Little Miss Perfect (Logicality)
Song above if you want to listen to it
Requested by Littlekat07. Hope I didn't mess this up too much.
WARNING: Mention of alcohol, kissing without consent
Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward
Straight path, I don't cut corners
"Logan, come on."
"Nearly finished."
Roman groaned and pulled the pen out of Logan's hand.
"H-Hey. I'm not done yet. Give."
Roman rolled his eyes and gave Logan back his pen. Logan snatched for it but Roman held it behind his back. "You seriously need to relax."
"I seriously need to finish my homework. Give me my pen back."
Logan pushed his glasses up his nose. "Or I'll... dammit. Just give me the pen."
Roman laughed and handed the taller boy his pen. Logan snatched it back and glared at Roman.
"Jesus Christ, you're fucking Gollum." Roman said. "Loosen up and just cheat, like everyone else."
"Nu-uh, no way. I don't cut corners."
Roman let out a loud, fake cough that sounded like the word 'perfectionist'. Logan rolled his eyes and shoved him. Roman laughed and shoved him back.
I make a point to be on time
"Logan, why are you speed-walking?" Roman said, trying to catch up with the taller boy.
"We're going to be late."
"We've got five minutes, calm down."
"I'm going to be late, then."
"Oh Jesus. Why do I even try with you?"
Logan sighed and started walking faster. "Believe me, I've been asking myself that question since high school."
Head out the student council
I don't black out at parties
Logan looked up from his book as his music cut out and his phone started to ring. He sighed.
"Lo, hi."
"Oh Jesus Christ. Janus, what do you want?"
"Virgil's older brother's holding a party. Wanna come? There's some cute guys."
"Janus, first, it's a Wednesday, second of all, I'm straight."
"So what?"
"To which point?" Logan asked, dead-pan.
"Both. Everyone's 'straight' for some part of their life. Also, there's not booze or anything."
"You're speech is significantly slurred. You may be able to lie well, Janus, but lies only work if you're sober."
"Lo-" Janus whined.
"No. I don't want to hear it. Goodbye."
"Killjoy." Was the reply before Logan put down his phone. Logan sighed in annoyance.
"Do I have any books on untraceable poisons?" He wondered.
I jam to Paul McCartney
If you ask me how I'm doing
I'll say...
Well, hmm
Logan sighed as he sat down.
"Dear God."
"Jan called you too, huh?" Logan looked up at Roman.
"Why are you talking? Like, at all? Knowing you, you wouldn't miss an opportunity to go anywhere when Virgil's involved." Logan smirked as a slight blush crept into Roman's face.
"I went to the party. I'm just not like Jan, I know how to pace myself."
"Sure you do."
Roman glared at him. "Anyway, how're you?"
Logan opened his mouth to answer with a robotic 'fine' before pausing, someone out of the corner of his eye catching his attention. "I'm... okay, I guess." He said, distracted and looking for the flash of bright blue he'd seen.
"What're you looking at?" Roman turned around and looked behind himself.
"Uh, nothing. Just... thought I saw..."
I was adopted when I was two
My parents spoiled me rotten
Often I ask myself, "What did I do?"
To get as far as I've gotten
"Heya Logan."
"Hi dad. Why're you calling? Nothing's happened, has it?" Logan asked, worry creeping into his voice.
"No, calm down Logan. Everything's fine. We're just wondering if you got the box."
"You mean the books?"
"Yeah, I did get them. Um, thank you. You really didn't have to get me them, though."
"No, we didn't have to. It's just such fun to spoil you, Logan."
Logan laughed a little. "Really, thanks. Honestly, what did I do to get parents like you and mum?"
A pretty girl walks by my locker
My heart gives a flutter
"Hey Pat."
A bubbly boy beamed at Roman and waved. "Hi Roman. And Roman's friend."
Logan's eyes shot up from the floor at being addressed by this boy he'd never met before. The boy grinned at him and Logan looked back down at his shoes, blushing.
"Logan, say hi." Roman said like a parent encouraging a shy toddler.
