Unsympathetic Patton
(I personally HATE seeing Patton as unsympathetic. Personally, Patton is a fatherly figure that I like to think about or just watch whenever I need love, despite being fictional. Patton, to me, isn't perfect but he also isn't a bad person BUT some of you guys like seeing Patty in that light! So, to respect everyone opinions equally! I'll do this but... don't be too harsh if you don't like the idea of Patton being like this. If you don't like Patton like this, just move along and I can make a sympathetic dad Patton after this. If you do like Patton like this, then I hope I did good because I have some experience with some manipulative parents and guilt tripping, over/harmful protection, and other things like that... So, I'm giving him a Mother Gothel feel to it because it's the best way to describe him when I make this. So, I hope ye enjoy! Also, if you want to RP this for me too you can but you don't have to if you don't want to!)
Something was wrong with Patton, at least wrong compared to how he acted around Thomas and the others. Patton was like a dad to you, you even called him dad in videos and around the others. But Patton wasn't the perfect dad that everyone thought he was. He was more of a Mother Gothel than the queen in a dad way... He was a little pushy when it came to you spending time with him, he was always making you guilty when you wanted to hang out with the others, he never listened to your opinions and comments, and he was just all together overly protective like you were a flower but also like you could take care of yourself for long periods of time. But you knew it was because he loved you and he never harmed you in anyway so it was fine, just a little strict dad love was all! Right?~
Scenario for light sides:
You were a light side, you did good things for Thomas but you were the few who didn't hate the dark sides and you were friends with them all! You hung out with them and they were really nice to you, you had gotten over Remus' personality and you could tell when Deceit was actually lying or he was forced to lie. It was great! But... Patton didn't like it much because you weren't with him and you were spending time with him. So; when you went to hang out with Remus and Deceit, Patton stopped you and had that angry dad look on his face. "Where are you going?" You gave an honest answer, telling him you were gonna hang out with Remus and Deceit. This apparently didn't sit well with your dear ol' dad. "You're gonna hang out with them? Don't you know they're dangerous? They could hurt you and I don't want my little flower to get hurt!" You reassured him that you would be fine, so he went more into guilt tripping you. "Oh... I see... You just wanna get away from me... You don't love me, fine... Don't spend time with your dad..." He said in a sad tone of voice. You, not wanting to upset your dad figure, quickly told him that it wasn't like that and you just wanted to hang out with them. But he wouldn't listen, telling you about how you never hung out with him and you weren't either with the dark sides or doing your own thing. You knew this wasn't true... The only time you did your thing was when Thomas made a video, the only time you hung out with Remus and Deceit was when he was too tired for you, and you were ALWAYS with him! But... You were so set on keeping him happy and keeping him from thinking you hated him, despite the tactic being used on you a lot, that you told him you would tell them that you couldn't hang out. "A-and we can watch some movies and play some games!" You would add, sighing in relief when that smile came onto his face. He let you go to tell them but told you to come right back and you two could play a game and watch some movies. You tried to be quick in doing so but Deceit and Remus, Roman was there too because Remus probably forced him to spend time with him, wouldn't let you go because they were worried since you never were out of yours or Patton's room and you were always with Patton. You told them that Patton just liked to spend time with you and he liked having you around. Since that seemed to be fine with Roman and Remus, though not so much with Deceit, you rushed back to Patton who had a bunch of games set up and some movies stacked near the tv. He asked you what took so long, you lied and told him you couldn't find them for a bit because you didn't wanna upset him with the others' concerns. He just smiled and nodded before telling you he already picked out a game and you were gonna play it, not even asking if you wanted to play something else. Continue...
Scenario for dark sides:
You were a dark side, though you wanted to follow in Virgil's footsteps and become better so you wouldn't hurt Thomas anymore. So, you went to the only person who you knew would help you; Patton! He was a little weary when you asked to talk with him but he was more than excited when you asked him for help. He was sweet and everything for the first couple of says then he got a little... possessive of you since you started to treat him like a dad and you were starting to get better at being helpful instead of bad. So whenever you want to help or even see the others to show them how you were doing, he told you that you weren't ready and if you weren't ready then you could hurt them. Of course, you believed him, why wouldn't you? Patton was a good guy and he would never lie to you! Right? So you stayed with him and played some games. Soon you were always in your room unless you needed the bathroom or food. The light sides didn't see your progress so they weren't really concerned when you weren't around a lot since the dark sides mostly kept to themselves. You were usually praised by Patton because you knew how to stay good and not so much like a dark side would act. You tried not to hurt Thomas but old habits die hard. You never raised your voice or argued with Patton, never seeing the need to... Till, Thomas made a video... You were needed actually and you just let Patton talk for you or just stayed quiet. Until Patton said something about Thomas not needing your opinion since you were a bad side and nothing good happened when you were around. You were shocked that he would say something like that but you just mumbled a couple quiet 'dad's' but he wouldn't stop so you shouted over him, calling him Patton which you never did since you had asked for his help. You told him that you were very useful and that you weren't all bad, then you actually ended up Thomas with his problem. You knew you were in trouble when Patton just kept glaring at you. You were afraid to go to your room but you did, though you were the last to leave to tell Thomas that you really just wanted to help which caused him to smile and thank you. You nervously sank down to your room, where, lo and behold, Patton was waiting. You quickly apologized, telling him you didn't know what came over you. "Now Flower... You know how I feel about you raising your voice at me... And you could've been very harmful to the situation!" You told him that you did help though. "Yeah, you did! This time... But what if you didn't help?" "But-" "No buts! You wanted my help, right? And you want to be a better person, right?" You nodded slightly. "Then you need to learn to listen to me and let the light sides do the helping!" He told you and proceeded to scold you; for something you knew wasn't wrong but Patton had to be right, he was dad! So you listened to him rant and scold and hugged him when he pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry I had to yell at you but you know what the others think... 'They tried so hard but they probably just made things worse for Thomas. I don't see why they need to be around.' And the dark sides are probably laughing at your poor attempt at being a good person..." He told you, you knew Remus and Deceit wouldn't think that but you were so set on knowing that Patton knows best! That you didn't think of a logical way of thinking. So you just apologized to him again... Though not knowing why you were apologizing for... Continue...
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