Chapter 45
Prompt: 'Virgil sneaks out onto the roof to stargaze' and 'Virgil and Logan stargaze together'
This is gunna be cute.
There will be some kissing and or making out and such, so fair warning.
Other than that it's just fluff, fluff, and more fluff.
I hope yalls like this chapter!!
Virgil hummed softly and held Logan closer, smiling as his boyfriend nuzzled his face against Virgil's neck. It was just the two of them that night, Roman and Patton where out on some late night guard training exercise thing.
"Hey Logan," Virgil began as he gently carded his fingers through his hair.
"Yes Virgil?" Logan asked, his voice soft and a bit sleepy.
"Do you want to go watch the stars?" He asked, "the nights clear and they're shining brightly." He added.
"I'd love to," Logan said, "but I doubt your guards will let us go out in the middle of the night."
"Probably not," Virgil agreed, "but we could go out the window and onto the roof." He suggested.
"Hmm, its a bit dangerous." Logan said as he mulled the idea over.
"You say that, but you and the other two would sneak out your windows and come to my room so you have no room to talk about what's dangerous." Virgil said with a laugh as he pressed a kiss to Logan's forehead.
Logan chuckled softly, "I suppose you have a point." He said.
"What if we're extra careful?" Virgil asked, "can we please?"
Logan waited a few seconds, mulling the idea over, before nodding. "I suppose I can agree to going up there if we'e careful." He said as he sat up.
Virgil grinned and sat up as well, before getting out of bed and pulling Logan towards the window.
The two of them carefully slipped outside, and walked along the ledge that was roughly six inches wide before climbing up onto the actual roof and finding a secure spot where they could lay down.
"Will you tell me the constellations?" Virgil asked as he snuggled into Logan's side, smiling as Logan wrapped his arm around him.
"Do you want me to point them out and tell you facts, or would you prefer myths?" Logan asked.
Virgil hummed softly, "a bit of both?" He asked.
Logan laughed softly and nodded, "Alright," he said, before looking up at the sky.
"That's the constellation Andromeda, it's is the 19th largest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees." He began, "Cassiopeia, Andromeda's mother, once claimed that she was the most beautiful woman in the world, even more beautiful than the gods. Poseidon, god of the seas, took great offense at this statement, for he knew he had created the most beautiful creatures ever, his sea nymphs."
"In his anger, he created a great sea monster, Cetus, to ravage the seas and sea coast. But Cassiopeia would not take back her words, so it was decreed that she must sacrifice her only daughter, Andromeda, to Cetus."
"Andromeda was chained to a large rock halfway into the sea and was left there to await the arrival of Cetus. As Cetus approached Andromeda, Perseus, the son of Zeus, arrived. He had recently killed the gorgon Medusa and was carrying her severed head in a special bag."
"When Perseus saw the beautiful maiden in distress he went to her aid. Facing the terrible sea monster, he drew the head of Medusa from the bag and held it so that the sea monster would see it, immediately turning Cetus to stone. He then freed the beautiful Andromeda, claimed her as his bride, and took her home with him as his queen to rule." Logan finished, gently carding his fingers through Virgil's hair.
"Hmm, Cassiopeia doesn't seem like a nice mom," Virgil said, "she didn't fight for her daughter."
"No, many parents in myths are bad and selfish, but there are some who are good." Logan agreed with a nod.
"But, near to Andromeda is the constellation for her mother." Logan said, pointing it out. "Poseidon and his brother Zeus decreed that Casseopia would indeed be placed in the sky as a constellation, but as punishment for being so conceited, she would suffer the humiliating position of being seen as upside down in the sky during the fall of the year when her constellation is clearest." He said.
"I don't think she should have gotten a constellation, even if she is upside down," Virgil said as he looked at where Logan was pointing.
"Roman agrees with you on that," Logan said with a smile, "and being put upside down probably hurt her ego quite a bit."
"Still..." Virgil mumbled, earning a small laugh from Logan.
"Perseus also has a constellation." Logan said, as he pointed his finger to a different spot in the sky.
"His story is one of the best known of the Greek myths. He was the of Zeus and Danae, but when he was a baby he and mother and he were locked in a wooden box by his grandfather, Acrisius, and thrown out into the sea to perish." Logan began.
"Well that sounds lovely," Virgil said sarcastically.
Logan smiled. "However, the box did not sink, but instead floated to the shore of another land. The king of that country, Polydectes, fell madly in love with Danae, and wanted her to marry him. But she would not marry him, for she wanted to spend all of her time taking care of Perseus."
"When Perseus had grown older Polydectes tricked him into agreeing to go on a mission for him. The mission was so dangerous that Polydectes was sure that Perseus would be killed, and with Perseus out of the way, Danae would be forced to marry him."
"In order to prove himself to Polydectes, Perseus would have to go to the cave of the gorgons and kill Medusa by cutting off her head and bringing it back as proof to him. Perseus agreed, and the next morning he went up to the top of a mountain and sang songs to welcome the rising sun. This pleased the gods, and several came down to Perseus and gave him gifts to aid him in his fight with the gorgons."
"Athena gave him her shield to look into so he could look at the gorgons, without fear turning to stone. Hermes gave him a pair of winged sandals that would allow him to travel several miles in one step, and Hermes also gave him a sword, the only one that was sharp enough to cut off Medusa's head. And Hades came to give him a helmet that would turn Perseus invisible when he put it on. With these gifts and a special sack to put Medusa's head in, Perseus went to the cave of the gorgons."
