Capítulo I- Descubrimiento Accidental
Patience Valmorida carried Leo's bags as they waddled to the front door. She was still in shock from seeing the mansions up the valley and her best friend Leo's stepdad's mansion. She often liked to view houses as she passed them by as her dad drove through neighborhoods, but nothing she had seen matched up to this. The mansion was on the peek of the valley and cast over the ocean in the canyons. Glass pans reflected the daylight nearly blinding her vision. Only the first two floors were visible out of the five floors Leo had mentioned once. A motorcycle was parked underneath a covered area making her and her best friend giggle.
However, the giggling stopped when Mr. Davenport and Tasha began flirting in front of them. He whisked her up from her feet and welcomingly carried her in his arms. Leo and Patience were the only ones carrying bags behind them as Mr. Davenport carried her to their now-shared mansion.
Patience could count the times she had seen Mr. Davenport on her fingers. She had mostly known about him from what Leo, Tasha, and the internet told her. Well, she can't say the internet because it is known to twist words and stories. She liked to think of him as this world's Tony Stark without the super suit and superhero team.
Patience's arms ached from the heavy items Leo had in his bags. The walk-up made it slightly more difficult than it had to be. As a newlywed wife, Tasha was in Donald Davenport's arms as he opened the door to his mansion. He spun her around as she squealed. He warmly welcomed her in, "Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Davenport."
Tasha giggled, "Why, thank you, Mr. Davenport."
His forehead pressed against hers, "Absolutely, Mrs. Davenport."
Leo grimaced at the suggestive tone Mr. Davenport used. He and Patience bumped into each other entering through the door. Their miscommunication about who would go in first only led to pain shooting up their arms from the hard door frame. They squeezed through and dropped their bags on the floor with heavy exhales.
Leo complained, "We get it. You got married. It's getting old." Mr. Davenport carefully let Tasha's feet on the ground. The two 14- year-olds averted their attention from the wed couple to the layout of the mansion.
While Leo's eyes landed on the flat-screen tv first, Patience's eyes landed on the plants decorating the home. Vibrant colors blended the home together making it feel warm and inviting. She expected the mansion to be empty from the amount of space it had. Colorful throw pillows sat on top of the plush grey couch in front of the television. Ferns stuck out from a compartment behind it to give the home fresh air. Many indoor plants were scattered around the great room in pots, separated into their own small gardens, and sticking out of vases.
Patience had to control herself to keep off from wandering the home. She excitingly said, "You like to plant, too?"
"Well, not necessarily, but they do make the wonderful decor. Don't you think?" he questioned back with a smile. She quickly nodded with her eyes roaming the home.
The kitchen was double the size of hers and joined next to it was a glass dining table. It had four plates set out in front of the four chairs. A small succulent thrived in the middle of it next to the salt and pepper shakers. Not far off from there was a desk on a platform with a laptop, a pencil holder, and papers neatly sectioned, it was one of Mr. Davenport's workspace.
Leo grinned, attempting to keep his excitement together before he ran off to explore the home with Patience. "You got this place just from inventing things?"
He nodded, "Mhm."
"Way to go, mom. That's a husband," he pointed at Mr. Davenport, emphasizing the word that's. Mr. Davenport pulled Tasha in for a kiss as Leo's eyes widened seeing the strange device beside the couch. "What the heck is that?"
Davenport rushed to it before Leo could get his hands on it, "Oh, Um, that's my latest creation. Davenport Industries' first completely interactive 3-D tv." He touched the tv, a beeping noise filled their ears and a 3-D baseball field covered the living room.
The pitcher threw the ball and the hitter struck the ball across the room. Leo attempted to catch it but slammed the wall behind him. "Watch the face termite!" a voice called. Patience leaped back surprised by the avatar on the screen.
Leo glanced around in panic searching for the new voice. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and sheepishly admitted, "Mom, Patience, I think the little voice inside my head is back."
Patience pointed at the screen behind him, assuring him, "You're okay. It was that thing." She softly grabbed his shoulders and turned him around.
"Watch your mouth, girly. I'm not a thing," it said, offended.
Mr. Davenport came up to the small monitor on the wall. "Oh, this is Eddy. He's my smart home system." The three newcomers gathered around him, "Eddy, this is my new stepson and his friend Patience. Remember I told you Leo and Tasha are moving in today with Patience's help?"
"Hey, welcome," Eddy greeted, chuckling. The kindness in his voice shifted to a possessive tone, "everything here is mine."
"Uh... Leo, Patience," Mr. Davenport quickly dismissed Eddy. "Why don't you check out your new bedroom?" He gestured down the hall, directing them where to go, "Just go straight down that hallway, and when you see the room with the video games, and the action figures, and the 50-foot-screen-tv, keep walking that's mine."
