Chapter 48
Prompt: 'Something like a prequel, or life in the tower?'
'How Virgil and Remy met'
I hope yalls are ready. I took this as a chance to do a thing
I hope yalls like this chapter!
It might be a bit shorter, who knows.
Virgil wasn't happy.
Father had left several hours ago and wasn't going to be back until the day after tomorrow, but that was fine, father left all the time, but he always came back. No, what Virgil didn't like, was the raging storm outside the tower. He'd closed to little window door they had, and he'd closed all the curtains to ever window, so he couldn't see what was happening, but he could hear the harsh freezing rain as he pelted against the tower and the rest of the world around them, and the harsh winds shaking the trees, not to mention the-
-the thunder.
Virgil jumped with a yelp as another large wave of deafening thunder rolled across them.
Father had told him about thunder storms before, had told him about how little boys who went out of the house would get swept up by the wind and taken away, or drowned in the rain, or struck by lightning.
This thunderstorm must have meant some other little boy had left his house, and Virgil couldn't helping feeling sorry for him. The other boy should have stayed inside, where it was safe.
He saw a flash of lighting shine through the curtains, and quickly brought his hands up to cover his ears, knowing that thunder would-
-would soon follow lightning.
Maybe if he found some place to hide he'd be able to block out the sounds of the thunder...
He eyes the small table near by. If he covered it in blankets...
Another clang of thunder made him jump in surprise with another yelp, and he quickly ran up the stairs to his room, where he stripped his bed of sheets, blankets, and pillows, bundling everything up and hurriedly carrying it down stairs.
He paused after he dumped it all into the floor, biting his lip as he looked back up stairs.
Could he take father's as well? Surely he'd be fine with it...
...but maybe he wouldn't be, he didn't like Virgil going up into his room...
Virgil jumped and raced upstairs again, this time rushing into his father's room, where he also stripped the bed of all its sheets, blankets, and pillows, carrying them down as well. He'd just have to put everything away before father came back, but that would be fine, he had plenty of time.
He dropped everything down into the already existing pile, and quickly began to set up his fort under the table, draping the thickest blankets over the small table, and piling the thinner ones and the pillows underneath the table, trying his hardest to make it so that it would be nice and dark underneath it. It probably wouldn't block out all the noise, but hopefully it would at least be muffled.
He quickly finished his fort, and had tears pooling in his eyes at this point from all the noise, and quickly ducked under one of the blankets and into the fort, where he covered himself in blankets, sheets and pillows, clutching one of his father's mustard yellow pillows to his chest, but made sure not to get any tears or snot on it.
It was nice and dark inside the fort, and the feeling of all the pillows and sheets and blankets around and on top of him helped to ground him a little bit, which made him feel a bit better. It also managed to muffle some of the noise, so t wasn't as startling or terrifying.
Suddenly there was a loud wooden bang from out side his fort that made him jump, follow by the sound of rain biting the wooden floors.
Virgil sniffed and carefully poked his head out of his fort, and saw that the two wooden doors on the large window had burst open, probably from the wind, and the freezing Ran was now pouring inside and soaking the floor and rug.
He quickly crawled out of his fort and dashed forwards to try and get the doors closed, only for something small and black to fly through and crash to the ground with a loud squawk that made Virgil gasped and take several steps back.
The little mound shivered, and two black wings shot up and began to shake about, water flicking everywhere, before the thing shakily got to its feet.
Virgil stared at it with wide eyes as he trembled slightly. It was a bird of sorts, he knew that.he watched as it looked around, and eventually spot Virgil, it's gaze turning from curious to wary instantly.
Virgil gasped softly as it puffed its feathers up and let out a low growl, and quickly stumbled back a few steps before slipping and falling onto his bum.
This was one of the horrifying beasts father had told him about! One of them had gotten into the house!! What was he supposed to do? Father told him that birds pecked people's eyes out and eat your tongue, fingers and toes.
"H-hello Mr.bird," he stuttered out as he held his hands up in a non-threatening manner, "I-"
Virgil cut himself off as the bird let out a hiss, and he quickly froze and covered his face, deciding that he'd rather lose his toes and fingers instead of his eyes and tongue.
He stayed still, feeling the agonizingly slow seconds drag by as he waited for the bird to attack, but nothing happened.
After a minute or two he carefully peeked out between his fingers, and saw the bird just sitting there, staring at him. It's feathers weren't puffed anymore, and it's wary look had gone back to curious.
Virgil cut himself off with a yelp, but couldn't help noticing that the bird jumped at the sound as well.
