Preference #16, Part 2: You are in a coma
Hello, thank you so much for reading and I hope you like it! this one also hurt to write, but hopefully we'll have some more fluff soon! as always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!
again, I'll put in warnings, I try to keep it all pretty mild, but I don't want to trigger anybody
Warnings: allergic reactions, mentions of needles, blood and IV's, twitching in coma. mentions of hospitals and surgeries. depression
Logan paced nervously in the lobby, how could this have happen, you were having such a wonderful day with him, at yet this happened. the ambulence arrived and Logan showed them the dead snake, before they injected you with some antivenom, what they didn't expect was you to have an allergic reaction to it.
watching your body react, hives breaking out on your skin, and the little ways you whimpered and twiched as you were being moved is burned into Logan's brain. the other sides are now at the hospital too, Patton trying to comfort Logan, but nothing could comfort him, not after what he saw.
you were currently in the back, getting IV's and treatments, they removed the tourquet from your leg, and they told him that they would do everything they could, but Logan knew that wasn't enough for him, how could he just let his happen.
he was called the back room, where you were lying on the bed, your face unusually paled, hooked up to some monitors, beeping with your heart-rate, IV's and lots of other gadgets attached. Logan couldnt' help the sob that broke out.
He kneeled by your bed, pressing loving kisses to your hands, begging you to wake up, but he knew this was a coma, but he couldn't help but wish you were awake, snuggling into his arms, so that he could cry into your hair, and pull you close, but he couldn't. that reality was the worst part.
Patton rode on the ambulance with you. as they tried to get the some air into you, Patton held your hand, pretending it was to comfort you, but he was comforted way more, the coolness of your hand made him very scared, as he squeezed it, not too tight, scared to hurt you in any way.
why hadn't he noticed you were gone sooner, he just went into a grab some pretezls, he could have never known, but that doesn't stop the guilt building in his stomach. Patton leaned down, planting soft kisses on your forehead, as if that would stop the guilt.
after arriving at the hospital they took you back and sent Patton home. he visited you ever day, week after week, month after month, every day, walking in your room and holding your hand, squeezing it and saying hello to his love, but you never squeezed back.
Patton grew depressed without you by his side, everything thing in his life seemed to turn gray, and cold. he never ever stepped foot in a swimming pool after what happened to you, and he had to give his pets for Roman and Janus to look after just because he couldn't care for them anymore, he rarely goes out, and even rarer smiles, he misses you, and he would do anything for you to wake up.
Roman held your hand the entire time, while you weakly tried to stay awake for him, whispering over and over again how you loved him, your voice faint and your eyes glossy. he tried to get you to have hope, but he didn't feel it himself. sadness washed over him in pulsading waves.
why did it have to be you? what could he have done? he didn't protect you, he should have protected you, he wasn't your hero, he was a mere pesant who stood by and watched. he didn't deserve to be your prince. these thoughts and many like it swam in Roman's brain as he ran his fingers in your hair.
Roman waited at the hospital throughout your surgery. he soon was called into your room, where he walked sadly over to your bed, seeing the stiches all down your abdomen, causing tears and silent sobs to escape his throat. he walked over, brushing a piece of your hair out of your face, before stepping back. you were hooked up to many wires, and deep in a coma.
Roman sadly was shooed out of the room by a lot of doctors and nurses, packs of blood for a transfusion in their hands, before the door was closed and Roman crumpled to the floor, sobbing, what could he do. why didn't he move, why didn't he save you?
Virgil paced nervously in the ER, while you were in the back, you soon blacked out as your arrived at the hospital. they rushed you to the back room, talking about words Virgil couldn't understand.
Patton and Roman texted saying they were driving out to meet him there, and Virgil just started crying, why had this happen. you two had just hit your three months of marriage, you were in love. how could this happen.
Virgil was even more frightened when he saw a ton of doctors running into the room you were in, yelling going on. Logan and Patton arrived and Virgil broke down crying harder. his eyeshadow running down his face like there was nothing holding it back
a nurse walked out and informed the trio that they had found... bad things... in your body while trying to figure out what was wrong, and that you would need emergency surgery now. Virgil then screamed, crying harder and louder, while Patton held him and Logan paced around, not anxious, but worried about you all the same.
Virgil soon was able to see you, but you were weak, your pulse was weak, and you just were laying there, your hair messy, while nurses crowded around you. Virgil just cried, kissing your cheek before holding your hand, so scared to loose you, running his finger over your rings over and over again. how could this happen?
you were already in a coma when Janus came to see you, his cries fill the hospital for many many weeks, before he just started visiting you, just bringing coloring books, or reading you papers he found online
he constantly told you about Pac-man, and how much he missed cuddling, though he had never gotten through it without tears rolling down his cheeks, it was horrible watching your leg, so broken, try to heal
you needed some more surguries, and you got weak and weaker after each one, it was torture for Janus to watch, but what else could he do. he often just sat there, music playing in the background, singing your favorite songs to you, while you just laid there, softly breathing.
the other sides did visit, Remus more than the others. missing the old times where you and him and Janus would watch movies, and he'd pretend not to notice you snuggling into Janus chest, or that small smile that creeped onto Janus face whenever you did.
Janus wasn't the same without you, he'd pretend to be happy, but everyone could tell, Remus could tell, he heard Janus crying alone every night, and that sparkle, once so alive in Janus' eyes... was dimming, fading, the worse you got, the less the sparkle was there, and everyone prayed that the sparkle wouldn't go out completely.
Remus knew this would happen, but it didn't hurt any less, he walked into the room you were in. your hands cold and weak, the monitors beeping. Remus seeing the stitches all around your body, where they had to help. but Remus never wanted this
he would trade places with you in a second, if it meant you would be happy, living life to the fullest, Remus held your rings in his hand, and your letter in his other, he knew he wasn't to open it unless you didn't make it, he didn't want to open it, he never wanted to open it, ever. and for now, he didn't have to.
Remus often came in, sometimes you would jerk a bit, and it was agony to watch, Remus often spoke calming words, as if you had just been jarred from a nightmare, even if he knew it wasn't so.
Remus grew to be friends with the nurses who took care of you, but it never faded the pain he felt when he saw your breathing, how the nurses whispered about you bad condition, when they thought he couldn't hear. but he could. he loved you.
Remus loved you with all his heart and soul, and he would do just about anything to keep you from suffering.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you liked it. this kinda of hurt to write, and I'll hopefully have both an angst and fluff ending out very soon. if you have any preference idea's, I would absolutly love to hear them, I'm brainstorming right now, but I'm not coming up with many good ones, only if you want to, so yeah! as always I do not own the art so please give credit to the amazing artist!
Have a fantastic day!!!
Peaceful Lavender
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