Magic/Fantasy AU: Magician Logan x Hurt Reader: The Magician's Soulmate
Hello, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy. we are nearly at 300 reads and I just cannot believe it! thank you all so so much!!!!. as always please keep comments clean and Patton friendly! and I hope you enjoy!
Frantic knocking startled Logan as he stood up from his bench, walking away from his desk, his magic books and potions scattered around. he walked down the stairs, his black boots clacking against the stone. Logan opened the door, to be met with a very surprising sight.
there was Prince Roman, his white horse behind him, and there you were, in his arms, limp. tears were streaming down Roman's face as he quickly explained how the dragon witch targeted you during an attack.
Logan looked down and felt his heart skip a beat, figuratively. there you were, stunning. he looked down to notice a giant black orb lodged deep in your stomach, black magic dripping into your system. Logan held out his arms and gently took your fragile form.
"I'll do everything I can, You Majesty." Logan said, looking up at Roman's frantic eyes, Roman nodded, looking down at your form, placing a soft passionate kiss on your lips, before turning, not wanting to leave you, but know he had to. he hopped on his horse
"send me a fairy when you finish, please... please Logan, heal them." Roman said, before riding off. Logan, looked down at your form before taking you to his office, and setting you on the small bed, he poured a little bit of a certain potion into the wound, a blue light shining, illuminating all the black magic that had come into your system. Logan frowned, biting his lip, this wasn't good
the black magic had seeped deep into your system, and Logan got to work, using a mixture of fairy magic and some of his own, working hard, focusing his mind, but not much stopped this flow of darkness into your system, Logan tried to remove the orb, and he did, but it didn't stop the darkness from spreading
it was several hours that Logan was working yet nothing he tried helped, and the darkness was soaking deeper and deeper, soon it would consume you, placing you into an unwalkable coma, til the Dragon Witch would find you, and destroy everything inside your mind.
Logan knew he couldn't let his happen, he wouldn't let it happen. so he searched and searched, he thought about this curse, looking up in his dust-covered books, tears of frustration leaking down his face. you didn't have much time left, your lips turning a deep green color, indicating you had 1 hour left.
then he found it, finding a picture of the orb, where it came from and the only cure. soulmates kiss. Logan looked at you, his eyes wide, as he realized Roman kissed you earlier, and it did nothing. Logan also knew he couldn't go without trying everything he could to wake you.
so when you only had a few minutes left, Logan did it. leaning down, kissing your lips, with a soft passion, just as the book had said, but it was a genuine kiss. at that moment, the blue light illuminated and turned green, indicating you were healing. it had worked.
Logan gasped, looking down at your form as the green color drained from your lips, your cheeks regaining a nice, more human color. Logan let the tears roll down his cheeks, all the stress of the last 12 hours piling onto him as he let out a giant sob of relief.
Logan looked up, knowing it would be another 12 hours til you'd wake, but you would wake up, and that would be a glorious thing. then it hit him. his kiss woke you up. you were the magicians soulmate, not Roman's.
Logan looked at you, he did indeed feel the tugging on his heart, but he also knew Roman, and how Roman wouldn't stand to let anything get in the way of his love. Logan bit his lip again, wondering what the heck he could do. he couldn't tell you that he was your soulmate, nobody else could know.
so Logan, wrapped your wound, which would need a few weeks healing, and set you down on the softer couch in the corner, to heal. Logan looked at you once again. kissing your forehead gently, before walking downstairs to get some food, because it had been over 18 hours since he'd eaten.
you had woken up, and over the four weeks, grown incredibly close with Logan. as Logan found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you. he sadly sent the fairy to alert Roman that you were ready to return to normal life.
that night Logan spent crying alone, knowing you would be gone the next morning, not being able to stop it. to keep you there with him, he loved you. as scary as it was for him to admit it. Logan loved you. he took off his glasses and wiped the tears. it was what had to be done.
the next morning Logan awoke and washed his face, before walking to your room, a guest room he had in the tower. you were sitting there nervously. he sat on the bed next to you.
"well... best of luck, y/n." he said softly, and you smiled responding. your smile burning into Logan's mind.
there was a loud knock on the door, echoing up the stone as Logan stood up, taking your hand and escorting you down the stairs. he opened the door to see Roman, in a regal outfit, his white horse behind him, slightly panting.
Logan watched as you ran up to Roman, Roman running to you as well, both of you kissing passionately. tears ran down Roman's face, as he knelt down on one knee, asking you to be his significant other. you smiled nodding, as Roman slipped the ring into your finger, and Logan's heart shattered. he faked a smile.
you then turned to Logan, hugging him tightly, before walking out the door with Roman, both of you riding out towards the city. Logan closed the door before letting an agonized sob escape his lips. not being able to stop his trembling, why. why did you have to be his soulmate.
Logan couldn't make himself eat for days after that, he barely ate enough to keep him functional, the light that had made its way into his life, now fleeting from it, leaving him in a darkness that he couldn't shake.
Logan was invited to the wedding, where you would officially become royalty, and he made sure it was special, with magical tricks, and lights, using his fairy friends to help you. Logan watched you kiss Roman, dance with Roman, wishing it was him instead of the prince.
Logan returned to his tower, just being in that place making his heart hurt. he got an invitation to move to the city, to help. and Logan thought of refusing it, but he couldn't. he wanted to see you. He hated the fact he was still in love with you, he hated the fact you were his soulmate, knowing that since he was a magician, he would never find love again. for that was the plague of magicians, they could only ever romantically love one person, their one soulmate.
years went by, you and Roman having a family together. Logan and Roman never seeing eye to eye but agreeing for you to be happy. Logan had helped tutor your children, helping Roman make good choices for the kingdom, and ever saving your children's lives.
but Logan never lost the longing. the longing to be yours, he longing to come home at the end of a long day, to see you smiling at him, to kiss you just once more. but he knew he couldn't, even if you were the magician's soulmate.
this broke my heart to write. thank you so so much for reading! I hope you liked it! please let me know if you want me to do an alternate happy ending! as always, I do not own the art, so please give credit to the amazing artist!
Have a fantastic day!
Peaceful Lavender
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