But I don't dare utter a word
'Cause that would be absurd behaviour
For little miss perfect
Logan looked up at the bubbly boy again and smiled shyly, finding words had failed him.
"Logan." Roman said warningly.
"It's fine if he doesn't want to say hi, Kiddo. You know, my brother has this friend who won't say a single word to anyone, they're so nervous. Well, they're a client really but Emile says we're not really meant to call them that." The boy said before grinning at Logan. "I'm Patton."
Logan swallowed. "Logan Brown." He muttered. "Salutations."
"Ooh, are we using big words?" Patton asked, clapping his hands excitedly. "I know big words too. Like saxophone and... that's really it, actually." He laughed at himself. "I've gotta go, Kiddo. Bye. Bye Logie."
Logan looked down at his shoes, his blush deepening at the nickname.
Roman looked at his face and laughed. "Do you like Patton?" He teased.
"What? No." Logan said quickly, pulling on the sleeve of his jacket. "That's absurd, Roman. I barely know him."
"I wasn't being serious. I was joking." Roman snickered. "Logie."
"Shut up."
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
No, I can't risk falling off my throne
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Love is something I don't even know
"Hey, Logan?"
"D'you wanna hang out with me and Pat?"
Logan looked up from his page for a fraction of a second at the mention of Patton.
"I'm fine, thanks."
"You've not left the dorm for three days." Roman groaned. "Come on! Live a little."
"I'll live a little when I've finished this book, how's that?"
"That book is longer than the fifth Harry Potter. You're not finishing that before coming out with me and Pat. Come on, Logan."
"Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Lo-"
"Say my name one more time, I dare you." Logan said, glaring at Roman. Roman didn't look fazed and instead started pulling on Logan's arm.
"You shall socialize! You shall!" He declared.
"If I socialize, will you leave me alone?"
Roman sighed. "Yes."
"Great. Let's go." Logan marked his place and put his book down. Roman stared at him.
"It was that easy?!"
Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward, straight girl
Little miss perfect
That's me
"Hey Kiddo! Over here!" Patton called when Roman and Logan found their way into the cafe. "Oh, Logie. I didn't know you'd be here."
"I finally got him out of the dorm."
"I passed reading up for this and I regret it..." He looked at Patton and his statement faltered. "Marginally."
Patton cocked his head to the side.
"I don't regret this as much as I thought I would."
"Oh." Patton nodded and grinned. "I'm guessing you're not an extrovert, then."
Logan shook his head firmly.
"Well, if I'm too draining or anything, just tell me Logie. I don't mind shutting up for a while. I've started getting better at keeping my mouth shut. Um, I'll get us some drinks. Roman, what d'you want?"
"Hot chocolate, as per usual."
"Okay, that's two hot chocolates with marshmallows. Logie, you?"
"Uh..." Logan's brain seemed to stop whenever Patton addressed him. "Just some water please."
"Okay. I'll pay this time and then it's your turn, Roman, remember that."
Roman rolled his eyes and smiled. "Yeah, yeah." Patton grinned and bounced away. Roman leaned over to Logan. "You sure you don't have a crush on him?"
"What? No. I-I'm straight."
"Mhm, sure. Because straight boys totally look at other boys like that."
One night, my friend stayed over
"Roman, why did the door open?" Logan asked. "There's nothing on the schedule about-" He looked up and stopped in his tracks. "Guests. Patton, hi. What are you doing here?"
"Hoped you wouldn't mind, Nerd, just Patton's roommate's got someone over and there's nowhere for him to stay. I said it'd be alright for him to stay here for an evening."
"Roman," Logan said simply, "I do not mind Patton being here. All I am saying is that you should have put it on the schedule."
"Oh, screw your stupid schedule."
"Really? Because, on the schedule, it says that you're meeting Virgil. Tonight. At 7, which is in-"
"Ten minutes, oh shit!"
"Language." Patton muttered, unheard by the panicked Roman.
"You are a life-saver, Logan. Um, Pat, you don't mind just hanging out with Lo, do you? Just cause this is really important."
Patton smiled. "It's fine, Kiddo. Go on, I know how much landing a date with Virgil means to you."
