2.6 | Exposed
Capítulo VI- Expuestos
After convincing Mr. Davenport, Patience was allowed to practice Martial Arts at certain times. Quite frankly, Mr. Davenport was surprised at how much she knew but was impressed. Patience wasn't lying when she told him not to underestimate her because of her behavior or size.
Adam, Bree, Chase, and Patience warmed up with their pairs in their training uniforms. Bree and Patience warmed up together practicing a few blocks or used a dummy. While Adam and Chase were across the lab doing the same thing.
Mr. Davenport clapped his hands twice, "All right, guys, gather up. Today, we are going to be studying one of the most time-honored traditions in Japanese culture."
Bree rested her hands on her hips, "Ooh! Nunchuck combat?"
Chase nodded, "Samurai sword fighting?"
Adam gasped, "Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?"
The group glanced up at him sending him odd looks. Mr. Davenport shrugged it off, "We will be studying the great martial art of aikido, the key principle of which is to deflect your aggressor's attack by using his own speed and strength against him."
"Can we just get to the part where I obliterate them?" Bree pointed at Adam and Chase.
Mr. Davenport's phone rang, he answered it and placed his hand over the phone. He excused himself facing the group of four, "I have to take this. Uh, it's about money. Which is not more important than you, but is a very close second."
Chase stepped forward putting space between himself and Adam, "Hey, Adam, attack me."
"Okay. Your hair is stupid, you're short, your face is weird, you're weird."
"I think he meant to physically attack him," Patience pursed her lips.
"Okay, good, because that was going to be a really long list," Adam said, getting into position.
Bree interjected, "Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure about this? Adam is ten times stronger than you."
"Doesn't matter. With Aikido, a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one," Chase pointed out.
Bree pulled Patience back, "We might wanna stay back for this one." Patience furrowed her eyebrows at her, but still did what she was told.
Adam smugly grinned, "Ah, but what if the weaker opponent fits neatly into an overhead storage bin? I'm talking about you."
"Just hit me." Adam yelled charging at Chase. Using Adam's momentum, Chase flipped Adam over, he groaned hitting the hard floor. Chase faced Bree and Patience, "And that's all you need to know about Aikido."
"Oh, I get it," Bree grasped Chase's arm and flipped him over as well.
"Bree, that's not Aikido!" murmured Chase.
"Oh, really? My bad." Bree and Adam did their handshake and bowed down at Chase before leaving the lab.
Patience softly laughed and helped Chase up. "Thank you,"
"You're welcome. And who knew one of my first lessons with you guys, our 'Sensei' would ditch us."
"Yeah. It happens a bit more often than you think," Chase answered.
"I'm not surprised."
Leo strolled into the lab, "Chase, I need your help. The annual mission creek robot throwdown is coming up."
"Wait, that's almost here?" Patience smiled, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Leo placed a hand on her shoulder, "No offense, Patience, but robotics isn't your strong suit."
Patience shrugged, "I know that but I can be good assistance and I think I have been."
"And I thank you for that, but this year I need Chase's help."
"Leo, for the last time. I'm not a robot. I'm a man," Chase set his hands on his hips, "One day, I'll be a man."
"I'm not talking about you. It's a competition where remote control robots fight to the death. Here, take a look," Leo clicked play on his laptop. It was a montage of the robots in combat with 'intense' music in the background.
"Leo, that's cool and all, but I've got way better things to do than-"
"The grand prize is 500 dollars."
Chase smiled, "And I'm in." Their attention was brought to the monitor, Kevin Stone cheered, 'yeah' causing Leo to roll his eyes. "Who's that guy?" Chase questioned.
Leo fumed, "Kevin Stone. That smug jerk wins every year. He thinks he's so much better than me."
"Sounds like he is better than you."
"That's not the point!" Leo seethed.
Patience placed a finger over her mouth and brought her pointer finger and thumb closely together mouthing, "Just a little bit." Chase glanced behind Leo and smiled at the gesture.
"So, I was thinking," Leo clasped his hands together.
"That if the two of us teamed up and built a robot together we could take Kevin down," Chase finished. "That's a great idea. We'll make a perfect team. I'm an amazing engineer, a brilliant designer, and the most intelligent person on the planet," he poked Leo's chest. "And you... are the guy who picked me."
Leo's smile vanished because of Chase's last sentence. Patience piped, "I wish you both luck on this throwdown. I'll come and cheer you guys on. Now, if you excuse me I got to change out of this because something tells me Mr. Davenport will take a little too long."
For the past couple of days, Bree and Patience have hung out with Caitlin. Patience had seen Caitlin around the school but hadn't had an actual interaction with her. She and Caitlin were acquaintances thanks to Bree.
Caitlin, Bree, and Patience were sat on the couch. Caitlin was sitting daintily on the couch, taking in her surroundings, Patience sat on the corner holding a pillow on her lap. Bree groaned sitting up straight, "Caitlin, this is so boring. Wouldn't you rather go to a movie?"
Caitlin shook her head, "No."
"Yogurt shop?"
Patience suggested, "Ice cream parlor?"
Bree sarcastically added, "Buy matching pink cars and race across the country?"
"Okay, Caitlin, what is going on with you? All you ever want to do is hang out in my living room."
Caitlin dropped her shoulders, "I guess I should tell you." She stared at Patience waiting for her to leave.
Patience glanced up from the ground. "Oh, you want me to leave."
"Yes. It's a secret," Caitlin nodded.
Bree grabbed Patience's arm and pulled her back on the couch. "It's okay, Caitlin. We could trust her."
Caitlin sighed, "Fine. The reason I always want to hang at your house is because I kind of have a crush on Adam," she dreamily smiled glancing between Bree and Patience.
Patience took Caitlin's hands smiling, "This is exciting. How and when?"
Bree furrowed her eyebrows leaning forward, "Adam who? Wait, wait, my brother Adam? Ew, Caitlin, no."
"Why not? Compared to my last two boyfriends, he's an upgrade. For starters, he's real," Caitlin admitted.
"Okay, first off, Adam's not here. And second, the whole thing is weirding me out," Bree grimaced. "Let's just go to the mall."
Caitlin shot up from her seat, "Will Adam be there?" Bree glared at her. "I'm joking. Sort of. I'm not."
Bree let out an inaudible scoff. "Just wait right here, I'm gonna get my new jacket. Back in a sec."
Bree super sped out of the living room, a breeze caused Caitlin and Bree's hair to hit their face. Patience's eyes widened and she quickly stood up, "Uh-"
Adam slammed the door behind him entering his home, "Hey, Patience. Oh, Caitlin. You're here again."
Patience scrambled to Adam's side and nervously whispered, "Adam, we got a big problem."
Bree super sped into the great room with her new royal blue blazer. "Uh, Bree," Adam squeaked out.
"Did I just-"
"Yep, you did."
"Most definitely did."
Caitlin quavered, "I gotta go," She spun on her heel and felt around the door. Touching the doorknob, she swung the door open.
"No, Cai-" The door shut before Bree could stop her. "I cannot believe I just used my super-speed in front of Caitlin! I totally blew our bionic secret!"
"Hey, hey," Patience grabbed Bree's biceps, "we can talk to her and figure this out. There's a slight percentage we can give some logical explanation."
Adam took heavy breaths. "Oh, great. Now we're gonna have to move far away and change our names. Quick, what do you think of 'Adam Davenport?'"
"That's your name."
"I know, I meant for Chase. I'm gonna be Steve Greenberg."
My stupid ass accidentally posted chapter seven not even 1/4 of it done. The panic I went through for a second lmao
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