Run Away (Prinxiety)
Song at the top if you want to listen to it
Requested by the awesome gmg76545
They met at school, that's how it goes
Virgil was thrown into someone in the hallway. It wasn't anyone's fault, the corridors of his school were too small for the amount of students.
"God, I'm sorry." He said, readjusting his bag on his back.
"No, my fault. Didn't see you." Virgil looked up through his fringe. "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah." He said quickly, shaking himself out of whatever gay panic he'd been in.
"I think you dropped this." The boy handed him a note and smiled before walking off. Virgil blinked a few times before running off to his next class.
Safely in class, Virgil opened the note under his desk.
'Hey, I'm Roman.
You're pretty cute so I thought I'd give you my number? You don't have to text me, of course. It's just if you want to.'
And below was the number of the cute boy he'd crashed into in the hallway.
Some drinks and then a rose
Then plans to meet again
Virgil looked up at the stars, trying not to focus on how fast his heart was going from actually holding hands with Roman.
"That was fun." He said eventually.
"Yeah." Roman smiled at him shyly. "I, um, I got you something." He handed Virgil a white rose that seemed to glow in the starlight. "I didn't know what kind of flower you liked so I just thought-"
"I love it." Virgil said, smiling. "Thank you, Roman."
"Yeah, um... can I see you again any time soon?"
Virgil smiled and kissed Roman's cheek. "You can count on it."
He wrote her poems, songs, and prose
"Virge! Gurl! Your disaster boyfriend's got another poem for you."
Virgil sped down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and snatched the letter from Remy.
"It's cute, Remy." He snapped. "And Princey isn't a disaster boyfriend, he's just my boyfriend."
"Yeah, of like a week." Remy rolled his eyes. "I think you're rushing this, Virge."
"Remy, I'm 18 now. I'm a legal adult and I've been dating Roman for two years. It's not rushing. Besides," He smile down at the letter, "you can't slow down true love."
Remy rolled his eyes again. "Know what, I made a mistake. You're the disaster boyfriend."
Virgil rolled his eyes and sped up the stairs to his bedroom, closing the door.
She knew that he'd propose
She only wondered when
"He's going to propose to me, one day." Virgil thought as he read Roman's poem over again. "I'm sure of it. And I can't wait." Virgil grinned and closed his eyes, imagining. Just imagining.
One night, before they went to bed
He kneeled on both knees
Virgil laughed as Roman nearly fell over a piece of tinsel he'd left on the floor. They'd moved in with each other a few months ago and were trying to decorate for their first Christmas living together.
"You set yourself up for a fall there, Princey." Virgil laughed and picked up the tinsel. "And the tree decorating can wait. It's late and we need to go to bed if we're going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow."
Roman made a little noise of disappointment and Virgil laughed again. "Come on, Drama Queen." Virgil said, grinning. Roman smiled, a little nervously, and got down on one knee, bringing out a small ring box from his pocket.
And this is what he said
Virgil's eyes went wide. "R-Roman?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I may not be wise and I won't save the day. But look in my eyes." Roman smiled, his green eyes sparkling. "And know I'll always stay. And I won't run away. Virgil, would you marry me?"
Virgil kissed Roman and hugged him tightly. "Of course. Of course I would." Virgil smiled at his silver ring, set with amethyst. "And I won't run away either."
Some years went by, they had a child
He was funny, strange, and mild
"Charlie! Charlie! Char- Princey, have you seen Charlie?" Virgil asked, swinging into his room.
"No. Why?"
"He wants to go shop for Christmas trees and I know you're busy so I was gonna take him."
"I haven't seen him but I've got an idea." Roman smiled and crept downstairs. "Say what's that?" He asked, pointing at the window. He winked at Virgil, telling him to play along. "It looks like the Millennium Falcon. What d'you suppose they want, Virge?"
Virgil shrugged, trying not to laugh. "I don't know. Maybe they want Charlie? He's a great pilot."
"Yeah. Such a shame he isn't here. Guess they'll just have to leave without him."
"No! No! I'm here!" Charlie said, rolling out from underneath the couch he was hiding under. "I wanna fly with Han and Chewwie!"
Virgil laughed. "Come on, resistance fighter Charlie. We need to go to the strange planet Bananq and find a Christmas tree. It will help defeat the Empire."
"Let's go! Let's go!"
Roman laughed and put his arms around Virgil as Charlie scrambled to get his shoes and coat. "Works every time."
Some nights, his dreams would drive him wild
So into bed, she piled
To help him fall asleep
Crying woke Roman up. He looked over at his husband, still deep asleep, and carefully got out of bed.
"Charlie?" He whispered, pushing his son's door open. The crying stopped and was replaced by sniffles. "What's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare." Charlie said and Roman could imagine him scrubbing at his eyes. "I don't wanna go back to sleep, the scary lady will get me."
"What scary lady?" Roman asked, feeling his way over to the bed and sitting down. Almost immediately, Charlie clambered onto his lap and started crying into his chest.
"The scary lady who wants to take me away from you and papa. She says that I have to go to live with someone normal."
"The scary lady isn't really, Charlie." Roman soothed. "And what she said was bull-" He cut himself off. "Hey, d'you wanna sleep with me and papa tonight?" Charlie nodded, still sniffling.
One night, he couldn't get to bed
So she kneeled on both knees
And this is what she said
There was more crying. This time it woke both of them up. "Oh Charlie." Roman said and Virgil could hear the worry in his voice.
"I'll go see if I can calm him down, okay?" Virgil whispered, getting out of bed. "You try and get back to sleep."
"Resistance fighter?" Virgil whispered, poking his head into Charlie's room. "Don't be afraid. I'm an ally of the resistance."
"Papa?" Charlie asked, sniffling.
"Hey Resistance fighter." Virgil said, sitting down on his son's bed. "What's gotten someone as brave as you so scared?"
"It's the scary lady. She's going to take me away from you and dada." Charlie wailed. Virgil picked up his small son and gave him a hug.
"Sh, sh. It's alright, Resistance fighter. No one's going to take you away from me and dada."
"But she is." Charlie said, tear tracks clear on his face even in the half-light.
"D'you think if you can get back to sleep, you can show this scary lady that you're not going to be taken away?" Charlie shrugged and scrubbed at his eyes. Virgil smiled at him gently. "I may not be wise." He sang quietly. "And I won't save the day. But look in my eyes and know I'll always stay. And I won't run away. I won't run away." Charlie must've been really exhausted because his breathing slowed and he fell asleep. Virgil kissed his head before tucking him into bed. "Goodnight, Resistance fighter."
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