again.
"W-WELL, THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEVER BACKS DOWN FROM A DARE. WHAT DO YOU SAY M'LADY?" Papyrus said. He stood up and offered Melody his hand. Melody gladly took it and they walked to the nearest closet.
"Since Papyrus is in the closet, I'll go now! (Y/n), Truth or dare?" Alphys asked. You groaned at the sound of your name.
"Dare" You sighed. Alphys had a huge smirk on her face.
"Don't worry (y/n), It's not too bad. I just dare you and Sans to go up to the Lab and stay there for an hour. What you do is up to you. Have fun love birds!" Alphys winked at you. You shrugged, thinking that it wasn't bad. You stood up and started walking to the Lab upstairs, Sans following close behind you.
Sans walks in front of you and opens the door for you. You thank him and walk inside and he closed the door behind him. You waited inside the dark room for Sans to turn on the light since you could never remember where it was.
When the light was still not on you started to get a bit confused until you were pinned to the wall. You saw the faint outline of Sans in front of you. His left eye was glowing a bright blue.
"Heh, took her long enough. If I had to wait any longer, I don't think I would be able to control myself." Sans stated in a seductive tone.
"Sans? W-what are you doing?" You asked. Sans brought his head close to your neck and chuckled.
"What I've been wanting to do for so long now." Sans said, licking your neck. You moaned silently, trying your best to keep quiet. Sans slowly brought his hands up to your breasts and started to play with them, earning a few more silent moans from you.
"Oh come on babe~ No need to be quiet! This room is sound proof you know. Alphys isn't exactly the most innocent person." Sans explained.
"Now, before I continue on, are you ok with me doing this?" Sans asked, a concerned tone in his voice. You slowly nodded your head, only to see Sans smirk.
Sans snapped his fingers and a puff of blue smoke surrounded you. You found yourself laying on one of the lab tables, naked. You tried to cover yourself up but were held back by Sans's magic. Sans chuckled and got on top of you. By now, your face was a dark crimson color.
Sans brought his head close to your breasts and started to lick the side of one of them. His tongue inching its way to your nipple. Once he reached his destination, he used his tongue to play with your nipple. His other hand massaging your other breast.
You moaned louder and louder as Sans continued playing with your breasts. You moaned his name which only made the skeleton even more horny. He started to go a little rougher.
"S-Sans, s-stop teasing!" You moaned. Sans chuckled and sat up.
"But you look cute like this~ Heh, I think I'll tease a little more" Sans stated, winking at you. He hopped off of the table and pulled you closer to him. He leaned down, bringing his skull closer to your entrance. He chuckled and licked the outside, earning loud moans from you.
Sans shoved his tongue inside of you and explored the walls. You continued to moan his name loudly. You were almost certain that at this point, the others could hear you. You could just imagine your friends laughing while Papyrus just sat there clueless.
Soon, you could feel a knot form in your stomach. You were about to climax until Sans pulled his tongue out and stood up. He licked his teeth. You could see the lust in his eyes. Before Sans could do anything, you got off of the lab table.
"What you doing babe?" Sans asked, a light smirk on his face. You smirked as well and pushed him to the floor.
"Oh, you'll see." You replied. You sat in front of him and pulled down his shorts, revealing his blue member. You leaned down and licked the side of his member, a small moan escaping Sans's mouth. You started to tease him by licking the tip of his member.
You could see Sans tense up. You looked up at his face. If he had lips, you knew that he would be biting one. You smirked and put the tip in your mouth, teasing him more.
"Heh, n-now look who's the t-tease." Sans stated in between moans. You continued bobbing your head on just the tip for a while. After a few minutes, you shoved the whole thing inside of your mouth, a loud moan escaping from Sans.
You bobbed your head, Sans unconsciously placing his hand on top of your head. Sans then pushed your head down, making you deep throat him. You gagged a bit but were still able to breath fairly well.
Soon, you could feel Sans's member twitch. Not soon after, Sans reached his climax. You took his member out of your mouth and swallowed as much cum as you could. You could see a large smirk on Sans's face. Sans pushed you onto your back and kissed your neck.
"Ready for some real fun?" Sans asked. You nodded your head. Sans positioned himself at your entrance. He looked up at you in approval. You nodded your head once again. Sans slowly shoved him member inside of you. Pain overwhelmed you. Sans could see your pained expression and stopped moving.
"Tell me when I can move." Sans suggested. Concern showed in his eyes. After a bit, the pain was gone. You nodded to Sans and he started to slowly thrust his hips. Soon, the pain was completely replaced with pleasure. Sans noticed your pleasure and started to speed up.
The room was filled with the moans of both you and Sans. You both moaned each other's names. Sans kept going faster and faster until he was going at inhuman speeds. The knot in your stomach formed again as Sans's thrust started to become uneven and sloppy.
Finally, you reached your climax while moaning Sans's name. Not soon after, Sans climaxed as well. He pulled his member out of you and lay next to you. He pulled up his shorts and teleported your clothes back onto you. He then pulled you closer to him and started to cuddle you. You smiled at the sleepy skeleton and kissed his forehead.
"I love you (y/n)!" Sans whispered.
"I love you too Sans." You replied, closing your eyes and falling asleep.
(Hey guys! So here is the lemon I promised. I'm sorry if it is bad. This is the first ever lemon I made. I've read a bunch though so I think this is at least decent. I talked to my friend Dalton about lemon stories. He said that he has read one that was like "the popcorn fell on the floor and then they fucked" XD. Anyway, thank you all once again for 500 views! Next chapter, expect to see more of the actual story. Well, bye bye for now! :3)
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