"When Perseus entered the gorgon's cave, he placed the helmet of invisibility and, using the polished shield as a mirror, began to examine the head of each sleeping gorgon until he found Medusa with her hair of hissing snakes."
"Being careful to keep looking only into his shield Perseus slashed downward with his sword and cut Medusa's head off. He quickly scooped up the head and placed it in the sack, before running from the cave. On his way home, Perseus was able to use the head to help rescue Andromeda from the Cetus and take her home. Perseus returned home just in time to stop the forced marriage of his mother Danae to Polydectes, and when when Perseus proved he had completed his mission by showing Polydectes Medusa's head, Polydectes and his wedding guests all turned to stone."
"It is said that Perseus gave Medusa's head to Athena, who attached it to the front of her shield. Perseus then lived to an old age and became the king of Mycenae. After his death, Zeus gave Perseus a place among the constellations next to his beloved Andromeda."
"Hmm, I guess that makes sense," Virgil said as he nuzzled his face against Logan's neck, "Perseus doesn't seem all that bad."
"No not in this story." Logan said as he pressed a kiss to his temple.
"Another constellation having to do with Perseus is Pegasus," Logan said as he pointed to another spot. "Pegasus is said to have sprung forth from the spilled blood of Medusa, which dripped into the ocean after she was killed by Perseus. Pegasus was eventually tamed by Minerva, and was given to Bellerophon to aid him in conquering the monster Chimera." He said.
"Bellerophon was successful in
destroying the monster. He then attempted to ride Pegasus up to Mount Olympus to live with the gods. Zeus, angered that Bellerophon thought he was good enough to be a god, made an insect sting Pegasus, causing him to buck Bellerophon off, who fell to his death."
"Pegasus continued his flight up to Mount Olympus and was used in several missions to defeat evil monsters throughout several different myths. In honor of his great service, Zeus placed his constellation among the stars."
"Pegasus seems nice, I think it would be cool to fly." Virgil said.
"It probably would be." Logan said.
"Then there are the two fish Pisces," Logan said as he pointed to their constellation. " One day as Aphrodite and
her son Eros , also known as Cupid, were in the woods and heard the monster
Typhon crashing through the threes towards them. The two of them ran away as fast as they could before finally reaching the shores of the Great Sea. Knowing that the terrible Typhon would soon be upon them, Aphrodite and Eros changed themselves into two fish and swam away to safety." He said.
"Zeus later immortalized this great escape by placing the figures of the two fish, Pisces, among the constellations. But some other stories say that Poseidon sent two fish to save Aphrodite and Eros, and these were the two fish that became Pisces."
"I like the idea that he sent fish to save them," Virgil said with a smile and a small yawn.
"One more Alright, then we should head back down." Logan said softly.
"Already?" Virgil poured.
"Yes, you're getting sleepy, and we can't sit on the roof.
"Can I have a kiss before you start?" He asked.
"I suppose." Logan said with a fond smile, before allowing Virgil to straddle him.
Virgil hummed as he leaned down and captured Logan's lips in a sweet kiss, gently threading his fingers into Logan's hair.
Logan kissed him back and looped his arms around Virgil's shoulders before gently prodding at the seam of Virgil's lips.
Virgil eagerly opened his mouth and allowed Logan to slip his tongue inside, humming again as he pressed himself closer to Logan and closed his eyes.
Logan curled and rolled his tongue against Virgil's, drawing out a few small gasps and almost a small moan from his boyfriend, while also exploring around his mouth teasingly.
Virgil eventually pulled away, gasping softly for breath as he opened his eyes to look down at Logan, who smiled up at him.
"I love you," He said as he leaned down and began to kiss and suck at a spot on Logan neck, earning a small groan from him as Logan tilted his head to the side.
"I love you too." Logan said as he gently massaged Virgil's shoulders, smiling as he felt Virgil shiver slightly from the feeling. "But lets take a small break okay? We can continue this when we're back in my room." He said.
Virgil pouted but moved off of Logan anyways, curling up against his side again, "Alright," he said, "what's the last story?"
"Don't worry it's short," Logan said with a small smile. "That is the constellation Aquarius." He said as he pointed to a spot in the sky.
"Ganymede was an extremely handsome young man, the most handsome the gods had ever seen." He began, "One day, while attending to his father's flocks on Mount Ida, Ganymede caught the attention of Zeus. Zeus then sent his messenger eagle, Aquila, down to earth with instructions to bring Ganymede back up to Mount Olympus."
"On Mount Olympus, Ganymede served the gods by bringing them water whenever they needed it. He also served as cup bearer to Zeus. He was honored for his service by Zeus, who placed a constellation called Aquarius, which means water carrier, up in the stars."
"So they kidnapped him so they could make him bring them water, just cause he was really handsome?" Virgil asked as he and Logan sat up. "That is the stupidest reason to kidnap someone I've ever heard." He said.
"Oh there are several other myths with pointless kidnappings," Logan said with a smile, "I'll tell you them sometime."
The two of them then carefully climbed off the roof and back down to Logan's room, where they immediately curled up in bed again.
"More kisses now?" Virgil asked as Logan straddled his hips.
"Yes, if you're still comfortable with it, I would personally enjoy more kisses." Logan said as he smiled at him."
Virgil smiled back. "Yes please." He said, before pulling Logan down into another kiss.
And ta-da
Another chapter.
The next one should be out soon!!
Hopefully yalls like this chapter!!
Feel free to comment your opinions or any requests you may have!!
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