Storytime! ~ Prinxiety oneshot
T/W swearing also- not my best :/
[Virgil's POV]
My mom used to read me a story. It was about a prince. He'd rescue the princess. Slay the dragon. He was in many of my dreams, when he'd come and save me from the dragon. I used to ask my mom if I could get rescued by him. She told me he'd be there when I needed getting rescued.
But fairy tails don't come true.
I stood in front of my mom whose bleeding to death, unable to help her. My dad, passed out downstairs from drinking. I couldn't call anyone, I didn't have a phone, nor did my mum or dad and there wan't any house phone. The least I could do was wait and run to school the next morning before my dad woke up.
~20 year time skip~
I fell into depression. Anxiety heightened. I'm turning 25 tomorrow. My mom died this time 20 years ago. I was in the adoption system thing but nobody wanted to adopt a depressed orphan. Its not like I was a bad kid, but I just didn't stand out against the other playful kids. Then if any parent wanting do adopt did try and talk to me I refused. I grew up and the chances of getting adopted or fostered slowly grew even smaller. They let me live in my old house when I was 18 and I was more than happy to get out of the adoption place.
I'm planning on killing myself tomorrow. To be with my mom. My dad killed her and got arrested. Then he was beat to death in jail. Old fuck deserved it.
I drifted off to sleep, thinking of the memories with my mom. Her singing to me, reading to me, cooking with me.
~ Time skip ~
I woke up at around lunchtime to the knock on my front door. I ran my fingers though my hair and went downstairs to open it. The social worker came yesterday so who would be here? It's not like anyone knows my birthday. I swung open the door and a tall man stood there. I'm gay and he's hot.
'H-hello?' I asked.
'Virgil?' He said
'Yeah-' I was cut off by him wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly.
'I'm Roman' he whispered in my ear. Roman....
Roman! The prince!
I tightly wrapped my arms back around him.
'You're here! You're real! Wait...' I pulled away from the hug. 'You're not real...'
'I don't know what happened. I woke up today in some weird box thing and someone asked if I was alright. I said I was but a bit confused and they gave me some normal people clothes and sent me on my way. I don't know who they were and then I somehow knew my way here. I knew who you were because of all the times your mom read the book to you. I knew one day you would need saving, and I guess that time is now...' he trailed off.
Wow. He's come to save me. From what?
'Come inside.' I said, standing to the side. He walked in and I shut the door behind him. We went into my living room and sat down. It was weird I immediately trusted him. He was a good person I think. He knew he was from the book. It felt more like he was a friend than a stranger who showed up at my house.
'So... save any princesses recently?' I asked. He chuckled.
'No, not recently.'
We talked for a bit and then I decided to go get dressed. When I finished, I went downstairs. I knew I couldn't just make us stay inside all day.
'Park?' I asked.
'Sound fun!' He replied. We walked to the park and sat on the grass. I lay down and looked up at the clouds.
'Whatcha doin'?' he asked.
'Cloud watching, try it' I patted the grass next to me. He obliged and lay next to me. We pointed out little shapes to each other.
'Crown!' He pointed at a cloud.
'Knife.' I pointed at another
'That is not a chainsaw Virge!'
'It so is princey!'
'Is not!'
'Is too!'
'Is not!'
'Ice cream!' I pointed at a cloud.
'What's ice cream?' He looked at me and tilted his head in a confused manner. I propped myself up on my elbow and shot him a disgusted look.
'You've never had ice cream?!' He and I sat up properly.
'I don't know what it is!' He exclaimed throwing his arms up in distress.
'Come on!' I jumped up and grabbed his hand. I pulled him up and we ran to an ice cream van parked in its usual spot.
We caught our breath while in the short queue then asked for 2 cones with sprinkles and raspberry sauce (damn summer nostalgia >~< not going outside anytime soon)
We walked back to where we were sat and ate the ice creams. The whole time Roman was between 'uwus' and faces of pure bliss and delight.
'Damn, that was good.' He said flopping back and holding his stomach. I laughed at him and ended up getting my nose in my ice cream. I didn't really care.
'Hey, you have a little...' he tapped his nose and giggled at me attempting to lick my nose.
'Shut up, Princey!' I said finishing my ice cream, then attempting to get it off my nose without touching it. I didn't want sticky fingers! Roman kept giggling at me so I stopped, crossed my arms and pouted.
'Fine, I'll help you.' He crawled over to me and I thought he was just gonna wipe it off with his finger. He lifted it up to my face but at the last minute he pulled his hand away and licked my freakin nose! My face must've been pretty funny because he fell back again laughing even harder.
'That's unsanitary!' I yelled wiping my poor little nose. He laughed even more than before, clutching his stomach, his face bright red.
'You- Ha! you-' He kept gasping between laughs while pointing at me. I threw myself over to where he was lying on the floor and tackled him. I clearly took him by surprise because he stopped laughing for a minute. He started right up again though. I leant down and licked his nose. We both carried on laughing for a few seconds.
I started looking at his face in a closer detail. His little freckles. His eyelashes being far too gorgeous for anyone to have. His structured jaw. His eyes, little pools of honey. His lips...
'Virge?' He whispered.
'Hm?' I looked back to his eyes. He wiped a little strand of hair out of the way.
'May I kiss you?' I nodded lightly, sure of my answer. We both leaned in and quickly our lips met. His lips were soft and warm. My mind was in a million different, places. I'd barely known this guy for a day! But hadn't I known him all my life since the story? I knw a lot about him, I mean, we'd spoken a lot. He was funny and goregous and kind. Maybe this was okay, I mean, strangers kissed at the end of dates and that was kind of what this was, right? Was I over thinking this? Too soon for my liking we parted.
I looked back down into my prince's eyes. Maybe I should stay alive for a little while. I guess he really did save me in a way.
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