Preference #5: He stands up for you
Hello there, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy. I cannot tell you how much it means that you are reading this, and I really really hope you like it. I guess I'll just get on with the preference, but just... thank you! like usual, please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly, and yeah, I hope you like it!
Logan offered to walk you into work. he always enjoyed little things like that, and he really just wanted to make sure you got to work safely. what he didn't expect was meeting your coworkers, sure you had said some things about them, but he never expected them to be so... rude.
Logan walked up with you to your job, walking you inside, a few minute before your shift started, and he did notice you cringing a little bit at the person behind the counter, Logan looked at them then at you
"are you alright, your heartrate seems to have accelerated." Logan said, as you dragged him to the back of the store, away from the counter.
"you know how I've said one coworker hates me, that is the person." you said, whispering. Logan's eyes widened a little as he looked back at the person, bad mistake. they perked up at Logan's looks and walked back towards the two of you.
"Hello there, hottie. what are you doing in here?" they said, leaning in near Logan. who merely took a step back.
"I was escorting my significant other to work." Logan said coolly.
"and two are dating? HAH! find someone better, they are just a piece of lazy trash, and I know for a fact you could do a lot better." the person said, as you refused eye contact.
"I cannot believe you would speak to someone in such a manner, clearly you are slow-witted. y/n is the most positive thing to come into my life, I wouldn't give them up for the world and then some. I shall definitely have to consult with your manager about your unacceptable behavior." Logan said, before the clock struck and you had to go, but before you did. Logan pulled you into a quick kiss. right infront of your coworker.
you smiled, quickly kissing his cheek before going.
Logan ended up getting them fired, and you smiled. Loving your nerd so so so much.
screaming was heard around the grocery store and an older woman screamed at you and wouldn't stop. you were embarrassed, the pickles seriously didn't matter to you that much, you offered to give her the jar you were holding, but she just screamed, before whacking them out of your hands with her cane, shattering the glass
she kept screaming as a crowd gathered around the both of you, you were so embarrassed and you felt tears start filling your eyes are you fervently scanned the area for Patton, he was always there for you, so why wasn't he right here.
then you spotted him running towards you. as the lady kept screaming, swinging her cane around, scaring you, as you pleaded with your eyes for Patton to help.
"you worthless youngster you!" she screamed. as you backed up. before she went to hit you with her cane, Patton caught it in his surprisingly strong hand, and he lowered it, glaring, which was very scary on Patton's face.
"I have no idea what your problem is Ma'am, but you don't ever try and hit anybody." Patton said sternly. the lady glared right back, scaring you a little bit. she then began swearing up a storm, but Patton didn't flinch or cover his ears.
"I have no idea what they did wrong, but I'm positive they didn't mean it, now apologize." Patton said angrily. holding your hand comfortingly. the lady glared and security soon came around and got things taken care of, you had never seen Patton so upset at anybody.
you both walked to the car and Patton turned to you.
"I'm so so sorry, Honey" Patton said, hugging you close. you just nuzzled into his shirt.
"thank you so much for helping Patton." you said, and you both got some pizza and the rest of the sides just bothered Janus and Logan to make dinner instead.
you walked into the room, you and Roman's hands intertwined. soon seeing those people who made you miserable. ah, high school. you squeezed Roman's hand. soon the people walked over to you.
"hello..." the mencing smile still there, just brought about by dark circles under their eyes. Roman knew you were uneasy and gave your hand a comforting squeeze.
"you must be the boyfriend to this sorry one, huh?" one of you ex-friends said, walking towards Roman.
"excuse me?" Roman said, letting go of your hand and instead wrapping an arm gently around your waist, pulling you a little closer.
"I always knew they would never find a boyfriend, and yet here you are, I bet its just for pity huh?" the person said again, tears stung your eyes, and Roman pulled you so close against his chest, as he began.
"I don't know what your problem is, but leave my angel out of it, they are wonderful, and I'm super luck I have them, you're alone here as well, but what should I have guessed, you're just as ugly as your personality. now, if you do not mind, my Angel and I are headed out to a nice dinner." Roman said before dragging you out of the room and into the parking lot. you couldn't look him in the eyes.
