Fan-Art & Covers Created pt 1
I would like to start off first by saying that if any one of you who have read/liked/commented, etc for Sands of Yore have a piece that you have created for Sands of Yore and would like for me to share please send me an email/link/etc so I can add it to this "chapter" (Of course, credit will be given). I'll PM you my email.
This was the very first cover that was created for (at the time this was called Sands of Time) Sands of Yore. Cover created by Xanahi.
Second Cover (as well as the one that is currently being used now. Created by my good friend Elisabeth EJ_Todd
hird cover that was created for this is by ShreyaNayak_
Isn't it awesome? XD. Thank you so much, it's beautiful :)
Another beautiful cover created by ShreyaNayak_
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