I know its now where near chistmas but I need to get that vore i wrote out of my head.
Virgils pov///////
Uggggh i hate Christmas its annoying and the songs are stupid. Like who wants to laugh at their mom cheating on their dad with Santa. Yeah its actually their dad bit the kid obviously does not know that.
Roman had been blasting chistmas music all December and thomas was about to film a video. He was working on a holiday video.
After every themed vid we have party so roman had been setting up the living room for a party he had just made a balcony in the mindscape so i decided I'll stay out there.
Oh well thomas is calling us, guess its time to do the vid.
(Time skip brought to you by Virgil choking out deceit)
Romans pov\\\\\\*
"Hey pat will you go grab Virgil for the party." I ask as i hang the mistletoe over the door to the balcony. Logan walks in with a book. As patton walks out, out of the corner of my eye i see pat kiss logan, and walk down the hallway. I smile to myself.
He drops his book on the ground, his face was as red as a tomato.
"You Okay teach?" I laugh walking over to him.
"Yeah!" He says with i highpitched voice crack. I burst into laughter. He picks up the book and quickly walks around me covering his face with the book and sitting at the table.
I hear hissing from the hallway.
"Oh come one virge we are just gonna play some board games and eat food. We already gave out gifts!" I hear pat yells. I look to the stairs to see pat is dragging virgil by his hoddie. I walk down the hallway.
"Pat go talk to logan, you killed him." I say to pat. He looks at me confused and then realises.
"Aww logie!" He says walking into the living room letting go of Virgil.
I look at the storm cloud laying on the floor. I lend my hand down and he smacks it away hissing at me. I sigh and pick him up bridal style. He looks like a deer in headlights.
"Come on." I sigh again carrying him into the living room. He freezes in my arms. I hear a squeak when we enter the room. He throws his hood on.
"Put me down i swear to god." He says coldly. I do so setting him at the table. I giggle to myself as i hear patton drop somthing in the kitchen and keep himself from cursing. I walk towords the kitchen.
Out of the corner of my eye i see Virgil start to get up. I turn back around and eye him.
"Where are you going?" I ask smugly. He doesnt respond and just sits back down and sighs.
I walk in to see Patton on the ground.
"Patton?" He looks up.
"Hey sorry I just dropped the cupcakes and i had to clean them up. Then i slipped on the cleaner,." I lend my hand down. He takes it and stands up carefully . i throw a towel on the ground so we could mop with our feet.
Afterwords we bring in the chicken and meatloaf, along with the sides of food.
We place the food on the table mats and everyone digs in. Virgil got some of the meatloaf and a small amount of mashed potatoes. I had realised recently that he dosent eat much.
"He virge you can have more we made a lot and there's still extras in the fridge." I say looking over to the person sitting next to me. He nods not saying anything, i finally put 2 and 2 together. But I'll bring itup later.
Patton gets a little peice of potato on logans face. The room goes silent then we all burst into laughter. Except logan he just smirks and flicks a pea at pat. Virgil breaks into a fit of laughter.
I rip my finger in the crofter while his eyes were closed. I lay my finger on his cheek and trail it down slowly he stops laughing and looks at me with the intent to kill. He takes his finger and dips it in the ketchup on his meat loaf and places a dollop on my nose, quickly as if he was a cat. We then all look at eachother and laugh again logan takes the paper towel first.
We all clean ourselves off and finish eating. Me and Virgil clean the table as the other two set up a game by the couch, I get finished cleaning up and Virgil puts up the last plate.
"Was i being pushy at dinner?" I ask unsure if i had made a mistake. He turns back around.
"I uhh I have a bad relationship with food, your right though so dont worry about it." He says shrugging.
"Well i was thinking what if we take some leftovers to the darkscape. We dont have to leave a note just the food." I say, "honestly i miss having remus as a brother, we havent hung out in a while." I sigh I can see him hold some feelings back.
"Yeah lets go drop off some food real quick." He says, he goes to the fridge and picks out some meatloaf and chicken. Some peas and potatoes. We put it in a nice little bag.
"Roman you know i cqnt take You with me right?" He asks.
"No i didn't know that. Okay well i suggest leave it in their fridge so they can find it later." He nods and salutes with his two fingers. Popping out of thin air hes gone. It takes about 20 seconds and then hes back. I let out some air i don't remember holding.
"Games!" Patton yells from the other room. I follow behined Virgil heading to the living room.
(Time skip brought to you by pattons torn babyblanket.)
We had playes a few games and then pat got to pick one. He picked 'hard conversations' a game me and pat had made up a few years back. Virgil groaned from the couch.
