Preference #13 (part 2): What happens now (Happier ending)
Hello, so after the last few angsty stuff, this one should be some fluffier stuff. healing the hearts that were broken earlier (I'm sorry! I have more sneeze paper if needed) as always please keep comments clean and Patton friendly! I hope you like it!
Warnings: Mentions of sickness and surgery, implied depression
you walked into the library, the smell of books in your nose as you walked around. you had tried to get over Logan, but it was difficult. he had you addicted to a book series, and you just couldn't seem to shake it.
though you don't really regret leaving, you miss him... a lot. Roman's kept you updated, but you can't find it in you to go back to him, at least until he realizes what when wrong and wants to change it. so far its been two years since you'd talked with him, since you broke up.
so here you were, walking through the quiet library, your nice cloths on, with a stack of books already piled in your arms, without Logan you had a lot more free time so you've been reading. you kneeled down pulling two more books from the series you were reading before standing up.
"y/n?" you heard a soft voice call, you turned to see Logan, his eyes wide, staring at you. you gave him a half-smile before walking away, hearing his footsteps bounding behind you.
"I'm so sorry." he said, softly crying as he held you close, you turned in his arms, the books you were holding against his chest.
"are you actually sorry?" you asked, not looking him in the eyes. Logan nodded, crying softly into your hair. him enjoying the scent, a scent he missed, a scent that made his heart ache with every fiber of his being.
"I never realized how much you do for me, or how lost I am without you, I would do anything to get you back... anything." Logan whispered, holding you as if you'd disappear forever if he didn't.
"I love you to Logan... I forgive you." you whispered as he pulled you very close, kissing you softly, before easily lifting the books out of your hand. all the librarians were overjoyed, as they had shipped you since before you met. so it was a happy ending for all
You stared at the ground as you approached the Sanders house, knocking on the door, before it got opened. Roman was glaring at you, as you went to walk inside, but he shoved you farther out.
"what do you want?" Roman huffed as you started at the ground ashamed.
"Patton is a sobbing mess because of you." Roman added angrily.
"I need to talk with Patton" you said softly, looking at the ground, Roman merely huffed before closing the door in your face, you gentle cries sounding out. Patton heard them through his open window surprisingly, as he walked over, staring out his window to see you underneath, infront of the door. curled up, crying.
you pulled out your phone, texting Logan, who soon walked out, and you two walked inside. Patton began crying again, of course you would want to date Logan, he saw no issue in you taking the invitation, he was perfect for you. Patton continued to cry, knowing he never had a shot anymore, but he was wrong.
Logan opened the door, revealing your tear stained face to Patton.
"I know you might not want to see me." you whispered, staring at the cream-colored carpet, not knowing where else to stare. you heard Patton walked closer. as Logan left, closing the door.
"y/n..." Patton said,
"i'm so so sorry Patton, I gave it up, I gave it all up." you cried, looking up at him, as his face flashed with sadness, pulling you into his chest. you missing the feeling and now knowing how to reach other than to just cry
"oh my sweetie." Patton whispered, hugging you tightly, as you hugged back, crying so hard it physically hurt. Patton picked you up, walking you to his bed, where he set you gently, still holding you. he was afraid of letting go, so were you
"I know how much you wanted that." Patton began before you interrupted, pulling away from his chest to look him in the eyes.
"it got in the way of us, and I'm not willing to lose you Pat... I can't lose you... I know you probably don't want me back, but I just wanted you to know, you are worth more than anything else in my life, and I love you." you whispered, before you felt Patton's lips smash into yours. you kissing back.
"its okay, we are okay... I love you." Patton whispered, holding you tightly. a content smile on both your lips as you snuggled into each other, more thankful than ever that you were with the other.
you were staring at a picture of Roman, as neither of you had really recovered from the break up, you were texting Remus, who was pretty much begging you to come over and talk to Roman. but you were scared.
scared to hurt Roman, scared that he wouldn't be able to protect you, you were scared that he would never listen or love you in the same way as before the break up, fear was almost paralyzing, so you wrote back.
y/n: I'm terrified Remus... what if he doesn't love me anymore?"
