Seven minutes in Heaven
(I play your crush, you play mine)
-You can turn it into smut if you'd like-
Virgil= A little box with eyeshadow in it (you know the ones that just fit in your pocket and only one color)
Roman= A small crown keychain that can split into two halves
Patton= A friendship bracelet that he has been meaning to give to somebody. It has a puppy, a sweater, and his symbol hanging off of it.
Logan= A USB port that has the words "Video ideas" on it
Remus= A mini mace keychain that is actually really sharp
Deceit= A mini snake plushie
Remy= A Starbucks keychain
Emile= A bracelet with different cartoon characters hanging from it
Thomas= A keychain that has all of the sides symbols on it
Tonight was one of Patton's game nights where you all hung out together and played games. It was Roman's turn to pick the game. So, the ever so loving match making prince, decide to do 7 minutes in heaven. Virgil, Deceit, and Logan were against it while Patton, Remus, and Remy thought it would be fun. You, Thomas and Emile were neutral about it. But you did it anyways. So everyone put something in Deceit's hat. Roman voted you to go first so you stuck your hand in the hat and pulled out....
You pulled out a little eyeshadow box. You immediately knew who's it was. You turned to Virgil to see the anxious side blushing while Roman teasing him. Virgil started arguing with him but you walked over and held your hand out to him. He looked up at you and blushed more before grabbing your hand. You led him to the closet and slipped in. "Nuh uh! I am NOT going in there!" Roman rolled his eyes and pushed him in then slamming the door shut. "7 minutes love birds!" He shouted which caused you to smile and look at Virgil who was glaring at the door. Continue....
You pulled out a small crown keychain. You thought it was either Roman or Remus. You hoped it wasn't Remus. "Ah! It seems you have my item!" Roman spoke up, smiling at you. You blushed slightly and took his hand when he held out his hand. He smiled slightly as dragged you over to the closet. He held the door open for you before stepping in after you. "7 minutes, start the timer Logan!" He called before closing the door behind him. Continue...
You pulled out a... USB port. "Oh! That would be nerdy Wolverine!" Remus called out, pointing to Logan who wasn't paying attention. "Hey, babes. They got your item." Remy said, rolling his eyes as he nudged the logical side. He looked up and looked at you before blushing and standing up. "Ok, let's get this over with..." He sighed before walking to the closet. You frowned slightly and followed behind him. "Enjoy your 7 minutes you two!" Roman called before shutting the door. Continue...
You pulled out a friendship bracelet. "Ooh Ooh! That's mine!" Patton called happily and slightly innocently. You squeaked when he happily grabbed your hands and pulled you to the closet. "Ok, remember. Only 7 minutes!" Roman said, winking at you before shutting the door. Continue...
You pulled out a mini snake plushie. "Wow, I /don't/ wonder who that could be." Deceit said sarcastically as he stood up. "C'mon..." He mumbled as he walked to the closet. Virgil gave you a questioning look but you gave him a quick smile before following Deceit. "7 minutes!" Roman said, shutting the door. Continue...
You pulled out a mini mace and yelped slightly when you felt how sharp it was, dropping it when it scratched your hand. "Ooh! Me! I get to go! Yes!" Remus said happily as he smirked slightly. "C'mon!" He called, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the closet. "Ok, 7 minutes...!" Roman told you before shutting the door. Continue...
You pulled out a keychain that had all the sides' symbols on it. "Ooh! That's Thomas'!" Roman called, smiling widely. Thomas blushed slightly and rolled his eyes before smiling slightly. "Go you two! Go enjoy yourselves for a while!" Remy called, looking at you two. "Remy, please. Just no..." Virgil grumbled. Thomas chuckled softly and held out his hand to you, which you happily took and followed him to the closet. Roman shouting '7 minutes' before shutting the door. Continue...
You pulled out a Starbucks keychain. "Aw babes! You got me! Yay you!" Remy said with a big smile. He stood up and started walking to the closet. "C'mon gurl!" He called as you followed after him. "Ok, 7 minutes you two!" "I Don't know Roman, might need more than that!" Remy stated as he winked at Roman. You blushed slightly as Roman shut the door. Continue...
You pulled out a bracelet with different cartoon characters on it. "Oh, you got me!" Emile smiled softly. You smiled slightly as he stood up and walked with you to the closet. "7 minutes!" Roman called before shutting the door. Continue...
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