Scenario 1:
Your boyfriend Patton was a clumsy guy, always cutting myself or hurting himself. So he was always with bandaids on him. You, being the parent type that you grew into as you dated Patton longer and longer, were always putting these bandaids on him. Right now he had dropped a knife, cutting his wrist but only a small bit. You grabbed a bandaid and put it on the cut after cleaning it up. He smiled widely as he swung his legs. You smiled softly and gave him a small kiss. "There, all better now." "Thanks (Cute nickname)! Now I'm more colorful!" He said happily which caused you to laugh slightly. "You're too cute Patton." This caused him to smile more and giggle. Continue...
Scenario 2:
Today was date night for you and your boyfriend Patton. You were gonna take him out wherever he wanted to go. You got dressed up nice and waited for him to come down when he was done. "Ok...! I'm done!" You looked up, expecting to see him in his usual dad-tire but you froze when you saw him in a maroon skirt. "Uh... I hope you like it. I thought it looked nice... I-I'll go change if you wa-" "No no no! Patton you look amazing! If that's what you wanna wear then you can wear it! God...." You were a lose for words, causing him to blush. "Oh... Oh! Thank you! C'mon! I'm so excited to go out!" He said, his usual Happy Pappy tm self was back. You guys did what he wanted to do, which was a carnival. Lots of people gave him disgusted looks but you glared at the people who would look at your beautiful boyfriend the wrong way. Continue...
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