~More shîtposting~
Virgil: "Fûck Deceit!"
Logan and Remus: "I'm trying to..."
Patton: *Holding a camera and facing it towards a working Virgil* "Hey Virge, meow."
Virgil: *Looks at Patton and meows realistically* Wait why? Why are you filming this?"
Patton: *Fake evil laugh*
Virgil: "What was that?"
Remus: "Possession. Any ghost can do it under one lesson."
Virgil: *Looking at Patton and Logan then back at Remus with a smile* Then Remus... What do I need you for?"
Remus: "Woah, woah woah woah!"
Unnamed dark side: "Deceit, you motherfûcker!"
Remus, hugging Deceit's waist after appearing out of nowhere: "He can't be a motherfûcker if he's never fûcked a mother."
Deceit: "/No/, what he said."
Unknown dark side: "Oh I'm sorry! What I meant to say was... Remusfûcker!"
Rando: "You don't have a boyfriend because you play hard to get."
Roman: "Wha-? Bîtch, do I look like a limited addition Pokémon card? What the Fûck is that supposed to mean?!"
Virgil: "Everything and everyone is terrible... I don't need anybody but myself..."
Roman: "Should I break the news to the Patton on your lap or-?"
Virgil, holding Patton closer to his chest while hissing: "Back off bîtch!"
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