Get Hacked Bitch ~ Loceit oneshot
[Logan's POV]
I've got you now Deceit.
I sat at my computer tapping away. I had him this time. I was so close! c'mon c'mon c'mon!
Blocked. This took me hours! Damn it!! He must've updated his software. That reminds me I need to do mine!
~ Timeskip ~
I finished updating mine and decided to go see my boyfriend Janus.
[Janus's POV]
I've got you now Logic.
I've updated my software, and now I'm unstoppable. Ah! This must work!
Yes! He forgot to update it! This is perfect. Hell yeah! I'm going to expose you now! Wait, WHAT?
Blocked! How? Damn. He would have just done it.
I closed my laptop and then I heard a knock on the door.
'Hey Baby!' I said, swinging open the door. He looked sad. 'Aw, what's wrong baby?'
'Just...did something wrong.' He said with a sigh.
'Ah, been there.' I sighed. I pulled him into a hug. 'Let's go watch Big Hero 6!'
He smiled and nodded 'I'd like that'
We cuddled up on the sofa and started the movie. We watched it without falling asleep like Virgil and his boyfriend always do. Then I called up the Chinese place and placed an order. Logan started Jungle Book, my favourite, and we went back to the couch. When the food arrived we ate on the floor and carried on watching the movie. God, I love Lo. He's the best.
~ Time Skip ~
We departed after the movie and I sat back in my room.
After a few minutes, I saw a notification on my computer. It was from Logic.
Why would he be messaging me? How did he manage?
I opened the notification.
Logan: Hello, Deceit.
Deceit: What do you want Logic?
Logic: An alliance for a short period of time.
Deceit: Why?
Logic: Because there's a third party we must take down. Corruption.
I'd heard about them. They're some guy that called out both me and Logic saying he would expose us.
Deceit: What are the terms?
Logic: We don't use this to take each other down. We help and warn each other about everything. Then when he is exposed, we can go back to our nemesis status.
Deceit: Okay. I accept the request.
So I'm working with Logic?
~ Time Skip ~
Tonight is the night of the attack.
Logic and I are going to take down corruption and expose his identity.
'Hey Lo?' I called
'Yeah Jan?' He responded
'I'm gonna be catching up on some work for a few hours in my room.'
'Oh me too. Perhaps instead we can do it in the kitchen together?'
I guess, that won't matter to much. It's not like he's Logic or anything.
'Sure baby!'
We sat at opposite sides of the table both of us typing vigorously. I wonder what he's doing. I was past the first wall. Only 6 to go.
Past the second.
Past the third.
Past the fourth.
Past the fifth.
Past the sixth!
One more
One more
One more
'I'm in!' I yelled at the same time as Logan. What was he doing?
I messaged Logic to see if he got past his 7 walls.
He had.
Only a few more things....
Corruption was...
Remus Prince?,That's Virgil's brother in law! What a small world.
Deceit: Should we anonymously message Remus?
Logic: Definitely. Do you know him?
Deceit: I do, only slightly. A friends brother in law. You?
Logic: I do. A friends brother...
Deceit: He's a twin right? You know the other Prince?
Logic: Yes, you know Roman's boyfriend?
Deceit: Yes. Quite closely. Do we know each other?
Logic: I don't think that's possible.
Deceit: Well Virgil doesn't know many people so I'm assuming you know me.
Logic: Virgil is one of my 5 close friends.
Deceit: We're in the same group of 5?
Logic: I suppose.
Deceit: Well, if you aren't Virgil, nor Remus, nor Roman. You've either got to be Patton or Logan. And Patton's not smart enough...
I stood up at the same time as Logan.
The next few moments were silently glaring each other down. Then I began laughing.
'Of course!' I yelled
'What?' He folded his arms.
'You're super smart, always typing like I do, and you fix my computer all the time when I can't! How did I not know you were him?'
'Well I'm surprised I didn't know earlier! You were a child prodigy in maths and computing! And you have a super high-tech computer.'
We sat on the sofa and just thought for a while.
'Wanna hack Nasa?'
A/N: This has been my favourite prompt so far! :)
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