Duke-of-Le-TRASH: he doesn't hate you, please just come over.
y/n: I just... can't.
you typed and send before more tears rolled down your cheeks, you craving Roman's grip, sadness whenever you smelled roses, wanting... no longing, to be held, him whispering in your ear poetry he wrote. all those nights of cuddles, how loving everything was about him
now you were here, alone, and cold. without Roman in your life, everything felt... colorless. you were so caught up in your thoughts and tears you didn't notice the group of three people walking into your house, you didn't notice soft feet climbing the stairs, and Remus opening the door,
you looked up, a little bit of snot running down your face, along with tears, but Remus merely grabbed you, and walked you downstairs where Roman and Logan were waiting. Remus set you down infront of Roman and stepped back, you looking at the ground, not able to look at ROman in the eye.
"i'm so sorry." you heard Roman whisper, pain evident in his voice. you looked up to see him looking at the ground, tears streaming down his face, as his princely persona dropped like the tears to the ground.
"I'm sorry, I should have listened, I miss you. I don't know what came over me, I love you." Roman cried, whispering the words softly, you didn't respond for a second, before reaching over and grabbing Romans face, pulling him into a long, passionate kiss.
Roman kissed back fervently, dipping you as he kissed you.
"I'm sorry too, my love." you whispered to him, and he merely kissed you again. a smile on his lips as he brought you back up, hugging you tightly against his chest, you were so happy, in the arms of your prince, and Roman finally had his Angel back.
you hadn't heard anything from Virgil for a few months, it hurt too much to head over to the sanders house after what had happened. so you got a job to pass the time, and to try and made the pain of what had happened melt away.
you were now scanning items at the grocery story, yawning as you did so.
"that will be 13.22." you yawned looking up, your eyes instantly widening at the person before you, it was Virgil, his puffy eyes, his nose slightly red, you spotted chocolate and a teddy bear of what he was buying. he went to give you the money before his eyes widened. as soon as he met your eyes, his started watering, he broke eye contact, not taking his change and running out, his groceries in hand.
you got out of work to three text messages
Pupperoni-pizza: Virgil isn't doing well, I thought you should know
Princey-dude: Greetings Y/n, please come check on Emo-nightmare, he's not okay, and he hasn't forgiven himself.
Snake-boi: Y/n, though I don't like Virgil, you need to help him, I know he's not doing well, you don't have to, but you deserve to know
reading all those messages, you continued crying. you drove to the sanders house, where Logan and Patton hugged you, Janus nodding at you, as you walked upstairs. you stood infront of the Virgil's door, taking a deep breath before knocking on it, you didn't hear an answer so you opened it, softly poking your head in.
you heard your name from behind you and spun around to see Virgil, looking like he just got out of the bathroom, staring at you, tears on his eyes.
"Hello Virgil..." you whispered, before Virgil began crying, curling into a ball as you ran up to him, wrapping your hands around his figure, and moving a hand to his head, brushing his hair softly with your fingers.
Virgil cuddled into you, mumbling things that you couldn't quite hear, he then looked up at you, his dark chocolate eyes scanning yours.
"please..." Virgil begged.
"what... are you okay, Virge?" you asked, hugging him a little tighter.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over you, you would never cheat." he cried, looking at you as the words seemed to spill from his mouth. he tensed as each word passed.
"I forgive you Virgil." you said softly, kissing him as he cried harder. Virgil pulled you against him, still on the floor, his eyes scanning yours, as you leaned forward, your lips meeting his as you smiled.
you saw that Janus and Patton give you thumbs up from the corner of your eye, before Virgil cuddled into your neck. his breath shallow, but calming down. you were in his arms again, and he knew you would never leave him, or cheat on him, he can't believe he pushed you away, but there was no way he would ever make that mistake again.
it has been 5 years since you and Janus broke up, both of you too heartbroken to ask eachother to date again. Janus coninuted to look for love but never found someone who was quite as perfect as you.
you stopped looking for love, and continued with life, your feelings lingering like the stank of moldy food. you sat at home now, working on a project you had to do for work, when you got a phone call from Janus.
"would you please come over." he said, you glanced at the clock, it was late, then you answered.
"I guess, you okay Jan?" you said, standing up and headed to the door, grabbing your keys and getting ready to go. he didn't answer and you drove over.
you walked inside, the smell of tea and your favorite hot drin mingling in the air, as you glanced around, looking for Janus.
"I'm here" you gently called out, you then heard footsteps and saw Janus form poke around the corner.
"can we talk... in my room?" Janus asked, you nodded and he carried the two mugs down the stairs and down the hallway in the basement, stopping at his door and opening it, you followed him inside, seeing his snake, Pac-man, perk up at the sight of you.
"I... I'm sorry." Janus said, after the door was closed.
"I must admit... I never lost feelings for you dear" Janus said looking down at this honey-colored tea, before looking at you.
