"I came as soon as I heard." Cordin engulfed Karsi in a tight hug. Karsi's tense mind settled once she felt Cordin's strong arms and warmth wrap around her. His scent provided her comfort. He always had that same, sweet smell of mead.
"You shouldn't be here, if my father sees you—" Karsi broke their hug so that her wide and worried eyes may bore into his calming blue ones.
"Yes, yes. I know, he'll probably kill me. But I couldn't stay away when I learned of your sister and mother's passing. I can't imagine what you are going through." Cordin's soft hands touched her tear-stained cheeks, his thumb running over her jawline in a comforting matter.
"I wish we could go back to the way it was before. When my mother was still alive, and when we didn't have to worry about anyone poisoning my sweet Ashara. When no one was conspiring against us. And, most of all, I wish my father would accept you as my true love. It is unjust how he keeps us apart." Karsi returned her head to his chest, absorbing every single second she was with him in case her father, Jon, found out about his presence in the castle.
"Soon your family will find out who murdered the youngest Stark and execute the treasonous murderer. Then, all will be well again." Cordin caressed her silky hair.
"No it won't." Karsi sniffled quietly, not wanting to tell him the news.
"Why not?" Cordin broke the hug to eye her curiously.
"My father has set up a tournament to find a suitor for me. He says I've come of age and now I must marry, perhaps it better than having him marry me off as an alliance token." Karsi told. Cordin's face dropped. He grew almost angry at the news.
"What?" Cordin shook his head in disbelief. "A tournament?"
Karsi nodded. "A fight to the death by noblemen from all over Westeros."
"Then I'll join, and fight to earn your father's approval." Cordin vowed to her, squeezing her hands in a promising manner.
"You can't. What if you die? You're the only Lannister left after your father. You'd destroy your entire house." Karsi fretted.
"I'd rather die than live without you, my treasure." Cordin placed a sweet hand to her cheek.
Karsi sighed, with a heavy heart. "I love you." Cordin's words were common and he would never let her forget how much he loved her.
"I love you, too." She replied with a small smile.
* * *
That same night, the Stark royals gathered to dinner. The dining hall was silent and grief consumed the room. Not one of them spoke as they quickly ate their stew until Jon finally spoke up. "Tomorrow, I shall speak to each of you in private."
"What? Are we being questioned?" Tormund rolled his eyes.
"Yes, you are." Jon told, flatly.
Tormund's mouth dropped. "About what?" Tomas inquired.
"You think one of us poisoned her?" Reina gasped, looking over to her sister Karsi.
"I didn't—" Jon tried to stop the snowballing effect of panic from washing over them.
"I always knew Tomas was a murderer!" Eddard slammed his fists on the table, accusing his own blood of such a heinous crime.
"You're so quick to accuse me, I say Ed did it!" Tomas pointed his skinny finger at his brother.
"Enough!" Jon's booming voice erupted throughout the room. "Haven't we had enough sadness spread throughout our home? Your mother wouldn't want to see you talking to each other like this."
Jon's eyes were watery and sad. He hadn't been the same since Reyanna died. She was the love of his life. He felt like nothing without her around. "I'm sorry, father." Tomas and Eddard replied in unison, hoping to keep their father from crying at the table.
"Tomorrow." Jon grunted, then stood up and left the dining hall.
Karsi's eyes scanned the eyes of all her siblings. "I swear if one of you killed our sweet—"
"No one here killed her here, Karsi." Tomas snapped at her.
Eddard sneered. "If there's anyone we need to be suspicious of, it would be your little boyfriend, Cordin. You can never trust a Lannister."
"He's not like that—"
"Oh, but he is. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise." Eddard spat at his sister. None of the family liked Cordin. And all of the siblings knew about him and Karsi being in love. They were too loyal to one another snitch on her, but, it didn't mean that they would snitch if she decided to do something as mad as marry him and risk having him becoming king of Westeros. Karsi huffed and hurried out of the dining hall to escape to her room.
* * *
The next morning, Karsi was summoned by her father to speak of the murder of Ashara. Karsi felt tense and awkward to sit in the room before him. The meeting felt entirely too formal as her father sat before her, brandishing all of his garments and physical symbols of his titles. "Look, dad, please. You know I would never do that to little Ashara. I don't even know how you found her laying. All I heard was of the news and I was shattered when I heard it." Karsi clasped her hands pleadingly together, praying that her father would dare to think she would do such a horrible thing.
"I know, Karsi. You are the least of my worries. I fear one of your brothers have fallen victim to the words of another. But, soon, I will find out who and fix everything. I've called you not only to make the interrogations seem fair, but also to discuss the tournament to find your suitor tomorrow. I don't like it, either. I would've never married your mother if I had been married off to her. But, that was a long time ago. And that was when I was a part of the night's watch and she was hiding amongst wildlings. I want someone strong for you, and someone that, if necessary, could become a great king without a malicious intent behind their swooning you. I promise you this," Jon grabbed her hands, comfortingly, "whoever wins the joust, will do so because they want to love you. And I have no doubts in my mind that you will fall in love with them."
Karsi's eyes welled up. "You said it yourself, you don't like this. You and mother fell in love. Then decided yourselves you wanted to marry. I don't want to have that choice taken away from me." Karsi pleaded.
Jon sighed. "At least this way, if they hurt you, you won't be as depressed as I was when your mother would leave my side. Sometimes, too much love can be dangerous. This is the best way."
Karsi wanted to blurt it out that it was too late already. She was in love with Cordin and nothing was going to change that. But, she didn't. She knew if she did, Jon would have his head. So, she accepted her fate and that night she prayed to every god she knew to have them bless Cordin enough so that he would win in the tournament the next day.
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