Preference #1: First Kiss
Hello, first of all thank you so so so much for reading, and I really hope you like it! this chapter has been edited, just to tell a better, smoother story. and yeah! I really hope you like it! Please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!
you sighed as Roman dragged you into the Sanders household, your nose slightly pink because of the cold weather, and the fact you would have to see Logan, the Logan Logic Sanders. just the name made butterflies flutter in your guts.
Patton was carrying your suitcase and your cat carrier, with Twinkie inside. she was your cat, the one you were originally intending to spend Christmas with, but we can't always have what we want sadly. Roman opened the door pulling you inside and yelling at the sides who were already in the house
you said hello to Janus, Remus and Virgil... well Roman had to pry Remus off from hugging you, but those are just minor details. you then walked over and waved at Logan who merely nodded before looking away from you, making you a bit sad.
you sad down as Patton brought your cat and luggage upstairs. he soon came back downstairs informing you he fed Twinkie, and gave her some water. he then smile, sitting on the edge of the couch, wrapping an arm around you in a hug.
you didn't notice Logan rolling his eyes, but being jealous of Patton's actions. Janus mentioned about watching a movie, really trying to Remus to stop trying to jump on the tree, Patton nodded, before yanking Roman into the kitchen.
you giggled and laughed along with the other sides before Patton came racing out, talking so fast nobody could tell what he was saying, he grabbed Logan's wrist and yanked him to the kitchen. you began talking with Virgil about now they should focus on Halloween instead of Christmas on Christmas eve.
you didn't notice Roman running up to you, until he grabbed your arm and dragged you to the kitchen.
"I need your help, should I have cinnamon or peppermint in my hot chocolate." he nearly yelled before pulling you into the kitchen. your eyes widened seeing Patton and Logan in there. you saw a smirk on Roman's face for a split second before you were shoved, and so was Logan.
your lips slammed into each other as your arms wrapped around each other for support. you pulled away after a few seconds, eyes meeting before he cleared his throat, a giant blush covering both your faces.
"I appear to have been tripped, apologies." Logan said, before speed walking up the stairs to his bedroom. you were in too much shock to do anything , but you would be lying if you said you didn't like it, and the feeling was mutual for Logan.
you were currently walking down the small sidewalk of the park, Tulip, Your gorgeous puppy on a lease as you both walked. you tried to ignore the way people avoiding you in that park. it wasn't like you were sketchy or anything.
being the outsider in a tightknit town was difficult to say the least. especially when you heard the gossip swirling around the neighborhood, you'd heard a lot of false rumors, but what good does someone have to change an entire towns mind. not much.
you sighed as Tulip barked at a goose before your mind started to wander again. there was only one person in his entire town that had talked to you so far, and his name was Patton Sanders. and he was the nicest person you've ever met. he had a small puppy, which he said was his roommates Roman. her name was tiffany.
you'd often enjoy talking to Patton while you two walked your dogs. that's really the only reason you walked in his park. sadly today you just didn't see him. you waited, walking tulip on the walking trail once more before decided he wasn't going show, and walking Tulip to the car.
but before you could even get out of the park Tulip ran, yanking you along as you lost your center of balance, meaning you had to run, stumbling behind her as you yelled for her to stop. she eventually did but not before running behind Patton, yanking you right into Patton.
Patton was looked ready to catch you, but misjudged your speed, so he stumbled a bit too, and your lips met. both you and Patton didn't pull away at the first second. both your eyes widening. you found your balance and stood up, well for a few second as Tulip bumped you from behind, launching you into Patton's arms. he laughed smiling at you, as you blushed.
"Hello, its great to see you." he said smiling widely, as you felt your knees go weak again. but this time just because of Patton. he smiled helping untangle you both before walking with you, Tiffany and Tulip enjoy each others company just as much as you were enjoying Patton's.
it would be a complete lie if you said you wish Tulip would never do that again, because that kiss with Patton, burned into your memory forever, was the best moment of your life. and you didn't know this, but he was having similar thoughts as well.
you never expected Roman to be carrying you into his house, your arms wrapped around his shoulder, your ankle screaming in pain, as he sat you down, looking at you with big, beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
"I'll get Logan... I just... oh goodness." Roman said, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. you knew you seriously scared him when he saw you crying on that bench in the park. you had thought it would be nice to go sit by the old oak tree where you met, you never expected to twist your ankle on the tree roots, but I guess who really expects that?
you had meant to call Janus to pick you up and bring you home, but just your luck your phone died. first you thought your ankle would be fine... it wasn't. you had managed to crawl over to a bench before crying in pain. you knew maybe Patton would spot you, but then again, Patton already walked today.
why had you gone here, why hadn't you told Roman. he was your boyfriend after all and this was your spot. you never expected him to be there. he ran up to you and then lifted you and started carrying you around, he wanted to take you to the hospital, but you didn't want to.
you managed to agree to show Logan and have him instruct on what to do. Roman was scared, you could tell. you looked over at Roman while he carried you, tears gathering in his eyes as he held you tighter.
apparently he had been walking to the store, because Remus stole his car for something or other... a common occurrence. and he had spotted you, scaring the bran muffins right out of him. he carried you home, and that brings you to now.
"Hey... thank you so much, my Prince." you said, holding his wrist so that he didn't walk away quite yet. he looked over with a small smile.
"no issue at all, my darling." Roman said, but you pulled him closer, sensing the curiosity in his eyes as you smiled. you then grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a big kiss. he kissed back with all the passion, a happy squeak sounding from him. he wrapped his arms around you, before smiling. you both pulled away for air, but he soon he reconnected your lips, smiling widely. you ended up needing a cast for your ankle, and you can bet your lucky stars Roman is carrying you around the entire time. there is no way he's letting you take a step.
you bit your lip as you focus, purely on your goal, knocking Toad out of the race. you move and turned. racing all for that finish. you saw Virgil as King Boo, right behind you, but you crossed the finish line first, a big smile on your face as you let out a joyous laugh, unknowingly making Virgil's heart soar.