" you not l-like the storm too?" He asked quietly as he looked at the bird warily, who simply cocked in head in return.
Virgil bit his lip and glanced around nervously, before getting up and rushing over to the pair of doors that were still open, quickly forcing them closed and locked before moving to get some towels to clean up the water that had made a mess on the floor.
The bird stayed where it was, but it had turned to watch him, it's eyes curious.
"Um, p-please don't hurt me, Mr.Bird," Virgil said after he'd cleaned up the water.
What do birds eat? Do they only eat fingers and eyeballs? No, Virgil had seen birds out his window on the ground before, they ate plants and bugs too...he didn't have any bugs, but....
He quickly went to the kitchen, and got a small fish, which he quickly piled high with berries, before going back to where the bird was, taking a slow calming breath when he saw that the bird had moved to perch on top of the table Virgil had made into a fort.
"If...if you promise not to eat my eyes, o-or my fingers and toes, or my tongue, then I-I'll give you these." He said as he slowly walked over to the bird.
The bird cocked his head at him, before turning its gaze to the berries.
Virgil carefully set the dish down, and the bird let out a small churr sound, and quickly dove in happily, earning a small smile from Virgil, which quickly vanished after another bang of thunder, which also made the bird jump.
An idea popped into Virgil's head, and he only hesitated a few seconds, before picking up the small dish and lifting up the blankets to his fort, quickly ducking inside. He held the edge up, and began to coax the bird inside.
"I-it's quieter in here," he said as he set the dish down, and picked up one of the berries, placing it just out side the fort. A second later the bird was there, gulping the berry down.
He quickly set another berry down this time just inside the fort, and watched as the bird hopped forwards and gulped that berry down too.
He did this a few more times, until the bird was at the dish of berries, and then he closed the fort, before relaxing back into his pillows and blankets.
The bird left when the storm stopped, flying away the second Virgil had opened the small doors again.
It wasn't until a week later he saw it again, perched on his windowsill on one f the days father wasn't home.
He set out another dish of berries, which the bird happily ate, before going about his own business, although he occasionally watched the bird anxiously, not knowing if it was going to lash out like his father said the beasts on the outside did.
But then the bird came again.
And again.
And again.
And not once did it ever act hostile or aggressive towards Virgil.
It always came when Virgil was home alone, and it always stayed to itself.
At least, it had always stayed to itself, until one sunny spring morning...
When it perched itself on the back of a chair to watch Virgil paint.
It had come inside. It had perched itself a few inches away from Virgil.
It also appeared to be a boy if he wasn't mistaken.
He didn't realize he'd stopped breathing until he gasped softly for air. He was frozen for only a few seconds, until he slowly began to paint again, feeling hyper aware of the bird peering over his shoulder.
Then it happened again.
And again.
And again.
Virgil had steadily grown comfortable with the bird, and one day, when he was feeling particularly lonely...
"You're a silly little bird aren't you." He said softly as he watched the bird hop around on the table in excitement. Virgil was bringing him a dish of berries again, as usual, and the bird was very pleased.
The bird ignored his comment, more focused on the berries, and dove in as soon as Virgil set the dish down, earning a small laugh from Virgil.
"Careful, you don't want to choke." He said as he moved to sit at the table, picking up his sketchbook.
The bird huffed and continued to eat his berries at the same pace.
Virgil shook his head with a small sigh, "fine, but if you choke it's your own fault."
Weeks turned to months
months turned into a year
And it wasn't until then that Virgil realized he'd begun to look forward to the birds visits. He never came when Deceit was there, or he hid when he was there and wasn't able to have fun with Virgil like normal.
"You know, I feel kinda bad just calling you 'bird' and such." He said one day as he gently stoked the birds feathers. "Maybe I'll find you a name, would you like that?"
The bird made a small chittering sound and Virgil smiled.
"Then I guess I look through my books for a name for you." He said.
It took several try's till they found the right one, Virgil having to go through every book he owned.
"Is that a name you like?"
The bird clicked softly, bobbing his head from side to side.
"Uh, okay, how about Rem?"
The bird paused before chittering softly, stomping one of his feet a little bit.
"You like that one?"
A vigorous nod.
Virgil smiled as he looked at the bird on the table in front of him.
"Alright then, my name is Virgil," he began.
"It's nice to meet you Remy."
So, how was that?
Not the best chapter I've ever written, but eh.
Hopefully yalls liked it!!!!!
The next chapter will be out soon! (Hopefully)
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