Chapter 24
The next few days were about the same. You would wake up in the morning to eat with Melody, Frisk and Toriel. You would sit in the living room all day reading a book. And then at night, you and Toriel would go to the door and talk to Sans.
On the fourth day, your feelings started up. It was dangerous for you and your friends to stay any longer. You told Toriel and she understood perfectly. You and the others got packed and headed toward the door. You all hugged Toriel and then left.
You walked far enough to see Sans asleep at his post. You giggled a bit at his laziness. You three walked up to the skeleton and started to poke him.
"Huh? Oh hey (y/n), Melody and Frisk!" Sans said sleepily. You all said hello back.
"SAAAANS! HAVE OUR HUMANS RETURNED YET?" you heard the familiar voice say.
"Pappy!" Melody yelled, running to Papyrus.
"MELODY! I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!" Papyrus replied hugging Melody.
"Heh, aren't they cute together?" Sans asked. You and Frisk agreed. Sans walked up to Frisk and hugged her.
"It's good to see you again kid." Sans said. Frisk hugged back.
"Its good to see you too Sans." Frisk replied.
"Alright, First off, is there anyone else other than you guys that remembers last timeline?" You asked. Sans shook his head.
"Nah, Pap and I are the only ones. Well, maybe Gaster as well but he didn't remember last time so who knows." Sans explained.
"Alright! Come on guys! Let's finish this!" Frisk said with excitement.
"Um, Frisk? Don't you think it's a bit too early to do anything yet? We need to stay here for now. The only time we should continue on, is when it is too dangerous for us to stay.
"Fine! But where are we all going to stay? The couch isn't big enough for three people." Frisk asks.
"Well, Melody could sleep with Papyrus. And...ah, never mind." Sans said. His face was bright blue. You raise an eyebrow.
"What were you gonna say?" You ask, a slight smirk on your lips.
"N-nothing...Let's just get home." Sans suggested. He quickly teleported away, leaving you, Frisk, Paps and Melody by yourselves. You giggled and started to walk, the others following close behind. You glanced back to see Papyrus and Melody holding hands. You let out a small "aww!" before turning back.
You soon arrive at the house of the skelebros. You all entered the cozy house. Papyrus, Melody and Frisk sat on the couch and turned the TV on to Mettaton. You looked up at Sans's room.
You pulled out your drawing and looked at it for a second. You took a deep breath and put it back in your pocket. You walked up the stairs to Sans's door. You knocked on the door.
"Sans? Can I come in?" You asked. A moment passed and the door opened. You walked inside and walked up to Sans.
"Need something kid?" Sans asked. You hesitated, but you knew you couldn't stop yourself for much longer. You grabbed the sides of Sans's skull and pulled it closer to you, pressing your lips on his teeth.
You could feel Sans tense up in shock. You broke the kiss and smiled at him. You turn away and start to walk out of the room. Your arm was grabbed and you were spun around. Sans kissed you. You were shocked for a second but soon kissed back.
You and Sans break the kiss, both of your faces were covered in blush. You could see a slight glow in Sans's left eye. You smile and walk out of his room. You sit down next to Melody with a huge grin on your face.
"What has gotten you so happy all of the sudden?" Melody asked, a smirk plastered on her face.
"Nothing!" You giggle. Melody turns back to the TV, knowing exactly what has happened.
The rest of the day was spent watching TV. Once night came, Melody and Papyrus went up to their room. You and Frisk laid down on the couch. Soon, you fall asleep.
(Hey guys! Once again, I am sorry that this story isn't too active. I was bored in study hall so I decided to actually work on this. Finally, after 23 chapters, romance has begun! I hope this chapter is a good apology for not posting in a while! Love you guys! Bye Bye for now!)
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