Personality swap
(I play your crush, you play mine)
(I would've switched Remus and Roman but they're the same person practically. XD)
Roman switches with Virgil
Logan switches with Patton
Remus switches with Deceit
(If you have one oc) Your oc switches with mine or you could switch with Thomas and Jasmine switches with Thorne
(If you have many ocs) They'll switch with each other and Jasmine switches with Thorne/Remy/Emile)
(For people switching with Jasmine, you're practically just really quiet and depressing while also just not being able to see the good or happiness in things.)
It was 8 in the morning, you had just awoken to the sun rising early and shining through your curtains. You felt different though, usually you didn't feel so... like this. You didn't feel so much like yourself and just felt like one of the others. You got up and walked downstairs, bumping into Virgil. You expected him to give you a glare or scoff at you because of how early it was and he definitely hadn't had his coffee yet. "Oh! Good Morning Princess/Prince! Fabulous day, is it not?" He asked with a wide smile and a twinkle in his eyes. You gave him a weird look before you heard Roman from behind you. "Ugh... Will you two stop talking and move so I can get past?" You looked back at Roman to see him glaring at you both with a scowl. You quickly moved and let him past. "Now now Princey, no need to be salty!" Virgil called, chasing after the other. You were really confused before walking to the kitchen to see Logan happily making breakfast and Patton sitting at the table with a straight look on his face. "Uh, morning?" You said softly, causing Logan to look at you and smile widely. "Good morning! Hope you're hungry because I made breakfast!" Logan stayed as you got a hum form Patton. Then Remus, Deceit, and Jasmine (and whoever she'd switch with of other options are in play) came down. Remus looked a lot calmer but had a smug look on his face, Deceit had a wide but sinister smile on his face, and Jasmine looked less depressed. "Ok, what is happening here?/Is there something wrong?" You asked as you looked around at the others. "Huh? Oh, there shouldn't be! I just feel... feelings!" Logan replied with a giggle. "That's weird in it's self..." Roman mumbled as he ate his breakfast. "I don't see the problem with any of us Princess/Prince." Patton sighed quietly as he leaned on his hand. "I guess we're all acting different, I mean... I can't really express how I'm feeling right now but it's not good." You stared at everyone before Remus spoke up. "Well, isn't it clear? We've all switched personalities..!" He replied with a more smug smile. "Switched personalities? That's (not) possible! I feel great!" Deceit said as his smile widened more. "I see what you mean Remus..." Patton mumbled as he rolled his eyes slightly. "Well, we better find a fix for this... I don't like acting like J.Delightful here." Roman grumbled as he glared at Virgil. You sat down and began to think of ways to fix this while everyone else sat down to eat breakfast. Continue...
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