"We're, um, not going on a date."
"Then why is there a heart on the schedule?" Logan asked, a small smile on his face. Roman glared at him but Patton gasped.
"You're smile is so cute!"
"Uh, thank you?"
"Logan, move, I'm busy."
Logan rolled his eyes but stepped out of the doorway, letting Roman speed past.
We laughed, and drink and order
Something about her drew me in
What? It's totally platonic
"What d'you wanna watch, Logie?"
"Oh, um, I'm not gonna really be watching. You can choose whatever." Logan said, looking up from the same page he'd been 'reading' for the past few minutes.
"Okay. Um... how about Aladdin?"
Patton grinned and pressed play on the film. He plopped down on the couch next to Logan and rested his head on Logan's shoulder. Logan froze up.
"Oh, sorry." Patton sat up properly. "Was that awkward? That was awkward, sorry. I should've checked if you like to be touched before... yeah, I'm sorry."
"Uh, it's okay. Just... not exactly used to... physical contact."
"So you're okay with me... yeah?" Logan nodded slightly and Patton smiled, resting his head back on Logan's shoulder.
Logan tried to keep breathing properly. "It's just platonic." He thought.
That night was so exciting
Her smirks were so enticing
Hours speed by like seconds
Then, what happens is iconic
"Wow, it's eight already?" Patton asked, looking at his phone. "That can't be right, can it?"
Logan shrugged. "It's eight, either way."
"Oh. Guess I should see if it's alright for me to go back. Don't want to take up anymore of your time."
"It's fine, if you want to stay." Logan said, putting down the book. "We could watch another film or something, if you'd like."
"If you don't mind me staying." Patton smiled. "How about you chose the next film? Only rule... it has to be a Disney film."
"I'm well aware of the rules." Logan laughed a little. "I live with Roman, after all. Um, how about... Bambi?"
Patton nodded. "As long as we can skip the part where Bambi's mum dies, that bit always scares me."
She takes a sip, I bite my lip
She tells a joke, I nearly choke
Patton giggled to himself.
"What's so funny, Patton?" Logan asked, curious. Patton shook his head.
"You'll think it's stupid."
"I think a great many things are stupid, doesn't mean I wouldn't like to find out about them."
"Um, okay. It's just a silly joke." Patton looked at Logan, who nodded slightly. "Okay, um, I can't believe somebody stole my limbo stick. Seriously, how low can you go?"
Logan laughed before catching himself. "That is a ridiculous joke."
"But you laughed."
"Yes, I did. And?"
Patton grinned and giggled. "You laughed! I got you to laugh!"
She braids my hair, I sit there
Blacking out for the first timeNext thing I know, I lose control
"It really wasn't that funny of a joke." Logan insisted. Patton laughed and clapped his hands. They'd been talking about this for the past five minutes.
"But you laughed! You laughed! You laughed!"
"And," Patton said, putting his hands on the arm rest behind Logan and leaning close to him, "that means it was funny. And it made you laugh."
I finally kiss her, but oh no
I see a face in my window
"Patton, it was not a funny joke."
"It was. And I'm not going to back down until you admit that it was." Patton grinned. Logan realised his was looking more at Patton's lips more than his eyes. He looked Patton in the eyes and realised how close they were.
Before he could second-guess himself, he leaned forwards and kissed Patton.
Logan pulled away quickly, realising what he was doing. Patton stared at him, surprised and blushing.
Then my brain starts to goNa, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
No, you can't risk falling off your throne
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Love is something you don't even know
Patton sat back on his heels. Logan pushed his glasses up his face.
"Patton, I am so, incredibly sorry. I just, I wasn't thinking and I'm really so, so, so sorry."
Patton looked down and then back at Logan. "Do you, like,... have a crush on me?" This was not the question nor the tone Logan had been expecting.
"I... I suppose I do."
"Would you maybe want to go out with me sometime?"
Logan smiled like he dare didn't believe it. "Yeah, yes. I'd really like that. A lot."
I HAVE ACHIEVED FLUFF! How was that, Littlekat07? Did I do good?
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