Preference #3: Voicemails
I realize this one is super short, sorry! I just thought this was a cute preference idea. thank you so reading, and I hope you enjoy! as always please keep it classy and keep comments clean!
just for clarification, this is them when they've tried to call you and you didn't pick up, and what voicemail they leave you, note you are probably at the store or on a coffee run or something.
"hello y/n. this is Logan, I called you to discuss if you had any plans for our meal tonight, if you did not Patton offered to make Pasta with a cheese sauce, please reply when you get this. though I'm sure you already know, but I wish to remind you: I adore you dear and await your arrival home"
"hello Honey, so I'm taking Roman and Virgil out later, they have both decided on another dare, I wanted to let you know I would be home a bit later. I'll grab dinner for you so you don't have to bother making any. I love you so so much sweet pea, Bye!"
"Hello my love, I have called you to ask if you are free tonight, please let me know. you are incredible, I hope you know that my royal beauty. you'll find a gift on the table when you come home. please keep your gorgeous smile. I love you my angel!"
"hey, I regret calling and the one time I did you weren't at your phone, so... Remus and Janus are going out so it'll just be you and me for dinner tonight, I want to ask if you would want to pick up some pizza while you're out, you don't have to, I'm sorry... uhhhh... please, text me back. Bye"
"Hello my dear, I was calling to ask if you would pick up some more food for Pac-man? she likes the mouse-chow, the one in the yellow bag. please pick it up if you hear this, then please come home, you work yourself really hard, and deserve a break. again, I love you my sweetheart... and maybe if Remus isn't too much trouble, we might be able to have a nice dinner? anyway, I love you"
"Hello! I miss you like a chicken misses its unborn eggs, I would recite more poetry but Patton's right here, and I don't want you to ignore me again. I was calling to say hi, and I was wondering if you had any plans, I burnt some popcorn earlier for us. anyway, there is so much I want to say, but again Patton's right here. please come over soon my Panda."
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I do not own the fanart, so please give credit to the amazing artist that do! also, if you don't mind, please let me know if you want me to add Remy and/or Emilie?
have a fantastic day!!!!
Peaceful Lavender
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