Prompt #8 | Complicated Love
Before I start, I just wanted to say that you can use whatever ship you like. This is a prompt, not a one-shot.
Virgil had never liked hanging around people; actually, he didn't like people in general. Virgil was a lone wolf, which meant he had no friends. One day, his mother forced him to get out of the house by going to a play with her, Virgil having no choice but to go.
As Virgil was taking a seat next to his mother, he noticed a very beautiful man getting ready off-scene. Though, Virgil, his little anxious self, told himself not to fall in love with the man as he knew nothing about him.
As Virgil was scrolling through tumblr, his mom to focused on the show to notice, he then heard a very soothing voice from where the stage was. Virgil looked up to see the man he had been looking at earlier before the play had even started. Not long after another man came upstage, standing extremely close to the beautiful man. Virgil wasn't going to lie to himself, he was jealous, but told himself it was apart of the play to make him feel better.
The play had finished and Virgil noticed that there was an autograph booth where the beautiful man and that other guy were standing. Virgil told his mom where he was going and went over in line leading up to the booth. As his turn came up, the beautiful man and that other guy introduced themselves.
Roman, huh? Virgil liked the beautiful ma- Roman's name. The other guy's name was still unknown, he didn't want to share it to Virgil. He told Virgil to call him Deceit; Virgil already disliked him. They talked for a while, making people impatient and leave. Roman and Virgil ended up exchanging numbers, wanting to meet up and hang out.
Ever since then, all three of them became a friend group, Deceit still not telling Virgil his name, not like Virgil wanted to know. As they kept hanging out, Virgil could tell something was off about 'Deceit' and Roman. Not long after he found out 'Deceit' had confessed to Roman and that they started dating right after, breaking Virgil's heart into a million pieces. Even though Virgil was heart broken, he kept hanging around the couple, hoping one day, Roman would notice.
I hope you guys liked that!
Just a friendly reminder, this is a prompt which means you can completely change the ship and other small details, this was just to get you started!
Anyways, I hope you guys are having an amazing day/night or whatever timeline you're in!
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