"I cannot believe they would say that, my darling royal." Roman said, kissing your forehead gently.
"I'm so so sorry Roman." you said, still embarrassed and tears leaking down your face. Roman merely held your face, planting a soft kiss to your lips, "
"they aren't worth a mite of your energy, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, so... where do you want to grab dinner?" Roman said, opening the car door for you.
you tiredly began scrolling through your social media, looking through the stories and whatever else, soft music playing in the background just how you liked it. you yawned, nuzzling into the fluffy, vanilla scented blanket a little deeper, as you began to look into the comments. one user caught your attention, you knew immediately from the profile it was someone you had a history with.
they were saying very cruel things about your work and your personality, and it stung. you sighed, knowing if you tried to defend yourself it would bring more fire to their comments, so you just sighed, seeing what they actually had to say. during that time you found that someone was replying to the comments.
you realized from the user name that it was Virgil, your eyes widened as you saw him roast those people more effectively than Wendy's ever had roasted. you watched as he just went on and on, a gasp on your lips.
soon enough the person just removed their comments, and you private messaged Virgil.
y/n: wow. remind me not to get on your bad side.
IsYourDoorLocked?: they were insulting you, I couldn't just let them insult you.
y/n: still, you and Wendy's should have a roast off, I should have brought the marshmallows
IsYourDoorLocked?: merely protecting your honor through the safety of a screen.
you giggled to yourself, those nasty comments fading from mind as you started working on another wonderful idea, ready to make the world smile just one more time.
you nervously glanced in-between Janus and your old friend for your hometown. they were leaning in close, smiling at him. laughing and talking about how dumb you were as a child, you weren't super happy with them right now, as they had manipulative, yet you could never put your foot down.
"I just honestly can't believe they ended up with such a cutie." you heard them say, snapping you to attention, glancing in-between them and Janus. they smiled at you.
"hey y/n, remember that time you chucked your churros after soccer practice?" they brought up and you face dimmed at the memory. you had eaten a churro after lunch, not excepting a soccer ball right to the stomach, and as the nickname holds. you... chucked your churro.
you were embarrassed but they kept laughing and Janus knew something wasn't right. he excused himself to the bathroom, and then heard your friend making more jokes even though you were asking them to stop, they didn't.
Janus then called Remus, and told Remus to play along. he walked out and quickly whispered that you had to go. you said goodbye to your 'friend'. after you two got into the car Janus turned to you.
"that wasn't a healthy friend, I think you know that." Janus said. you nodded, tears building. Janus squeezed your hand comfortingly. Janus then walks back inside, coming out a few minutes later,
"they got the message and won't bother you anymore." Janus said, you looked over to him sadly.
"I love you Jan..." you said softly, and you saw Janus smile slightly, driving you to the park you both loved, leaving that friend and the memories behind you.
things were tense as the yelling grew louder, you looked at Remus with pleading eyes. this was the first time he met your family, and they were screaming at you, and yelling at each other. as you hid. Remus reached over and squeezed your hand gently.
"are you okay?" Remus whispered and you have your head a subtle shake no. Remus then nodded before sitting up.
"everybody!" Remus shouted, getting everyone's attention.
"shut it." Remus then said, causing everyone, including you to stare.
"I'm not just going to sit around and let you insult my panda bear, now if you don't mind, either calm yourselves down, or bad things will happen." Remus said, sitting down. you staring at him jaw dropped. your family yelled at him some, but he didn't mind it as much as you had. he just stared them in the eyes.
they tried to insult you another time, before Remus grabbed the butter knife and gave them a threatening look, you'd have to make sure he didn't hurt anybody. but it was nice, and they did eventually support you two.
you were walking out to the car with Remus when he grabbed your face, kissing you passionately. you kissed back softly, before pulling away, Remus looked you in the eyes.
"tell me if they are ever a problem again, and I'll deal with them." Remus said. you let out a nervous laugh, hugging him tightly. he was your duke, and you were his panda bear.
thank you so so so much for reading! I really hope you liked it! as always I don't own the art so please give credit to the amazing artist! please remember you are special and loved!
have a fantastic day!!!
Peaceful Lavender
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