Leo and Patience smile's dropped. They stared at Mr. Davenport unamused by his description. He dragged her with him to follow Mr. Davenport's directions. Their excitement was crushed until they got a better look as they strolled past the great room. Their heads turned left and right to take in the new space.
Patience stopped halfway down the hall, "Which one is it?"
"I don't know. I just know it's not that one." They looked to their left to see Mr. Davenport's old room with a flat-screen tv hung up on the wall. A console was on a table underneath it with its set of controllers. A black couch matching the table stood in front. A king-size bed was on the opposite corner and the walls were painted red. They looked away before the temptation of stepping into the room grew.
They reached the end of the hall and there was a set of stairs to their right. There wasn't a single empty room they passed meaning Leo's room was upstairs or the floor below them. "This place's huge! I'm gonna need a GPS to find the bathroom." He leaned against the wall hitting the keypad behind him.
They turned to the beeping behind them and Leo pushed himself off thinking he broke something again. The wall to their left faded and grey elevator doors revealed with Mr. Davenport's company logo printed on it. It whooshed opening the false closet.
Leo and Patience met eyes and they both trudged to the elevator doors. They poked their heads into the elevator. A sense of fear flushed through Patience, "We probably shouldn't be going there."
"Hold on, I just want to see. " He stepped into the elevator. "Hello?"
Patience stepped in to pull Leo out, "Leo, no-"
She was cut off by the doors shutting behind her with no warning. They whipped around and ran up to the door. It dropped before they could process what was happening. Their screams ached in their ears as their stomachs flipped. Patience's footing slipped and she and Leo plummeted to their own corners. The elevator dinged telling them they had arrived.
Leo and Patience peered over the elevator doors, checking their new environment. When the area was clear they hopped out and the doors closed behind them once more. A messy desk was to their left. Pieces of a project were spread out highlighting under the desk lamp. Yellow barrels of some kind of substance was stacked to their right.
"My new dad is Batman!" Leo's lips curled in exhilaration.
"I believe you mean Tony-"
The doors in front of them opened and Leo pushed Patience behind the barrels. She nearly tripped again but was able to catch herself last minute. A boy with a neat side part and gray and red uniform rushed to the door's keypad, swiftly punching in numbers. The doors shut declining the entry from another taller boy. "Good luck gettin' in! That steel door is thicker than your head!" he confidently spoke.
Patience jumped at the sound of a loud clank. The metal doors had been dented from the other side. With one more hit, the doors collapsed to the ground. A boy who wore the same uniform and had the same hair part but shorter hair rested his hands on his hips, unimpressed.
The first boy nervously smiled, "Well, there's another way to get in."
The tall one flounced to him and rose him in the air with one arm. The boy kicked his legs around to get him to budge. Patience and Leo shared the same expression, mouths wide open and eyes bulging out of their face. The tall one demanded, "Give me back my E-pod!"
"I don't have it!"
"Hey," a girl smiled, walking in with her ponytail swinging. The exact same uniform was plastered on her body.
"You took my E-pod!" he pointed and tossed the boy to the ground with a thud.
She took out the earbuds and sent him a questioning glance, "Taylor Swift megamix, really?"
"I find her soothing."
The girl turned around not bothered by him. The boy still had his hands resting on his hips and narrowed his eyes at her. Red surrounded them and a red beam shot out of them, zapping the floor next to her.
She turned on her heel, sass laced into her voice, "Oh, I know you didn't just shoot that laser at me."
"Oh, I'm sorry, that was a terrible mistake just like your face."
The girl narrowed her eyes and super sped to him, shoving him to the yellow barrels Patience and Leo hid behind. Patience moved Leo out of the way and let the barrels fall. They paused and jumped back at the sight of the trespassing 14-year-olds. They exchanged silent glances before they all screamed. Leo and Patience looked at each other and yelled after them. They paused to make sure they weren't dreaming. Coming to the realization again, all five teenagers screamed.
Leo and Patience took off and their shoes pivoted on the ground. They squealed as Patience pushed him to run faster. She looked around the strange room for an exit but nothing showed her a way out. They backed against a nearby desk with their arms around each other, gripping each other tightly. Horrified looks on their faces as the superhumans approached them.
Their eyes drilled into the trespassers huddled together. Leo and Patience wouldn't be afraid of them just weary if they were normal human beings. However, the tall one shot lasers out of his eyes, and the girl was a speedster. They didn't know what the other boy had hidden up his sleeve. They thought the worst and assumed he could blow them up.
"Okay, I don't play this card often, but... Mom!" Leo screamed followed by Patience calling out for Tasha's name.
"Leo! Patience! There you are." Tasha came into the room with Mr. Davenport. Leo and Patience wasted no time running to Tasha, both embracing the woman. "What is this place? Who are they?" she spotted the three teens.
