Preference #28: Love Languages for the sides
Hello, so this preference will be different from the others, as half of it is theory. this is just my personal idea's and I really have no idea. I know that this isn't what I usually do but I hope that's okay. as always please keep comment clean and Patton-friendly!
so this is based off of the 5 love languages (the best personal way to show someone love in a way they best receive it)
Quality time: Logan loves to be listened to, so I believe quailty time would be his favorite out of all the love language. you can see him almost swell with happiness when he's given the time and the floor to be listened to.
you and Logan often read books together, he'd choose a book then you'd choose one, though his were usually textbooks. then after tea was made and sipped, you crawl right up next to him and lay you head on his shoulder. nuzzling in a little, as he'd lift his arm to pull you close. it wasn't about the contact, or the content you were reading, what made Logan's here flutter was just you, being there, taking something as invaluable as time and spending it willing on him. it just... made him feel loved more than most other things.
Logan often just asks you outright what your plans for the day or week are, and if you have "unscheduled free hours in which one might consider extending out knowledge and sipping on warm beverages?" even if your schedule is tight, you always make room for Logan, and you always will
Receiving Gifts: Through the sanders sides episode we see Patton freak out whenever he gets a gift, holding it close and treasuring it. though he does enjoy physical contact, I believe that he would love gifts even more.
You often keep an eye out for something Patton might enjoy. gifts mean the world to Patton, even more if was really something he'd love or even handmade. he'd adore it. you found/made this pair of gloves for him once, ones with little cat pawprints right in the middle and he really never stops wearing them, especially in the winter. he often hugs you close and tight, jumping up and down when you give him a gift, and holding a giant smile. its totally worth the time and money, and you love your cinnamon roll so much so does it really matter anyway?
Patton never really asks for gifts, but you know him too well, even just little notes, or some fresh cookies will make him giddy. He'll try to give you gifts back, but doesn't really know what to get you. Patton loves you gifts or not, but you absolutely make his day when you get him one
Words of affirmation: It was hard to decide between any of them with Roman, I believe Roman feel most loved with compliments though, He nearly turns into a pile of mush when Thomas tells him that he's his hero, and Roman also gets more hurt by words than other sides seem to.
You and Roman often go out together, spending some time, and you paying him lots of compliments, anywhere from "you're so hilarious, dear" to "I have no idea what I would do without you, it all turn Roman into a pile of much, feeling needed and wanted. you once gave him a jar full of "sunshine" as you called it, but it was 365 reasons you loved him on slips of paper in a jar. for days when you aren't there. Roman is head over heels for you no doubt, and he deserves all the love. he loves you more than you will ever realize.
Roman, like Patton, doesn't ask for compliments but gets weak in the knees when you give him some, you two could be slow dancing and you could just make a comment about his eyes, and he is gonna feel so incredibly loved. you can also expect to get millions of compliments back, but that's not why you do it... you just love your hero
acts of service: I believe Virgil's primary love language would be acts of service, the less he has to worry or stress about the better. though he does get blushy with compliments, I believe he'd feel so much love to know that you cared enough to handle things (*cough* Human interactions *Cough*) for him so he wouldn't have to worry
you are often the one to answer the phone or call in an order for takeout, you just like helping out your emo. whether it be making his bed for him, or cleaning up his hoodies, so that he wouldn't have to worry. you try and make sure things are safe and handle all human interactions. when you do go out, you order for him, placing a light kiss on his hand after the waiter walks away. you don't mind and Virgil really does love and appreciate it. He's happiest when everything is done, and you are just curled to his chest, calming him down and distracting his mind for overthinking. you two are a good pair
Virgil from the first time you met him made a point to show how much he disliked talking to people, so to show him kindness, and maybe because you liked him, you just handled it. Virgil could never tell you how much it means, but he doesn't have to. you love him no matter what, and if talking to people for him is the way to show it, you shall do it.
Words of affirmation: Janus likes words of affirmation, as shown in the end of the Redux episode. he loves being told he's write, and also I believe would enjoy being told what he's doing right in your relationship.
you often compliment Janus, not the same way you'd compliment Roman, but still compliments, telling him how smart he is, or how great he does at video games. stroking his ego makes him feel more loved than anything else. for him to think and know for a fact he's impressing you, and worth your attention will give a huge smile so his face. so if he's having a bad day, just telling him how much he impressed you earlier and how he's so incredible will lighten his mood millions. You love your snakey man and snakey man loves you so much too.
Janus joked around with it at first, and teasing still is a big part of it, but it means a lot more to Janus than he lets on. you mean the world to him and so your affirmations and loving compliments send him to the moon and back, of course he'd never tell you, but you figured it out.
Physical touch/Quality time: Remus strikes me as being incredibly touch starved, maybe feeling too gross to touch, or just how repulsed everyone is by his presence. We've also seen in intrusive thoughts how Remus deflates when the attention isn't on him, so I believe that quality time would also be huge for our trash goblin.
the one time you gave him a hug for finding your missing pair of socks, he'll never be the same. not long after you started dating, he got some powered sugar in his mustache which you wiped out, the touch making him feel weak and almost drunk on love. he loves it best when you curl into his chest, listening to him and occasionally giving him little kisses. He feels like he doesn't deserve you in those moments and just holds you close, maybe shutting up for once in a long while. Remus isn't an easy being to put up with, but you love him, and he knows that.
Remus always acts like a little man-child, so you didn't take his attention starved nature seriously at first, til you saw him with his shield down for the first time, seeing that it wasn't always smiles behind that mustache. you love him, and shall never ever let him forget that.
BTW: do you want a part 2 to this in anyway? idk... please please please let me know!
Thank you for reading, I realize this is a lot different than the stuff I usually do, but I just felt kinda inspired. I really hope you liked it! I am working on some preference stuff now, so i will hopefully get that out soon. as always the artwork isn't mine so please give credit to the amazing artist, please remember you are loved and special!
Have a Fantastic day!
Ginger Bread~
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