"H-how did...?" Flowey asked, his small eyes went wide. You smiled and put Frisk's soul down next to the flower. He looked at the soul and back at you. He was obviously confused. You sighed.
"She can't live normally anymore. Absorb her soul Asriel. It will benefit everyone." you explained. Flowey looked back at the soul. He sighed and took the soul. A bright flash a flight shown. When the light disappeared, a goat child stood in the flower's place.
"It is good to finally meet you Asriel." you said. Asriel looked at his paws. His eyes filled with tears. He ran to you and hugged you. You hugged him back. Finally, the fight ended. The blackness fadded back into color.
You and Asriel let good each other. Your eyes went wide as you remembered something. You turned around and ran towards Melody and Sans.
"D-did he..." you asked. Tears starting to form in your eyes. Melody sighed and shook her head.
"He is fine. I had some extra food in my backpack. It wasn't much but it healed him enough. Right now, he is asleep." Melody said, looking down at Sans. You sighed in relief.
Asriel walked up to your side. His face was full of regret.
"I'm so sorry... I did some horrible things as a flower. Will you ever forgive me?" Asriel asked. You gave a patient smile and nodded. The kid's eyes filled with tears.
Asriel looked off toward the end of the hall. He seemed to be full of determination.
" human souls... and the barrier can be broken. I have all seven! I can finally free everyone!" Asriel said.
"Wait! Melody, did you make any of that butterscotch cinnamon pie?" you asked your friend. Melody thought for a moment and grabbed her backpack. She searched through it and pulled out a container of pies.
Asriel looked at the pies with wide eyes. "How do you know that recipe? Only my mom knows that!" Asriel explained.
"Toriel have is the recipe. She took care of is for a while until we had to continue our journey." Melody explained.
"Come on Melody, it is time to meet the king." you said. You stood up and picked up Sans bridal style. Thanks to him being a skeleton, he was easy to carry. You satred walking towards the end of the judgement hall.
"I can help! He is my dad!" Asriel suggested. Him and Melody walked beside you.
"Melody and I need to face him ourselves. Only come in when it looks like we can't win." You explained. Asriel nodded.
You three continued walking until you got to the door of the throne room. You laid Sans down.
"Frisk just told me that you will be fighting at the barrier. It is a few rooms away. You two go ahead. When you leave the throne room, I'll grab the skeleton and follow." Asriel suggested. You thanked him and walked into the throne room. Melody followed.
On the throne, the king sat. He was a goat like both Asriel and Toriel. His eyes went wide when he noticed you two. He seemed to be full of regret. He sighed and stood up.
"Hello humans. I am terribly sorry, but you know what I must do. When you are ready, come to the next room." Asgore said. He walked into the next room. You and Melody followed. You heard the faint clatter of bones. You smiled knowing the sleeping skeleton was in good hands.
You and Melody followed Asgore into a white room. You looked around, thinking that this must be the barrier.
"This is it humans. If you have any unfinished business, please, attend to that now." Asgore suggested.
"Welp...I better go kids Paps goodbye before I die!" Melody said, turning around and started walking out of the room. You grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her back.
"We aren't going to die Mel. King Asgore, please stop this! You don't need any souls!" you pleaded.
"I am terribly sorry, but I only have six souls. I need one more to break the barrier. We would have been free but..." Asgore said before you cut him off.
"The soul got stolen. Yes, we know. Just listen, you don't need to do this! We can free you without any deaths!" you explained.
"Humans, you don't understand. I do not wish to kill you but I have to. Humanity must suffer for causing us so much sadness." Asgore said.
"Humanity sucks, I know. But monsters and humans can learn to live together. Besides, a flower already took the six souls. And I have him the stolen soul as well." you said.
"Hi dad!" Asriel said, walking in and standing beside you.
"A-Asriel? B-but..." Asgore said. Tears filled his eyes. He ran to his son and hugged him.
"Asriel was the flower. I don't really understand why but he is here now." you explained.
"You have all of the souls?" Asgore asked. Asriel nodded.
"Finally, it is time to free is monsters. Thank you humans. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Asriel explained.
"We have names you know. I'm (y/n) and this is Melody." you said. Asriel nodded and walked closer to the barrier. You smiled and walked out of the room and over to Sans, who was still asleep.
A flash of light shown. You covered your eyes because of the brightness. It then fadded. You guessed it was the barrier being broken. You heard a groan and looked down at Sans. He was waking up. He looked up at you.
"heh, i must have died and gone to heaven cuz i see an Angel hovering over me." Sans said. Your eyes filled with years and you hugged him.
"You bone head! Don't scare me like that! I really thought you died!" you yelled. He hugged you back, petting your head.
"Awe come on kid, I'm fine! What happened anyway?" Sans asked.
"Flowey hit you with a friendliness pellet. It went stright through your skull." you explained. You looked at his forehead. There was a whiter patch of bone where the pellet exited his skull. You reached your hand up and rubbed the spot.
Sans grabbed your hand and pulled it away from his skull. Just then...Toriel walked in.
"My child! There you are. I was starting to get worried. Papyrus came to the door and told me that you and Melody left. Are you ok?" Toriel asked.
"Melody and I are fine. Sans almost died because of a murderous flower that got a hold of the souls but he is fine now." you explained.
"(Y/n)! Are you coming or not! Oh, hi Mom!" Melody said when she noticed Toriel.
"Hello my child!" Toriel said. You stood up and helped Sans stand.
"Mom, we have a surprise for you!" you said. You grabbed her hand and brought her into the next room. There, Asgore and Asriel were talking.
"Asriel?" Toriel asked.
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