Chapter 6
You decided to spend some time with Sans, it was evening, besides he wanted to eat at Grillby's with you. "so what made you want to climb the, y'know, mountain?" "Well I like to be adventurous, and well I am pretty much clumsy and fell in the whole and poof! Here I am haha!" You both chuckled, then you see a bar that says Grillby's with a flame. You two walked in, you see a dog vs'ing himself in a game of poker, who seems to be losing. A bunny that seems dizzy like he could throw up. A weird looking monster talking to another monster talking about he is fishing for girls. Heh, and you see the bartender, literally a flame with glasses.
"here this is where i always sat." He sits on a pedestal and you sat next to him, Grillby handed both of you a menu and goes back to cleaning a cup. You decided to order a burger along with some fries, and Sans ordered..a pack of ketchup..not even for the fries, just for himself, you thought that it was silly and rolled your eyes. "so hey um, well you must already know that i love puns, i'm pretty punny." "Yeah I kind of already noticed and yeah, you sure tickle my funny bone!" You nudged him with your elbow and winked and chuckled. He just stares smiling, blushing a light blue. Wow reader, you sure can make a punny skeleton blush woohoo!
Grillby comes back from the kitchen setting down a plate with your burger and fries, then gives Sans a couple of packets of ketchup, "hey Sans, do you regularly order ketchup or..?" "well you see, i'm not that hungry right now, and yes i sometimes order ketchup." He then opens one packet of ketchup and eats the see a red stain on his shirt, weird. You then took a bite of your burger, wow..this is actually pretty good!!! You tried the fries, mm you can't remember a time when you tried fries like these above. "grillby has pretty good food here," "I agree, this is so awesome!!!"
You finished your burger and fries, Sans ate most of his ketchup, and by this point his shirt is really red, does he not notice this? Eh forget it, you're sure he'll notice sooner or later. "hey i kind of want to show you this village, the peo- well not people, but dog-cat things live there, they are pretty cute." "Oh yeah sure! But what about your brother and Frisk?" "frisk visits there sometimes, papyrus usually visits mettaton or undyne." "Alright I guess that we will go to this village then." "trust me on this one, you'll enjoy, not alot to see to be honest, but its for the humor." You paid and gave a tip, Sans wanted to pay but you refused. Heh it was lucky for you that they take money from above.
~Time Skip~
The two of you then come across a path, where there were these flowers, they were blue and actually beautiful, it seems as if they are mumbling secrets. "these flowers repeat everything that someone speaks if close enough." "These flowers repeat everything that someone speaks if close enough." Whoa that flower just repeated what Sans said, that was legitness. "Thats cool!" "Thats cool." A flower repeats what you said as you smiled, you two then trudge on and then you found a path of mushrooms and lanterns, "now it is tricky to get to this particular village, just follow me." You followed Sans, he then stops and faces a direction, it was too dark so you couldn't really see but you then see him walk on the path.
Amazed reader? Probably not because you watched a gameplay or played the game. Suddenly a music, pretty happy actually and funny, was playing around the village and OH MY GOSH! You walked up to one of the dog cat things, "hoi! I'm Temmie! And this is my friend Temmie!" "hoi! I am Temmie! And this is my friend Temmie!" "hoi! I'm Temmie and this is my friend!" You chuckled assuming this last one is also Temmie. "Hi. I'm Bob." You laughed, man these guys are straight up adorable! Sans could tell you are already enjoying yourself, you then walked up to another one, "omg hooman is cute! But hooman is allergic to Temmie. AND TEMMIE IS ALLERGIC TO HOOMAN!" Suddenly red polka dots appear on the Temmie's face, its chin seems to be swollen.
"Oh my gosh Temmie are you ok?!" "h-hoi!!!" You just shrugged it off, then you see a mushroom, it seems to be dancing, it looks pretty happy, suddenly it lifts its head more, showing a creepy face. He seems to be mumbling depressing things..behind the dancing mushroom was a cracked wall, it seems as if you are being watched. Then a Temmie peeks with the same goofy cute expression like the rest of the Temmie's and Bob. "oh and this is the temmie shop. you can go in." You smiled and then you noticed a Temmie statue next to it. You walked in and a Temmie but with a different shirt, it was yellow and blue and it was striped.
"Hoi! Welcome to the Temmie shop! Yes buy buy!" You chuckled and looked at what this little guy had. Temmie flakes. Temmie flakes. Temmie flakes. "Hey um I seem to have enough for getting you to college Temmie!" You handed the money and Temmie's eyes widen. "TEMMIE GUN GO TO COL LEG!" Col..leg? Temmie then moves from its station but it's face just stays there, Sans was laughing and you were just creeped, but it was funny, Temmie then came back with a graduation hat, "TEMMIE SELL NEW ITEM!" It was..armor..Temmie armor exact..
Hi the author here! You made it this far into my book huehue and I'm so happy! Hope you loved this Temmie chapter huehue.
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