"Oh come on its just answering questions about yourself!" I say throwing a pillow at him he groans loudly into the pillow. (Get those nasty thoughts out of your ears)
We all sit down comfy on the couch and i summon the index cards. I pass 7 to each of us. Virgil groans some more patton giggles and logan looks confused.
"Do we all remember the rules?" I ask forgetting that Virgil was not here when we played this.
"No i wasn't here when you guys made this game, nore have we ever played this all together." He replies.
"Oh your right sorry. Well the rules are simple, the first person draws a card and then answers the question. The next person either has a card with a question that has a answer that relates to the last question or answer. If you don't have a card that relates you draw until you do. The first person out wins. Its really similar to uno." I finish the explanation. The rest nod.
We begin the game where everyone uses easy questions first. The "favorites" and the "artistic" questions.
We found out that Virgil can play the guitar and logan sings when stressed out.
Then it comes to the more, personal questions. Sence we wrote the questions their were a few darksides conversations... I became curious aboyt virgil. I kinda cheated and when virgil drew his next card it asked a personal question.
"Do you miss someone or somthing from the darksides? Well i feel targeted." Virgil spits out.
"I had updated the cards recently and i kinda hoped you would get that one." I say leaving out some of the truth.
"It would really just bring you guys down and im not in the mood to open up on one of my least favorite holidays." He says.
"Its okay kiddo here we can come back to that card some other session." Pat says taking the card and placing it to the side. "How about you answer why you hate chistmas. I honestly am curious."
Virgil sighs at the eyes galring at him. Including the pair i own.
"It, it usually reminds me to much of past bad memories. The more years im here, the more memories i make here, most of them are good but even the first few years i was here, it wasn't the best. But lets not focus on that right now, come on logan its your turn."
We go back to playing the game. It was a interesting game but you cant play it often because you will start to already know all the answers to all the questions about everyone else.
Patton wins the first round and logan wins the second, i win the third. We decide to stop playing because for one we knew most of the questions, for 2 we were getting tired.
Patton sets up a movie and logan pops the popcorn but then i see Virgil walk to the new balcony overlooking the ocean.
I walk over.
"Hey virge, you okay?" I could tell he wasn't. He had not been crying but he was close.
"Roman, i.. I have a confession." He says i see his heart bounce around through his eyes, they revealed a lot and thats probably why he always had them hidden.
I close the door. So we could be alone.
" i just wanna say I'm sor-" he cuts me off pulling me by my sash and kissing me deeply i was suprised at first.
He breaks apart and leans on the railing. ..
"I'm sorry i." He studders. Putting his face in his hands. I was so bewildered.
I grab his face with my hand regaining my princely confidence. I hold his chin and smile.
"Don't be." I say closing the gap once more. A flash of lightning lights up the sky behined us thunder rumbles not long after. The rain pours all of the sudden and small cold water droplets hit us and Virgil bursts into a fit of giggles, sweet adorable, little childlike giggles.
"What? storm clo- wait.. Did the rain just start because of you?" I ask. He nods as he is laughing.
At this point we were soaked. We walk back inside to see patton asleep on logans shoulder. Logan opens his mouth to speak but i cut him off.
"Not a word." I say walking up to my room.
Virgil follows behined me and walks past me to his room. Before he gets there i grab him by his arm and whisper.
"Get changed into some comfy clothes and meet me in my room. I say with a wink. He turns bright red and walks down to his room.
I walk in and change into some red shirt and white and red sweatpants.
Virgils pov\\\\
its okay Virgil everything is fine.
He winked, I don't think thats rejection dude.
I sigh and collapse on my bed screaming into a pillow.
I calm down after about two minutes and put on my mask and change into some leggings and a big purple sweat shirt over a black tanktop.
I walk out of my room and over to his door. I stand there for a minute trying to decide what to do,
"Are You just gonna stand outside the door storm cloud?" He says from the otherside of the door.
I was ready to run away, but the door opens to me. I see him looking concerned and confused at the same time.
"Did i come on a little strong?" I nod silently playing with my hoodie sleeves. He lightly chuckles stepping out of the way so I could walk into the room but as a I do i pull his arm clising the door with him being pinned against it. He gasps at the abrupt change.
Without a word i kiss him, locking the door with a clean, crisp, click, noise. We break apart.
"Was that too strong?" I say as if i was a small mouse. He snaps out of his mouth haging open trance.
"Uhh... No no I was just ya know.. Shocked... Th- tha-that was amazing." He says clearly flustered, studders escaping him like a scratched record player.
"Wanna do that again?"
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