Chapter 33: The End
"Right you are Azzy, now is the time for you all to die." Stated a familiar voice from behind you. You and your friends turn around and see Chara floating in the air with her devilish grin. Sans instinctively stood in front of you to protect you. Asgore looked even more confused and terrified.
"Oh come on, you all look like you've seen a ghost! Hahahaha! You all look so pathetic." Chara stated before looking down at you. Her grin faded. "You! You're the one messing with my plans! I've had everyone killed once! I can do it again! There's nothing you can do to stop me!"
"That's where you're wrong! I won't let you ruin our lives anymore! We were all happy and free from the underground! We were living peacefully alongside the humans! You need to stop this!" You yelled back.
Chara smirks and snaps her fingers, summoning a knife into her hand. She rushes towards you and slashes at you. Asriel quickly summoned some fire balls and threw them at her. She easily dodges it and decides to attack Asriel since he was more of the threat.
The fighting seemed to go on for hours as a stalemate. Sans growled and decided to join the fight. Everything went black, making Chara's black soul appear. It became blue as Sans used his magic on her and threw her to the ground. As Chara fell, Sans shot bones out of the ground. Chara smirked once again, this time black blood dripped from her eyes and mouth. Before she hit the ground, she used her knife to clear the ground of bones.
Once Chara was on the ground, Asriel and Sans both shot their magic at her, bones for Sans and fire for Asriel. Chara started to laugh as she dodged all of the attacks. One stray bone, however, flew past her cheek, cutting it. She paused and felt her cheek. She pulled her hand away and looked at the blood on her fingers. As she was distracted, a blue spear flew towards her and went right through her stomach.
"Yes! I got her!" Undyne cheered, lifting Alphys into the air in victory. Chara looked down at the hole in her stomach and then up at Undyne. Undyne frowned and gently put Alphys back down when she noticed that Chara's soul remained intact.
"You idiots, do you really think you can kill me? I am Immortal! I am a ghost, a spirit! You can't kill me!" Chara laughed.
"Then why are you bleeding?" Sans chuckled as he pointed out her cheek and the blood dripping from the new hole in her stomach. Chara growled and rushed towards Sans and tried to hit him but he quickly teleported away.
Sans summoned one of his Gaster Blasters and had it fire at her. She dogged but got shot by some other kind of magic. A small amount of her health disappeared. She looked at the source of the magic to find Gaster with a few floating hands around him. The purple one shot more magic bullets at her and she dodged them.
Sans used his magic once again to grab onto Chara's soul and lift her into the air. Chara struggled to get free but she couldn't move at all. The others saw the opportunity and started to hit her with all they got. The air was full of spears, fireballs, bones, and bullets, all causing a cloud of smoke to surround the demon child.
Sans shot a bone up from the ground. A small breaking sound was heard and everyone stopped attacking. After a few moments, the smoke cleared. Chara laid limp in the air with the sharp bone right through her. Color came to the surroundings as the blackness disappeared. Chara's soul was still floating beside her, indicating that she was dead.
Silence filled the air. No one knew whether to be happy or what. Finally Melody decided to act. She walked over to Chara and gently grabbed the soul. She reached into her backpack and grabbed a small jar that she had originally filled with some of her important items. She dumped the items into her backpack and put the soul in the jar and closed it tightly.
Asriel walked up to Melody. Some inaudible words were exchanged and Melody handed Asriel the jar. He hugged it tightly and walked towards his father who was standing off to the side. Melody walked over to you and knelt down beside you. Sans walked to you as well.
You sighed and hugged the two. You then wheeled over to the body. "We should probably give her a proper burial. Either way, I'm so proud of all of you." You stated as you looked over at your friends. Finally, everyone started to celebrate.
Undyne quickly picked up Alphys and spun her around happily. Melody and Papyrus hugged each other as well. All of the celebration stopped when a familiar voice spoke.
"What on earth is going on here?" The voice asked. Everyone looked at the door to find Toriel standing in the doorway.
"Mom, we can explain." Asriel stated as he slowly walked towards Toriel. Her eyes filled with tears as she ran up to her child and hugged him.
"Asriel! You're alive!" Toriel stated happily. Asriel hugged back after setting down the jar.
"I'm alive thanks to (y/n) and Melody." Asriel stated. Toriel looked over at the two of you and frowned when she saw that you were in a wheelchair. She kisses the top of Asriel's head and then rushes over to you.
"My child! What happened to you? Are you ok?" Toriel asked. You nodded.
"Don't worry Mom, I'm fine. We just had a little issue with Undyne at some point and she kinda hurt me but we got past that." You explained and smiled at Undyne.
"I'm sorry about that!" Undyne laughed nervously as she scratched the back of her neck. Toriel smiled and then started to look around.
"Where is Frisk?" She asked. You, Melody, and Asriel all share a look.
"Um...She sacrificed herself to bring Asriel back..." Melody explained. Toriel gave a sad look but nodded.
"Poor child...I'm glad I have Asriel back though." She smiled at her child. Finally, Asgore brought up the courage to walk up to Toriel.
"T-Tori..." Asgore stated. Toriel glared at him but looked at the you three. She sighed and looked back at her husband.
"You didn't kill them. Thank you for that...but I still don't forgive you." Toriel growled. Asriel sighed and walked up to his mother.
"Mom, if it wasn't for the souls Dad collected, I wouldn't be here! I absorbed them along with Frisk's soul and they transformed me into what I am now. I was a nasty flower to begin with." Asriel explained. Toriel looked at Asgore.
"Fine. I'll forgive you if you promise not to hurt anymore humans." Toriel stated clearly. Asgore nodded.
"I promise I will never hurt anyone anymore!" Asgore said as he crossed his heart. Toriel started to smile and she walked up to Asgore and gently kissed him.
"Awwww!!!!! So cuute!!" Melody stated while the others cheered. You smiled and then started to pull Chara's body off of the bone. Sans walked over and helped you. Toriel looked at the body and sighed.
"I'll take her to the flower patch back in the ruins and bury her." Toriel said as she took the body from you. She started walking away.
"Well, I should go break the barrier. I think it's time for us to be free." Asriel stated. He walked off to go to the barrier. After a few moments, there was a bright light indicating that the barrier has been broken. Sans kneeled down beside you and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before pushing you towards the barrier. Everyone else followed.
Finally, everyone was free from the Underground and Chara was dead. No more resets, no more sadness. You no longer had to feel the pain of your parents dying. Surprisingly, you didn't feel as sad as you usually do about your parents. Of course you missed them, but you spent a total of eight years without them. Well, there were more years but you only remember these eight.
You let out a sigh of happiness as Sans wheeled you out into the sunlight. You had your friends at your side. You felt like nothing could ever ruin this moment. The moment where you are forever free. You knew that this was the end of your big adventure. You had two new parents, two wonderful siblings, one amazing boyfriend, and so many wonderful friends. Your journey had finally come to a close. Sans knelt down in front of you and kissed you in celebration. You were happy...
(Well here we are. The end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed. I had a lot of fun writing this, even if it took me forever. Well, ill see you guys next time! I love you all! Bye bye!)
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