Demons AU
Demon AU~
Virgil is a demon who collects souls for the devil, he is a demon because he was one of the many edgy teenagers who sold their souls so now he collects souls. You usually can summon him by saying some words in a book to summon his type of demon. You can get rid of him by saying the words on his forearm. He has black eyeshadow under his eyes but they look like he had been crying, practically looking like they're streaming down his face. After he sold his soul, he got a black marking on his chest where his soul would be allowing people to see he has no soul if they see him shirtless. He has the least amount of markings than other demons have, only having the words, the black hole on his chest, and his eyeshadow. He is also one of the few demons with no horn or tail. His skin is a dark grey and his eyes are purple with the normal black where the white should be in his eyes, his hair is a darker purple than what it was when he was human.
Patton is a corrupted angel who fell in love with a demon who corrupted him then left him. He is one of the few nice demons, trying to protect angels from falling into the hands of demons. He is like any normal demon, having a lot of black markings on his body. He has one across his nose and cheeks, a couple zig-zag ones on his arms/legs/chest, and he has a couple dotting his cheeks to represent the freckles he had when he was an angel. He has a light grey skin, baby blue eyes, light brown hair, and little baby goat horns but no tail. His halo is broken in half and stuff to his horns to show that he fell for a demon's tricks.
Deceit is a demon who is practically the demon on your shoulder telling you to do bad things, he's a demon who is rarely right/telling the truth and he is one of the devil's right hand men. He is a... different one. He doesn't have markings per say but his whole left side of his body and face is covered in black while his right side is grey, making him look like he was dipped in ink on one side of his body. He has the left side of his mouth slit open to show his sharp teeth, his hair is nearly black on the right and dark brown on the left side (Like Todoroki's hair but with black and brown!), his right eye is brown and his left eye is yellow, and he has two pretty big horns and a long tail to show his position.
Roman and Remus are twin demons who reap people's souls, more like reapers than demons but still. Since they are twins, they look nearly alike. They both have the markers on their arms and legs look like their skin is cracking, they both have a black stripe over their eyes, on their stomachs in looks like someone let ink drip down their chest and to their stomachs, and they both have matching scythes on their shoulders. Roman has red eyes and red-ish brown hair while Remus has green eyes, brown-ish red hair, and a mustache. They both have dark grey skin, normal sized horns, though they have a cool design, and they have normal sized tails.
Logan is a demon who watches over the other demons when the devil is busy, which is always. He keeps the demons in check and will end up snitching if someone doesn't listen to him. He has black strips over his eyes, mouth, and ears. He also has markings on his hands/arms to make it seem like he dipped his hands in ink. He has light grey skin, dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and he has ram horns but no tail.
Demon personality~
Demons are either reckless or sophisticated, there is no in-between. But all demons are flirts/perverts who will flirt with demons, angels, and humans. They adore using lewd nicknames or nicknames in general for others, like seeing humans and angels flustered.
Angel personality~
Angels are all sophisticated and kind, not much for bad emotions unless pushed past their godly maximum limit. Most of them don't talk unless spoken too or if their job requires them to. Their halo colors rank how high of an angel they are. White are guardians, light blue are reapers, pink are watchers, and gold are the highest of angels who are mostly a person's conscious.
You are what people call an edgy kid, joking about summoning demons and stuff like that. But you were really joking, seeing as you had summoned demons before. You saw yourself as a demon scientist, you usually summon demons to question them on their job and the way they act. Today you were summoning a demon who people sell their souls to. You enjoyed life so you weren't sell your soul like an idiot. So you summoned him, speaking out some words in your summoning book. Then there was the normal black smoke then he appeared. He was a pretty normal demon besides the markings. You were a little in awe at him but he looked tired and annoyed. He made a 'let's get on with this' motion with his hand. "Oh! I didn't summon you to sell my soul." He seemed surprised at him before raising a brow. "Yeah! I summon demons to ask questions! Like... About them and their job as a demon! Do you mind if I ask you?" He sighed quietly before shaking his head. "I don't mind, better than taking more souls, Sweetheart." "Great! My name is (Y/N)." He nodded slightly, staying quiet again while getting a confused look from you. He placed his hand over his neck and his finger over his mouth in 'shush' motion. "Oh! You can't speak unless I ask a question?" He nodded slightly. "That's right, darling." "Oh! Well, what's your name?" He looked a little surprised that you asked his name. "Uh, Virgil is my name, Dear." You nodded then began asking questions. Continue...
You are an angel, you were always told to avoid demons and to never fall in love with one. You had gold markings around your neck, waist, forehead, chest, arms, legs, and stomach. Your halo is a normal glowing white color to show you are a normal guardian angel. You followed this rule for decades till you met a demon when you were protecting your human. You feel in love with him and, being an idiot, were thinking about him too much. You were sneaking off to see him but this time you went to see him and another demon was there instead. He immediately saw you before you could run off. "Wait! I wanna talk with you, cutie!" This stopped you in your tracks as you looked at you. "You're the angel who has been meeting Jamel right?" This question caused you to nod. "Ok. Well, I'm Patton! I, uh, used to be an angel like you and I've come to warn you about doing this with demon. I suggest if you don't want to be like me, I suggest that you don't keep seeing Jamel.You got that dear?" You stared at him as you nodded, not really knowing what to say. Continue...
