You followed Sans inside the room. It was kind of creepy. There was a giant machine hidden under a blanket. There was a blueprint to something on the counter. On the counter was a container containing a red soul. You guessed it was Frisk's. You walked over to it and stared at it a bit. Suddenly, your feelings started to 'talk' to you.
"Sans, when I continue my journey, I'll need to take Frisk with me." You said.
"why?" Sans asked.
"Why else would I randomly need to bring her with me?" You asked sarcastically.
"oh, your feelings are telling you to, huh?" Sans guessed. You nodded.
"Is there any way I can talk to her?" You asked.
"yeah, It's a bit difficult though." Sans said. He walked to the machine and took off the blanket. He then grabbed the container that had the soul and placed it in a slot in the machine. He pulled a lever and the soul went into the machine. Sans did some other things but you didn't pay much attention. Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice.
"Finally! I've been so lonely. Sans, why haven't you talked to me." The voice said.
"sorry frisk, i just can't stand talking to you without you actually being here. anyway, someone wants to talk to you." Sans replied.
"Hey Frisk, long time no see, huh?" You said.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Please don't tell me you came here for me." Frisk said.
"No, my feelings told me not to come until now. My feelings haven't told me to leave the skeletons' house yet so Melody and I have spent the night. You should have seen it, Melody being herself decided to flirt with Papyrus, which led to her liking him." You explained.
"Awe! I bet they are cute together. Hey, since Melody is with Papyrus, why don't you get with Sans. sisters dating brothers." Frisk suggested. You saw Sans's face turn blue.
"I bet Sans would like that huh?" You joked.
"how many times do i have to tell you and my father! i don't like you!" Sans yelled.
"Father?" Frisk asked. You explained to Frisk about how your 'feelings' helped you get Gaster back, and in doing so, found out that your mother was Gaster's test subject.
"Oh, cool! Oh and before I forget: Sans, by the way you reacted, I know you like her." Frisk said. You knew that if her body was still there, she would have wiggled her eyebrows.
"ugh, (y/n) could you give us a moment. and please don't eavesdrop this time." Sans asked. You agreed, but you just couldn't help but eavesdrop. You walked out of the room and sat next to the door listening.
"So, do you like her?" Frisk asked. You heard Sans sigh.
"to be honest, i don't know. i don't want to believe i do but, what if i do?" Sans said.
"Well, how does she make you feel?" Frisk asked.
"well, for a few weeks, she stayed in the ruins. ever since her and melody got here, toriel would constantly talk about them. i found myself thinking about them before i go to bed, like how i wanted to meet them, especially (y/n) because her ability sounded so familiar. well, then she left the underground and i thought those thoughts were going to leave but, i found myself thinking about her again last night. my father kept bugging me about me liking her but i don't know. frisk, i've never felt this way before... am i in love?" Sans explained. You could feel your face get warmer.
"Bro, I'm sorry to say but yeah, you are in love with her." Frisk replied.
"how! how can i be in love with a human though? it would never work out. i mean, yeah, melody and papyrus are together but it's not like they would work out very well. i mean, say (y/n) and i do get together and we stay together long enough to get married, would we even be able to have children? think about that frisk. monsters don't have the same physical matter as humans do, so even if a monster could get a human pregnate or the other way around, the child would probably melt. humans and monsters are not supposed to be together." Sans said. The sound of Sans's voice indicated that he was starting to cry. you couldn't help but feel really bad.
"Sans, just because it would be difficult to have children doesn't mean monsters and humans can't be together. If it is impossible for a human and a monster to have a child means that you could just adopted either a human, or a monster. There are monster orphanages, and just look at (y/n), she is an orphan. All that matters is the love that you two would share. Besides, theres no monsters that are even as close to your age as she is. She is (y/age) and your (5 years older)" Frisk explained. There was a long pause before Sans spoke again.
"Frisk... what if she doesn't like me back?" Sans asked.
"Then you would just have to wait until she does. I may not be VERY good friends with (y/n), but I know her well enough to know that there is a reason that her feelings are keeping her here. I'm sure her feelings kept her in the ruins so that Toriel would love them enough to adopt them when this is all over. So just imagine why her feelings are keeping her here." Frisk replied.
"What do you mean 'when this is all over'?" Sans asked.
"Her feelings practically predict the future Sans. It brought her at a specific time for a specific reason. I don't know what is so important about the time, but I know exactly what the reason is. If she could bring back your father, she could free the monsters. And I also have an idea on what my soul will be used for, but I'm not gonna spoil that. But trust me, her feelings have good reasons for why it makes her do things." Frisk explained.
"Thanks Frisk." Sans said.
"No problem. Hey, for all we know, her feelings could be keeping her here until she just finds out that you truly like her. And knowing her, she's probably eavesdropping on us." Frisk said.
"True. Speaking of which, (y/n), are you eavesdropping on us?" Sans yelled towards the door. You got up and walked back in the room.
"To be honest, I'd be lying if I said no. I'm sorry ok? I can't help it." You said. Sans's face turned dark blue.
"w-well, i'll let y-you two talk. i, um, h-have something to do." Sans said before running out of the room.
"You know Frisk, I kinda figured it was true. He's bad at hiding it." You explained.
"The question is, do you like him back?" Frisk asked.
"I honestly don't know." You replied.
(Sorry for such a large gap between your age and Sans's. But Toriel knew Sans when he was just little and following Gaster around. And your mom left the underground after Gaster fell into the core and before she even met your father. So 5 years was the most reasonable age for him being able to know his father... if you know what I mean...)
(Also, sorry if I've been rushing things. I'm trying my best not to. At least I didn't make him fall in love in the first chapter he appeared in. But yeah, If I'm rushing things, let me know. I don't think I'll change chapters I've already done but I'll make sure there isn't any more romance until later chapters.)
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