Chapter 3
You then noticed Frisk hiding behind Papyrus' long legs you just waved and Frisk blushed a light red as you laughed. Wow this kid is adorable, "hi Frisk!" You flashed a smile and he gets out of his hiding. He then rushes to you and hugs you as you pet his head, Frisk is almost your height. Realizing this, Frisk might also be Sans' height you laughed at this stupid assumption, "hey so Papyrus, there is nothing wrong with Frisk, right?" "WHY YES SANS, THE HUMAN IS AWESOME, OH AND THE OTHER HUMAN, YOU MUST COME VISIT SNOWDIN!"
Snowdin? Heh kind of a convenience since this place is snowy, nice another human, well a child, and 2 skeleton brothers, "yeah, snowdin is a nice play to chill out." Sans winks as Papyrus does an ungodly scream, "OH MY GOSH SANS!" Papyrus then ends up smiling, "aw come on bro, look you're smiling." "YES AND I HATE IT!" These guys are hella funny and cute, you then wonder if these 3 know Toriel but you will ask about her later. "COME ON HUMAN, AND DON'T MIND MY BROTHER'S PUNS, HE IS PUNNY!" He then marches on as you snickered following him, having Sans and Frisk follow behind.
As you walked on, you then noticed some puzzle-like attractions around as you guys walked, you just shrugged then Papyrus asks you, "HUMAN, DO YOU LIKE PUZZLES, THE OTHER HUMAN LOVES PUZZLES, AND THATS HOW WE BECAME FRIENDS!" Frisk nods and makes a smile, Sans then leans over you whispering in your ear, "psst my bro is a puzzle fanatic, pretty cool y'know, so i think you know the answer." So since Papyrus made friends with Frisk by puzzles you might as well say 'yes,' besides you kind of do like puzzles. "Haha, I don't like puzzles.." Papyrus looks at you shocked and Sans smile turned into a frown, "I LOVE THEM!" You yelled as you hugged Papyrus, Papyrus gasps as he hugs you back, "SANS I MADE FRIENDS WITH THE OTHER HUMAN!" "hah you did bro."
What reader? Thought you were gonna have a bad time? Hehe, anyway, you guys walked in a snowy village, a sign says "Welcome To Snowdin!" With Christmas colors, well this place seems pretty cute, you see cute animals and a tree with presents under it, you see a bunny and a bear and..a yellow dino thing? Damn all these people er..animals are adorable! You then noticed as the yellow dino thing runs up to you guys, well he passes you guys, and bumps into Frisk accidentally. Frisk gasps and hugs the yellow dino, "hi Frisk! Oh hi Papyrus and Sans and..hI OTHER HUMAN!"
Making a great impression you smiled, "hi! What's your name?" "That..oh I really don't know.." (A/N: I DON'T KNOW THE YELLOW DINO'S NAME, IF THERE IS A NAME FOR HIM PLEASE TELL ME IN COMMENTS!) "oh it's kk, I don't know mine either." "Oh man! My parents might get worried, bye Frisk, Papyrus, and Sans! Bye human! Hope we can be best friends, like me and Frisk!" He then rushes off then tripping falling on his face, as he gets up shaking and rushes again.
"hey, are you guys hungry?" Your stomach rumbled as he said hungry, "ahaha yeah actually," "SANS BUT WE HAVE SPAGHETTI AT HOME!" "oh yeah, i guess we can skip grillby's.." Sans and Frisk then shared the same expression, whats wrong with Spaghetti..? "YAY LETS GO!" You guys then follow Papyrus, leading to a two story home that is decorated with Christmas lights, "THIS IS OUR HOME HUMAN! SOMETIMES UNDYNE, MY OTHER FRIEND, VISITS!" He then opens the door as a whiff of spaghetti slaps your nose.
This makes you sneeze as the sudden smell stings your nose, wow, this place smells like Italy..the T.V is playing..nothing, its just static, "OH THAT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW, EXCEPT MY FAVORITE PART IS NOT PLAYING! BUT COME ON LETS EAT!" Frisk gulps as Sans keeps a nervous look with his smile, alright this makes you question, does Papyrus make spaghetti? "MY SPAGHETTI IS ALREADY COOKED! HERE HUMAN!" He sets down 4 plates on the dining table that has spaghetti on it.
"Haha thanks for offering Papyrus!" You sat down as Sans and Frisk and Papyrus watches you, Papyrus smiling. You then take a fork that was set next to your plate as you then take a bite of the..SPAGHETTI? I mean the appearance looks nice and it kind of does taste like spaghetti, but it feels as if some parts were burnt, you then feel probably small pieces of uncooked meat in the spaghetti. Your face scrunches up as you take it like a man! You then finished the one bite and took more and more bites as you end up finishing the spaghetti.
"WOW THE HUMAN MUST REALLY LIKE MY COOKING!" "Hah yeah, you know..Papyrus, how about I cook with you! To improve your spaghetti EVEN MORE! Yours is already perfect but I think cooking with someone else will be better, like..friends!" "WOW OK HUMAN! MAYBE SOME OTHER DAY!" He seems very happy and Sans and Frisk looks at you shocked. Well you now know why they probably don't like Papyrus' spaghetti as much. Sans, again leans over you whispering "thanks my bro's spaghetti may be bad but..making him happy makes me happy."
"HEY WHAT ARE YOU AND THE HUMAN TALKING ABOUT!" "nothing bro, hey maybe we can call in toriel, undyne, dr. alphys, and asgore when its christmas time, for a huge dinner." "YEAH HAVING UNDYNE WITH HER COOKING AND ME, TORIEL WITH HER PIES, ALPHYS WITH HER AWESOME CREATIONS, AND ASGORE..HE'S THERE!"
HI EVERYONE! The author here and wow I didn't expect anyone to read this trash! And sorry for not updating, I may upload some chapters on school days but I'm for sure to update on the weekend, and if you may be wondering why I didn't update for like a WHOLE WEEK, its because I was in San Francisco, aish bad timing I know but yay another chapter! To make it up to you guys, I will force myself to update chapters every day next week!
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