Chapter 27
"What the hell are you two doing with humans! Papyrus, Sans, step away from them NOW!" Undyne yelled. Sans stood in front of you, guarding you from Undyne. Frisk and Melody were behind Papyrus.
"No Undyne, these humans are not for the taking!" Sans yelled back. You fell onto your knees and started hyperventilating. Sans noticed and kneeled down beside you.
"(Y/n), are you ok?" Sans asked sweetly. You shook your head.
"W-why? H-how...I-I didn't feel her coming! T-this is all my fault! I-I could have protected us!" You whispered, your mind clouded with horrible thoughts.
"Babe, come on. None of this is your fault! Your feelings are just a bit out of tune. They will come back, I promise. Besides, you shouldn't make yourself everyone's protector. That is too much of a responsibility for someone with no magical abilities." Sans explained, trying to cheer you up.
Suddenly, your feelings told you that Sans was in danger. You quickly pushed him away, only to be struck in the stomach with a spear. Undyne was only a few feet away.
"(Y/N)!" Sans yelled. Your other friends held their hands to their mouths as they saw the spear lodged straight through you. You started coughing up blood. Undyne started walking towards you. Sans quickly teleported in front of you, his left eye glowing brightly.
"Sans, I already warned you. Step away from the human!" Undyne yelled. Sans didn't move. He only summoned some bones and a few Gaster Blasters. Their battle quickly began. As they fought, Melody rushed to your side.
"(Y/n)! No no no no! Please don't die!" Melody pleaded, tears streaming down her face. You looked up at her and smiled. You lifted up your hand and place it on her face. You used your thumb to wipe away some tears.
"I-I'm so sorry (y/n), but this is going to hurt." Melody stated. She stood up and grabbed a hold of the spear. She used all of her strength and pulled it out of you. You screamed in pain. Melody threw the spear away. You could see everything go blurry as blood pored out of you. Papyrus and Frisk ran to your side and wrapped a cloth around your wounds.
You looked over at the battle between Sans and Undyne. Sans was clearly winning. Even through your blurry vision, you could see Sans's face covered in tears. You went to call out to him, but to no avail. You were too weak to move or say anything. Your eyelids became very heavy. Soon, you could no longer keep your eyes open, and everything went black.
(Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't know how else to explain the battle. And I wanted to have a small cliff hanger at the end, and if I were to just continue, there would be no cliff hanger. Well, I better get to work on the next chapter, Bye bye for now!)
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