Chapter 30
You and Sans get out of the elevator and head out of the lab. You two go over to Riverperson and ask to be taken to the core. They agree, so Sans picks you up and sits you in the boat. He then folds up your wheelchair and puts it in as well. He then gets in and sits beside you. Riverperson begins taking you to the core.
"I hope this works..." Sans stated.
"Of course it will work! My feelings are never wrong you know. And hey, maybe once we bring your dad back, we can go look for your mother!" You suggested. Sans's eye sockets widened but then closed.
"(Y/n), I already told you what she said in her note. She doesn't want to be found. Besides, I'll be happy once we get Dad back. Plus, even if she is alive, why would she come back? If she loved Paps and I, she would have stayed." Sans explained. You sighed and looked away, giving a quiet 'sorry' to him.
"Tralala, do not be so sure about that. I'm sure your mother loves you with all her heart. She probably has a good reason to leave you. Tralala." The Riverperson stated.
"I really doubt it." Sans said. You thought about what the Riverperson said, and it finally hit you.
"Well, for whatever reason that may be, you really should be with your sons, you know. Sans really misses you." You smirked. Sans looked at you with a confused look on his face. You heard the Riverperson sigh. They then started laughing.
"I can't hide anything from you, huh? You are just like your mother." Riverperson said. They pulled down their hood to reveal a skull. She turned to face you and Sans, giving you both a calm smile. She may be a skeleton, but she was one of the prettiest people you ever saw.
"M-mom?" Sans asked, tears filled his eye sockets.
"I am so sorry Sans. I had to leave for your own sake. I never thought that your father would disappear as well. Please, forgive me." Riverperson states. Sans hugs his mother tightly. She hugs him back, the smile on her face was very bright and cheery. Soon, they break their hug.
"So, you are (m/n)'s child, huh? I've heard so much about you!" Riverperson said to you. You nodded and smiled.
"It is a pleasure to meet you! I'm (y/n), and uh, if you haven't heard yet, Sans and I are together..." You stated awkwardly. Riverperson laughs a bit.
"Do not be so scared about it. I am actually quite glad that you two are together. If you would like, you may call me Mom. If not, my name is Apple Chancery!" Apple Chancery states. You smile and nod. She smiles back and puts her hood back up. Soon, you all arrive at Mettaton's hotel resort.
"This is as far as I can go. It is completely impossible for me take you all the way." Apple Chancery explains. Sans grabs the folded up wheelchair and sets it up. He then picks you up and sits you in the wheelchair.
"Are you going to come with us Mom?" Sans asked enthusiastically. Apple hesitates a bit, but sighs and gets out of the boat. You three go through the resort and into the core. You guide Sans to where you needed to go. Finally, you make it to the spot.
Sans points the remote at the wall. Slowly, a door formed. The door opened and Gaster walked out. He looked at you and Sans in confusion.
"Sans? (y/n)? What happened? One moment, I was asleep on my bed, and the next, I am back in the void for four years." Gaster asked. Sans chuckled.
"Well, that answers are question of if he remembers. Dad, the world was reset four years in the past. So, technically, the barrier hasn't been broken yet." Sans explains.
"Ah, yes. The timeline theory that you and Alphys came up with. I understand now. So, uh, why is the Riverperson here?" Gaster asked. You looked over to Apple. You could see the worried look in her eyes through the darkness of her hood.
", Alphys said that we can't use magic on me since I'm injured. So the only way we can get back to the lab is by their boat." You explained. You weren't necessarily lying. Sans gave you a confused look, but he quickly understood. Gaster nodded.
"That does make sense. There wasn't a very good effect when I tried to heal (m/n) with magic. I figured any type of magic wouldn't be good for a human. Anyway, let us head back to the lab." Gaster explained. He started walking ahead of you all, allowing Apple to talk to you.
"Thank you for not telling him. I would rather not have him know yet." Apple stated.
"You're welcome Apple." You replied. You all followed Gaster back to the boat. Gaster and Apple got in. Sans helped you in the boat and got in as well. The ride to the lab was pretty quiet. You could tell that Apple wanted to say something, but was too afraid to say anything. You decided it was best not to ask.
Once back at the lab, Gaster got out of the boat and started walking. Sans gave his mother a quick hug before helping you out. You waved goodbye as Sans took you into the lab. You knew that this wasn't the last time you would see Apple Chancery; the mother of the monster you love.
(Hey guys! Thanks again for 1,000 views! I won't update again until I get at least a few more votes. Thank you for putting up with my bad writing for 30 chapters and 5 A/Ns, and 4 unofficial chapters!)
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