"that's 5 for me, and ZERO for you!" you taunted playfully, tossing another cheese-puff into your mouth as Virgil looked at you with a grumpy look, even if he was smiling inside.
"I will get you. and you can bet I shall get you in the cruelest way possible, a blue turtle shell, then when you finally recover, I shall send a red turtle shell after you." Virgil said, his eyes playful yet with a dark kind of humor. you giggled.
"your going to have a catch me." you teased back, pulling his hood over his face before running around his room, you laughing all the time, looking over at him, when you didn't see him on the couch, you faltered your running a bit.
you felt his arms wrap around your waist and lift you in the air as you laughed louder, him laughing too. he then tossed you on the couch before tickling you. you laughed so hard tears were streaming down your face, as you looked up at Virgil, a huge smiling on his beautiful face as well.
this was your chance, the one you had been waiting for, and you took it. you leaned up, grabbing his hoodie and pulling his lips into yours. you felt him freeze and soon began to pull away, but Virgil leaned in, smashing your lips together again.
he pulled away a few seconds later. both of you shocked before a smile found its way onto both your lips.
"ready for another race?" you asked, him, grabbing the remote again, as he smiled. ready to race. ready to spend time with you. you won again, because Virgil is still flustered by that kiss. and he probably won't be able to race well for a long time.
Remus opened the door, smiling widely before dragging you inside. it was new years eve and Remus and Roman had insisted you join them, because you couldn't be with your family. snowstorms and all.
Remus dragged you over near him and plopped you on the couch. it was odd being around so many people, as you usually stayed home or with your family on new years eve, everybody reading journal entries and emails.
so this was new, but it would be a lie if you said you didn't enjoy it. Remus pulled you next to him and Roman. who handed you a glass of orange juice. you smiled, glancing at all the faces of the Sanders.
you had met them a little over a year ago. and you adored each one of them, but there was a certain side who was very close to your heart. with his bowler hat, his smirk, the way he cared about you, and made sure you didn't burn yourself out.
yes, you had a giant crush on Janus, and the feeling was mutual. Janus was watching you as you talked, jealous you weren't next to him, sad he couldn't hold you... not yet. Remus had convinced him tonight was the night to kiss you, and he knew he couldn't back down.
you and the sanders talked about all sorts of things at the hours ticked away, and soon enough it was close. ten minutes. Patton and Virgil wanted you to sit by them, but Remus had other plans as he dragged you over to Janus, raising his eyebrows at Janus as he gestured towards you.
Janus rolled his eyes, but was blushing. you didn't notice because you were blushing too. you were right next to him. his beautiful eyes, his lovely lemon and thyme scent, with just a hint of vanilla. the way he smiled down at you, his eyes holding something you couldn't quite place.
the countdown stared as you and Janus scooted closer together, Remus smiling.
"ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone cheered, well almost everyone. Janus at that very moment grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. you kissing back, threading your fingers in his hair, as his hand supported your neck and laid on your back, all 6 of his hands.
you two finally broke away, smiling at each other, while all the other sides except Virgil and Logan cheered, they just rolled their eyes at each other. and Janus smiled, pulling you into a big hug.
"we should invite you over every year, love. you are an incredible kisser." he whispered making you blush deeper, before pecking his lips again.
Remus had tried to kiss you, over and over and over again. constantly making comments about how good your lips would taste against his, or how wonderful a kisser he dreamed you were. you always giggled at that, but never took him seriously
after that Remus actually tried to kiss you, but fate decided it wouldn't be. you always turned your head, or moved. accidently most of the time. but Remus never got to kiss you. and you intended to change that. you needed to change that. you loved Remus, and you knew this was a huge thing
you walked down the stairs to Janus and Remus rooms. you made your way down the unlit hall, towards Remus door. you took a deep breath before opening the door, ready to encase Remus in all the love you could give. he needed love. and you were ready to give it to him
what you saw when you walked in, broke your heart. Remus was on his bed, crying softly. trying to calm himself down. it drawings were scattered on the floor, some ripped. and several in trash cans. you saw Remus crying harder. as you stepped in
he didn't notice, holding a stuff animal in his arms, one that looked like it came from Roman, it was a white dragon, with red details. you walked in, unsure of what you could do, so you merely leaned down and started lifting the pictures off the ground. you moved to the trashcan, and after brushing some stuff, you'd rather not know what, out of the way, you lifted a few letters out of it. all of them addressed to you. love notes.
you looked up at Remus, him finally noticing you. you couldn't even process that Remus had moved before you were tackled, and on the floor, Remus above you, holding you in almost a bone crushing hug, not quite because he would never hurt you. he was crying harshly into your chest.
you rubbed his back, singing to him. your favorite song. while he calmed down.
"why do you love me?" Remus cried, snuggling deeper, before you lifted his chin.
"because you are perfect, my dear sunshine." you said softly, kissing him long and passionate on the lips. he kissed back, gentler than you expect. you ran your fingers through his hair. before hugging him closer, him never letting go.
"I love you Panda..." he said snuggling in, you snuggled back,
"I love you so much more." you whispered, kissing his forehead again and again with a soft smile.
Thank you so so much for reading and I hope you liked it! the request page is open if you want, but you by no means have to! the art isn't mine, so please give credit to the amazing artist! please remember you are loved and special!
have a fantastic day!
Peaceful Lavender
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