"Uh," Mr. Davenport stared dumbfounded, "they, uh, are a boy band I have been working with, and uh, the twist is that one of 'em is a girl."
"You're terrible at lying," Patience acknowledged, holding Tasha's hand. Scared, she pointed out, "Even I could lie better than that!"
Mr. Davenport sighed, "All right. They're part of a secret project I've been developing. Genetically engineered superhuman siblings." He folded his hands and massively grinned. Tasha, Leo, Patience, Meet Adam, Bree, and Chase. The greatest combination of biology and technology ever developed. I don't wanna brag but I am incredibly smart."
Tasha faced Leo and Patience pointing at the family of four, unknowing what to say. Leo and Patience merely gave her a look. "Don't look at me. I told you to stay away from internet dating. Patience didn't say anything about it."
"Well, your mom asked for my opinion, Leo. She's a grown woman," Patience defended herself.
Tasha didn't say anything to her son and his best friend. She faced Donald and the three superbeings, "So, they're robots?"
Adam, Bree, and Chase gasped.
The short boy's jaw dropped, "Woah."
The tall one exclaimed, "Hey!"
"Oh, no, she didn't," she jabbed her finger at Tasha.
"No, Tasha, they're human. I've just given each of them a unique set of bionic abilities, controlled by a bionic chip implanted in their necks," Mr. Davenport explained. "It sounds a lot more complicated than it is." He walked to the tallest boy first, "See, Adam is all brute strength, and Bree has speed and agility, and Chase has super-senses and has a superior intelligence."
Tasha let go of Patience's hand and stepped to her husband. She awkwardly laughed, "Donald," she grabbed him, mumbling a 'hi' passing the bionic teenagers. At a distance, she harshly whispered. "There are children living in our basement!"
Offended, he gestured to his lab, "This is a scientific habitat. I mean look at it, it's got a game room and a rock wall. Anything a kid could ask for. I've created this place so they can train in the utmost comfort and technology."
"It's true," Adam spoke up, smiling, "the toilets have seatwarmers that talk."
Patience and Leo side glanced at one another before asking simultaneously, "What do they say?"
He shrugged, "It varies depending on-"
"No." Leo rose his hand in front of Adam's face. He licked his lips facing away from him.
Tasha grabbed Davenport's attention, "Donald, I don't know what to make of all this. Some new wives get surprised with a honeymoon in Hawaii or a cruise. Bionic teenagers were not on our wedding registry."
"Honey, they have to be down here for their own safety. This is all very top-secret-"
Patience pursed her lips, "No offense, Mr. Davenport, but if this was all top secret, why did Leo and I get in here so easily?"
Mr. Davenport narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together. He asked, "What were you two doing touching my stuff anyway?"
"Nevermind. Continue."
"But as soon as their training is complete, they'll be able to handle any crisis or problem that the world throws at them."
Chase raised his hand, "I want to go to the pyramids."
"I want to go to Paris," Bree added.
"I want to go upstairs."
Patience shifted her weight to her right foot, "They haven't even gone upstairs?"
"Nope," responded Adam with a pursed smile.
Leo's smile grew, eyeing the tubes across the room, "Hey, what are those? Time Machines?"
Davenport scoffed, "No, they're not time Machines. Time machines are actually in the shop." Tasha sent a glare to Mr. Davenport. He stopped bragging about the machines and marched up to the platform with the tubes. "These are my biologically regulated atmosphere chambers. Where my bionic creations live, and sleep, and eat. Which reminds me, It's dinner time!"
"Yes!" the bionic humans cheered.
They ran around the desk and into their individual capsules, closing their doors. They plopped on goggles to protect their eyes and Mr. Davenport pressed a button on the desk. Leo, Patience, and Tasha watched as Mr. Davenport called out, "Ready!" He slammed another button and a buzzer went off.
Pellets fell from above the capsule. Adam and Chase caught the pellets with their mouths. Some repelled off their teeth and hit the floor. Bree caught them in her hands and popped them into her mouth chewing with her mouth closed. The way Mr. Davenport raised them and let them eat like there was no tomorrow caused a grimace to form on Leo, Patience, and Tasha's faces.
As if it couldn't get worse, Mr. Davenport said, "These are my patented protein pellets. Whatever they don't catch is tomorrow's breakfast."
Tasha held back her gag. Leo and Patience exchanged horrified looked. Patience leaned toward Leo and whispered, "Should we be concerned?"
He slowly nodded, "Very."
Welcome to my Chase fanfic. Did I plan this whole plot in a day and impulsively update it? Yes, yes I did.
Y'all this is gonna be a slow burn. Because the most one I read they have the OC and the character together by the 14 episode and I'm just a little lost.
Edited: March 21st, 2023.
I have decided to edit this book up until like act three because this books is two years old and my writing has improved since. So if you haven't read this before and the writing is better in some chapters than others, that's why.
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