More MORE shîtposting!
Deceit: "There has to be something he's /not/ bad at..."
Remus, appearing out of nowhere: "Who?"
Deceit: "Logan, he has to be /good/ at something... Probably a bad kisser."
Remus, sighing dreamily while looking off in daze: "No, he's good at that too...."
Deceit, slowly turning his head towards Remus: "What?"
Remus, suddenly sitting up and blushing brightly: "I said an àss kisses probably kisses better than him!!!"
Roman, rambling on about Virgil with lovestruck eyes: "He's great in bed too!"
Remus, looking at his brother with a smirk: "Oh? I remember he was a big bottom when we used to Fûck."
Roman, nodding slightly as he sighed softly: "Yeah... He is but he's too cu-"
Roman, after realizing when he said and noticing he had started to walk off before running after him: "Wait... What do you mean when you used to Fûck?! Remus you little shît, what did you mean by that?!"
Deceit: "Patton, did you /not/ eat my powdered donuts?"
Patton: "No!"
Deceit: "Then what's /not/ on your pants?"
Patton, looking at his pants then at Deceit with a wide smile. "Cocaine!"
Remus, spitting out his pop before busting out in laughter: "Bwahahahahaha!"
Virgil, wearing Logan's glasses before looking at everyone: "Well?"
Roman: "F*ck me."
Remus: "I wanna f*ck you..."
Deceit, just staring: "You look /bad/..."
Patton, squealing while blushing: "So cute!!"
Logan, staring at him in a gay panictm: "Uh..."
Roman, looking at Logan: "Wait, you can see?!"
Logan, snapping out of his gay panictm: "Sh*t..."
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