Another chappie for you guys!! Time to tell you guys the cliffhanger!! (I actually don't know since I come up with the ideas off the top of my head! Also, I am thinking of doing a Q&A for 100 views!! Comment in any of chappies and I will make another update of Wednesday, only if I have 5 questions of more!!
I was then pulled into the alley. They covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I then saw who it was. It was the same guy that kissed me. I got so mad when I saw him, that for some reason, my eye started to glow. I then saw a dragon-like figure appear, then blasted the guy. I turned around to find nobody. Wait, who did that? I didn't sense anybody here. I then realized that there was one more option. It was me. Turns out I also have magic like all monsters. I called Sans.
"Sup, kiddo. What happened?"
"I just used magic."
What?! What type?!"
"I don't know!! That's the problem! It looked like a dragon, and then it blasted the guy."
"What?! What guy? And what are you talking about?"
"I don't know. I'm coming home and tell you about it there." Then I hung up.
I then was too tired, and just wished that I could teleport like Sans. Then another miracle happened. I had teleported inside the house. Sans was looking at me, shocked. I also looked shocked. He then got up and asked me.
" Did you just teleport?"
" Pretty sure I just did."
Welp, that's great."
I then got scared since I heard thunder. Then the dragon-like figure appeared again. Sans, once again, looked shocked. He then pointed to it and told it to go away, but it didn't. I then said to turn smaller to see if it is mine, and it did. Sans then had a dragon-like figure behind him too. They look adorable!! I thought. Sans then told me to tell him the whole story. He looked at me, then looked down and said. " God damn it, Gaster." I was confused, since I had heard that name. I then remembered him from my old hospital when I was young, like 5 years old. I then told Sans.
"Isn't that W.D Gaster? From the Oakland hospital? Me and his son were friends." He then looked at me, his eye sockets wide open. He then whispered. " Francis? Is that you?" I then widened my eyes, for that was my real name. OMG!! This Sans, is the one from my childhood! I then remembered when we used to play family. I blushed, and he got confused. I then giggled. He said. "Why are you giggling?"" Remember me, your wife, and our baby, Frans?" He then blushed, and I burst out laughing. He then fell since Undyne was there and pushed him. We then ended up on the floor. He was on top of me. Undyne got out her phone, and I heard a snap! I then groaned as I realize she took a photo. I got up and tackled Undyne. We were both having a friendly fight, until we both were being bandaged up.
" Hey, punk. You have gotten a lot stronger. I was also wondering if you would like to come shopping with me, Alphys, Mettatton and Chara." I then said yes. She took me and I said goodbye to Sans. This was gonna be a long day. We then went inside Undyne's car to find all of them waiting for us." Darling!! Both of you look horrible like you got in a fight!"
"We did." Me and Undyne said in unison. We then started to drive to the salon to fix our hair. I decided to cut my hair like when I had first met Sans. Short hair, with a little bit of curls. We also got our makeup done. We also went clothes shopping. We chose dresses to surprise our dates. Oh, I forgot to tell you! We are going on a triple date. That is why we were all dressed up. We wore our dresses on the way to the house.
I then decided to surprise them by teleporting us over there. Then, I felt somebody grab my hand. I groaned. "Please let go of me."
"How about you come with me, sweetheart?"
I then sighed and said. " You asked for it." I then get a gaster blaster, what Sans called it, and blasted him. I then saw more boys surround me. Then I saw them push Alphys and Mettatton. Undyne couldn't get to her, so they kept pushing her. I got so mad, my eye glowed again and I saw red bones come out of the ground and attack the men. Not all of them were down, so I gaster blastered the rest. I sighed and grabbed all the girls hand and teleported. They were all still staring at me in shock. Then they all started to grin.
" Did you do it with Sans, Frisk?"
"No. Its my own power."
They all were shocked again and they then we're screaming. "Omg!! Frisk is the most powerful women here now!" We then went inside. I told Sans to turn on the T.V since we cancelled the date due to us being late. We all had our eyes opened since the news was on. It was me, with the gaster blaster and bones, 'a princess looking human girl fights 15 men all by herself with magic!' was the title. Everybody was surprised. Then we all went home or to sleep.
~next day~
When I went outside, many reporters were outside my door. I sighed. Then I teleported to the park. This is going to be handy I thought. Somebody sits next to me and I don't need to know who it is since I had a gaster blaster behind me to warn me about bad guys. But the gaster seemed to rub himself against the man.
"Sans, what are you doing here?"
"I'm not Sans!!"
"I was shocked to hear a female voice. Then I realized it was Chara." Hi Chara! Since when did you teleport?" I joked around.
"Since yesterday." She said seriously. I then realized she was serious. We then heard a scream.
Cliffhanger after cliffhanger!! NYAHAHAHAHA!*Falls down to ground and dies*
Chara: what the heck author! Oh well, so thanks for supporting this book! I have two ideas for a title! Choose one and the first to reach 5 votes will win as the title! The titles are:
My other half
Dancing till the end
These are the titles! Hope you choose one!
Peace out
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