"I have to say neither have I... but... why break if off... all those years ago?" you asked, sipping your drink as he took a long sip of his.
"I was scared, scared you would... get sick of me, or that I would make you unhappy. I thought if I found someone else than you wouldn't be hurt if I made a mistake... but I made the mistake by letting you go." Janus said, his eyes staring at pac-man while he talked. your eyebrows raised, you were not expecting that.
"I have to admit, I have never lost my feelings for you, dear one." you said, looking down at your lap, you saw out of the corner of your eyes Janus look up at you. you smiled looking out at him.
"I'd understand if you didn't want to take me back, but you deserve the truth, you always have, so I have to tell you that I love you with every fiber of my being, and that letting you go was the worst mistake of my life." Janus said, tears leaking down his cheeks, you smiled, setting your cup on the table, and pulling Janus into a kiss.
he kissed back just as passionately, both of you missing each other now finally ready to give each other the love the other deserves. Janus held you as soft music placed, you two slow dancing for the first time in 5 years, and it was magnificent to have your love back.
you had just found out you were sick, three days before you and Remus broke up, you knew you couldn't hurt him, you couldn't bare to hurt him, but you hurt him anyway. you knew someone needed to know, so you called Roman, the first time talking the sanders in 8 months. they had texted you, but you never responded.
"Hello, Y/n?" Roman said, surprise in his voice.
"yes, I need to meet and speak to you in person, alone." you said, hearing Remus voice screaming your name and Roman shushing him. you saw heard Roman speak again.
"where?" he asked, and you gave him a café number, before hearing the phone get yanked away, Remus voice ringing the through the phone.
"Panda, Panda please answer me. I'm sorry." he cried but you were already hanging up, letting out an agonized sound, so upset, but you couldn't. you couldn't hurt him, you couldn't bear it. so you got into your soft clothes, making your way to the café.
you arrived and saw Roman leaning against a wall, his eyes widening with anger when he saw you, you just about ran out of the café, but you knew you had to do this.
"y/n." Roman said angrily, you nodded, before Roman grabbed your wrist pulling you to a table, and sitting down, glaring at you.
"why did you break Remus heart, give me a good reason not to break your nose." Roman said angrily. you began crying softly, and Roman's eyes softened a tad.
"R-Remus can't know I still love him." you cried, and Roman looked at you curious.
"why not? you broke his heart and you can't tell him why?" Roman yelled.
"I'm sick Roman... I'm going to need surgery..." you cried softly, looking up at Roman. who now looked a little regretful.
"I can't hurt Remus, and Remus needs to move on, because I can't be everything he needs me to be... I can't... hurt him." you cried softly as Roman now looked, he then pulled out his phone.
"you need to tell Remus." Roman said.
"I can't." you said.
"you need to." Roman said stubbornly, calling Remus, and telling him to meet up at the café. Roman didn't say anything about you, and soon you saw Remus, walking in. he looked awful, more ashy than usual, sadness dripping from his eyes, not a smile gracing his mustache. his whole figure paler than usual, as he walked in. Roman waved and he glanced at you both, his eyes widening
tears were slipping down both your faces as he ran over, too scared to touch you, yet so obviously touch starved. you reached over running your hand across his cheek.
"Hello... Remus." you said softly, as Remus cried.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you, if you are happier without me, be happy. please I just want you to be happy." Remus rambled on, as he cried, pain flashed in your eyes, as you lifted his chin with your finger tips, you wiped the snot off his lip with a napkin. before wipe a few tears away with your fingers.
"you did absolutely nothing wrong, I love you so much." you said, hugging him close, kissing him softly, to which he kissed back a little harder, desperate.
"Remus... I need to tell you the truth." you said, looking down, away from him after the kiss broke.
"I'm here, Panda." he said, holding your hand.
"Remus, I'm sick, and I need surgery, I don't know my chances, and I can't bear to hurt you." you said, looking down, as you heard Remus gasp. he hugged you more gently.
"I'm here for you, I'm here for you every single step of the way, just let me be there." he begged at the end, and you nodded at him. he kissed you again, Roman happy you two were back together.
Remus was happier with you by his side, sick or not, you would always be his panda, and you both would always love each other.
thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it! I'm currently looking for some more preference ideas, I have a few left and I'm brainstorming, so... I'm not sure when the next one should be out, hopefully really soon. as always I don't own the art so please give credit to the amazing artist! Please remember you are loved and special (Patton sends his Patton hugs to remind you)
have a fantastic day!
Peaceful Lavender
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