Chapter 18
"Hi mom!" Asriel said. Toriel ran up to her child and hugged him.
"How are you alive?" Toriel asked.
"Well, you know that flower that kept bugging every human? Well...that was me. I had no soul so I couldn't feel love." Asriel explained. He hugged his mother back.
"Oh my child, I am so sorry! I hurt you so many times!" Toriel said.
"Its ok Mom. I deserved it. I did some horrible things as a flower." Asriel said.
"T-Tori?" Asgore asked. Toriel glared at Asgore.
"Do not 'Tori' me Dreemurr!" Toriel said.
"oh come on tori, give the king another chance. We are free now anyway, so it's not like he will hurt anyone else. Besides, don't you think it would be hard taking care of three kids all on your own?" Sans asked from the door way. Toriel sighed and looked at Asgore.
"Fine. But I'm only doing this for the children!" Toriel explained. Asgore smiled and nodded.
"SAAAAANS!!!! WHERE ARE YOU! YOU WENT MISSING AND THEN THERE WAS A FLASH OF LIGHT!!!! YOUR SCARRING ME BROTHER!!!" you heard Papyrus yell from a distance. Melody giggled a bit.
"I better go get him before gets himself hurt trying to find me" Sans said. A puff of blue smoke surrounded him. When it disappeared, he was gone.
Soon the blue smoke appeared again. When it faded, Sans was there, along with Papyrus and Gaster.
"Ah, Dr. Gaster! Long time no see old pal!" Asgore said, walking up to the skeleton.
"Good evening your majesty. It has been a while, hasn't it. You are just as cheery as always. I hope you haven't given the girls too much trouble now. My sons are dating them!" Gaster said laughing.
"Dad! (Y/n) and I aren't even together!" Sans protested.
"But you do like her!" Gaster teased. Sans turned his head away.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean we are dating." Sans mumbled. Gaster grinned.
"So you finay admit it! Ha! I told you son!" Gaster yelled. Asgore laughed
"Fear not Wing Dings! They are my daughters now, I won't hurt them!" Asgore explained.
"(Y/n) here actually used to be the daughter of my old human text subject!" Gaster said proudly.
Gaster and Asgore continued talking. Melody and Papyrus started talking as well. Toriel and Asriel soon joined Gaster and Asgore. You walked over to Sans.
"You really are something (y/n). Last time, none of this even happened. We were all still stuck here. I'm proud of you kid!" Sans said, placing a boney hand on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry that I don't remember our old memories together." You said.
"Its fine (y/n)! All that matters is that we are here now, making new memories. And thankfully, no more resets." Sans explained. You looked over and saw Alphys, and Undyne walk in. They went to the king and talked with them.
"Sans, pick me up like you did when Undyne attacked me!" you said. Sans chuckled.
"Why?" The skeleton asked.
"Shut up skelebutt and just do it!" you said laughing. Sans laughed a bit and did as you asked.
"Alright everyone! Listen up! The barrier is broken! You are all free now! So why are we standinaround chatting? It is time to go out and explore! It is time for humans and monsters lived together in peace!" you yelled. The others cheered. Sans dropped you and you fell I to his arms. He started carrying you out onto the surface.
"I can walk you know!" you said. Sans shrugged and chuckled. You jumped out of his arms and walked outside.
A cool breeze and the warmth of the Sun hit your face. You sighed, looking at the beautiful sunset. Sans stood to your right while Melody was on your left. Papyrus was beside Melody, holding her hand. Undyne and Alphys stood beside Paps. Gaster stood beside Sans. The goat family stood beside Gaster. You all stood there, watching the Sun go down.
"Its more beautiful than I imagined! Heh, not as beautiful as you though." Sans said, looking down at you. You could tell by the look on his face, that Sans really did love you. You smiled and rolled your eyes.
"It has been so long since I have seen the Sun. It looks as though it is setting. I say, we should all head to bed. In the morning, we can come explore. Say, Melody, (y/n)? Would you two like to be the ambassadors? I am sure humans and monsters will get along better it you two help is" Asgore asked.
"Sure!" you and Melody said together. Asgore smiled and heading back into the Underground. Everyone followed.
"Well, time to go home! .you are conning with me!" Sans said, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. Before you could say your goodnight to everyone, Sans teleported you both back to his house and in his room.
"Mine!" Sans said, sitting down on his bed and pulled you onto his lap.
"Sans, what are you doing?" you asked. You giggled.
"Until you call in love with someone, I can do whatever I want! Well...not the bone zone cuz that is something only for relationships." Sans explained.
"So your saying that if I call in love with anyone, you will stop being all lovey dovy to me?" you asked. Sans just nodded.
"But what if I call in love with you? Does that mean you would stop acting like this?" you asked. A small smirk on your face. Sans's face lit up bright blue.
"Heh, the lovey doviness would get worse if you were to love me" Sans explained. You could tell that he was imagining you two together. You laughed and poked his cheek.
"Ok, time for bed you bone head!" you said. Sans laid down, pulling you with him. He pulled you closer, cuddling you.
"Sans! Let me go, I'm gonna sleep on the couch with Melody again!" you protested. Sans started snoring. He was already asleep. You sighed and closed your eyes, falling asleep as well.
Hello my beautiful reader-chans! Two chapters in one day yaaay!!!! So I was gonna call this chapter 'Freedom' but I didn't put much time with you up on the surface. Sorry :/ Anyway, so for now, it's just gonna be chapter 18 (would be 19 but I did have an a/n So ya). If you guys have any ideas for this chapter's name, just comment and I'll pick the one that fits the best. Also thank you all so much for over 200 views :3 I love you all so much! Well, bye bye for now!
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