Chapter 1
You awoken in a strange place on a pile of golden flowers. You rubbed your head as you groaned, you have the slightest memory of what have happened except for falling into a void. You then stood up and stretched. This was such a stupid idea!! "Ah fuck," you cursed to yourself, then a flower poked out of the ground. It stood a little taller than the rest that you just have laid down on and appeared to be smiling, a friendly smiling for the matter. "Howdy!" It spoke as you jumped a little, " can talk?!" The flower just nod closing its eyes, "hey do you want some love?!" Huh? That was sudden.
"What do you mean by..'love' flower..?" "Oh and by the way, the name is Flowey, and yours..?" Then again you haven't the slightest know your own name, so outrageous, "um I guess you don't remember hehe I saw you fell, I am the one that helped you stay safe, so I grew all these golden flowers here!" "R-really haha thanks, but please answer me, what is love exactly?" Flowey stood for a second, "L O V E stands for LOVE of course! If you get enough LOVE, the more people will like you and the more exp and your LOVE of course increases!" Wow, that must be awesome! However you are not sure whether to trust this flower that you just met. Kind of suspicious but hell how should you know, you're the reader. "U-um ok I think its not all bad," you said giving a reassuring smile.
Wh-wha?! You then find yourself in a dark mysterious place, like you are being captive in a box. You felt your soul as it pumps, or was it your heart? You see Flowey, he seems to tower you, giving his goofy smile, "you must be really confused." For sure you were and you didn't like it the slightest. "Where am I?!" "You see, I can't give you LOVE if you are not in this comba- I thing!" All of a sudden you see white bullets that have appeared from no where as they start to bounce about doing 360's. "These are my friendly, white bullets, absorbing these will increase your LOVE!" Flowey seems to be enjoying himself, instead of a goofy smile he gives a creepy smile. You were startled not noticing all the bullets pointing at you as they then FIRE at you. Welp this is probably the end huh?
"IN THIS WORLD, ITS EITHER KILL, OR BE KILLED!!!" Flowey gives an evil smile, showing his fangs but suddenly, flames knocked the bullets away. Both of you looked confused, then a goat, fluffy monster then rushes over as she stops. Flames burst from her hands as if doing so she screeched "FUS-ROH-DAH!!!" As she then clapped her hands and opened them, the two flames then split to a million flames as they fired at Flowey. "EYYYAAA!!!" Flowey yelled as he then sucked himself into the ground?! You just stood there sweating as you then left the box.
"Poor child.." Child? You were short and all but you ain't gonna be some child, nu-uh Z-SNAP, shit 'bout to get real! Now goat lady fucked up, she fucked up, she fucked up, NOW SHE HAD FUCKED UP.
"I'm 21."
Yep, you were chill though, looking cool, putting your hands on your hips. The goat lady laughed as she put out her hand, "the name is Toriel, but please take my hand." You don't know whether, again, to trust goat lady but she did save your ass so you smiled at her as you took her hand, she then took your hand gently, hehe fluffy, you can't help but feel safe. She then leads you to a door going to a mysterious place, it seemed like battle ground but she easily lead you to some traps as she then stepped on a spike trap, you were regretful but the spikes then went under ground. You were determined, as you put your trust in Toriel. "Heh well you must be safe enough, but please tell me, how did you even..well..come here, was it just faith? Or.." "Actually I really don't know..but I'm very thankful that you saved me from a flower haha.."
You two seemed to be actually getting close, just making small chat y'know? "But I must teach you something, as you know, my name, Toriel, should..pff," she snorted, "well I am gonna give you a tu-TORIEL!" You can't help but laugh, Toriel is such a punny goat. Lmao see what I did there reader? K. Sorry. "See this dummy?" You then stared to your right and see a dummy, pretty cute actually with button eyes. "Talk to it, and no fighting," she said in a strict tone, you still don't know why she is tutoring you for doing this, but she seemed serious. "Hi dummy! You're pretty cute but don't be, DUMMy-founded by my looks, I bite, haha just kidding, we cool?" Toriel laughed "perfect my chi-err (now just clarifying, if any boys or girls are reading this I will make this a non-gender character, which is you, hope you understand) my child, can I just call you that?" Well you guess you have no choice.
"Sure goat mom."
She laughed as she then lead you to a home, pretty cozy actually, and you smell..pie?! However this pie smelled quite off, kinda sluggish..well you don't know. "Anyway make yourself at home, I will get you something to eat!" She hummed a tune as she headed to a kitchen, it was pretty awesome to have a goat mom, and just fun-filled with puns! You then noticed there was a downstairs, being curious you then went downstairs. You felt uneasy going through the empty hall, you then took a turn as you see a door, a huge door. "What are you doing..?" You turned around seeing Toriel holding a plate with a piece of pie as she handed it to you, she frowned. She looked away from your direction, you were confused and unsure what to say. She smiled and sighed "well you are old enough, this here my child, is a door, which leads outside of here where we stand now, and this where I seem to lose my other children..but since you are old enough, I think you can handle this yourself, but, if you want to stay, you may.."
This was all too much for you to handle and you still haven't the slightest understand what she just told you. But then again, you do want to go out what will you choose, reader..? "Yes I do want to go, but hey I got a cell phone here! Do you have a phone?" She seemed surprise but smiled, she told you her phone number as you two smiled brightly to each other as you two sat there and shared the piece of pie. Huh. Seems slimy to your touch. But overall it was pretty damn good. "My specialty, snail pie." Your eyes widened as your face scrunched up as you pucker your lips, chewing slowly as Toriel laughed.
Lé time skip, cause I can't type that much u.u
You both finished the pie as Toriel took the empty plate. You guys said your farewells and giving the motherly goat mother a hug. Daw. Snuggles for everyone in the house! She opened the door for you as you left, waving at her smiling, you are determined to get out of the underground.
Heyo this is the author here! Now I just want to say, I'm actually very excited about this book and I hope you, the readers are too! Thank you so much for taking the time in reading this long ass chapter but, really, this is just the intro, and don't worry we will get to the skeleton bros later. If you have not play Undertale or watch a gameplay of it, you should probably check because there WILL BE SPOILERS so keep that in note, or unless you are gonna you know keep reading.. Stay Determined.
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