You are an angel reaper, you take the souls of people after they die to go to heaven. You have gold markings like normal angels. You had gold dots across your face and have gold lines across your wrists, even having some dots over your arms/legs/body. Your halo is a slightly brighter and light blue halo. You never had to run into the demon reapers because someone was either going to heaven or going to Hell. But... Today was different, an older man had died and you were on your way to take the Christian man to heaven. But you got there and low and behold, one of the reaper twins was there... Roman/Remus. "What are you doing here, sexy?" The demon asked, leaning on his scythe with a scowl on his face. "I'm here to take this good man to heaven. Why are you here?" You asked with a soft smile. "I'm here to reap this man and take him to hell, Sugar." You stared at him. "Wha- Why? He's a good Christian man." "He's a sinner, duh?" "Uh, just because he sins doesn't mean he goes to hell." He rolled his eyes slightly. "Sorry Baby Doll, but orders are orders that I need to fulfill." He said with a shrug. "Well, I would kindly have to say the same. I have orders to take this man to heaven." He scowled as he stood up straight, holding his scythe towards your chest. "Then we fight to see who takes him, deal Kitten?" "What?! No! I can't fight you! That is not how we should determine this!" You squeaked out, staring at the scythe at your chest. "You either fight or I can really hurt you Vixon." You still disagreed with the way. "Suit yourself." He said with a shrug before slashing at your dress robe, causing you to gasp and fly backwards to keep away. "C'mon angel, it's fight or leave this man to suffer, cutie!" He said with a smirk. "No, I shall not do either of those!" You said, squeaking and blocking his next attack with your scythe. "I suggest you stop this!" You stated, dodging his attacks but he didn't stop. You went to grab his scythe out of his hand but it burned your hand, blackening it. "Ha! Try again Babe!" You held your hand to your chest before looking back at him, going to slash at you again. You scowled and slammed your scythe stick's bottom onto the ground, causing his scythe to evaporate and at him to fall onto the ground. "Enough!" You stated in your angel voice. "Roman/Remus! I'm taking this man to heaven and you will not stop me! Your scythe will come back to you when I'm far enough from you and I have taken the man's soul. Now, any objections?" He shook his head. "Good!" You stated with a sigh before walking over to the bed, grabbing the man's arm and pulling his soul from his body. You held the man's hand and looked back at Roman/Remus. "I'll see you around..." You said before taking the man away. Continue...
You're an angel, the angel that sits on your shoulder telling to do good things aka your consciousness also being one of the higher rank of angels. You have your right side of your body/face covered in gold and you have a light blue across your lips to show that you don't talk unless you were told to speak or your person is making a good or bad decision. Your halo is brighter than others and gold because of your rank. You had a human, named Thomas, to keep from doing bad things and your person mostly listened to the demon because your human was a little kid and it was expected. But today was a different situation, the kid was in school and he was playing with some kids when he saw someone bullying a kid. Before you could speak, Deceit told Thomas to join in or just laugh. "No Thomas! Don't do that! Help the kid or tell a teacher! What if that kid was you?" You asked Thomas, getting a glare from the demon next to you. "Its fine Thomas, it won't go wrong. What's the worst that could happen?" Deceit asked with a smirk. "Uh, you'll get in trouble and they'll tell your mother!" This made Thomas take your side and run off to find a teacher. "You think you're so smart, don't ya Darlin'?" You looked at the demon with a hum. "You! Using his fear of getting into trouble against him." You gasped, covering your chest. "Well?" You shook your head slightly. "Speak then Suagr!" "I didn't use his fear! I told him the truth because he'll get in trouble." He scoffed slightly and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I thought angels didn't use fear. Guess I wrong, huh Baby?" You knew he was trying to get you to blow up so you watched Thomas, ignoring his comment and going quiet again. Continue...
You are an angel who watches over angels when God is busy, which is most of the time. You made sure that they were doing their jobs and stuff like that, you were to tell a higher person if an angel wasn't doing their thing. You had gold markings on your wrists and legs, your halo was a light pink to show your job. You were watching over some rookie angels when some demons started to scare them. "Hey! Shoo, shoo! Get out of here!" You told them as the angels hide behind you. "We don't take orders from you Sexy." One of them growled. "Unless we're naked and got someone as pretty as you on top, kitten." Another said, causing them all to smirk and your angels to cover their ears. Before you could speak, someone else did. "Now there you all are... I suspected you weren't doing your jobs." You looked up to see another demon, seeming to be a higher rank demon. "Scatter, it's Logan!" One of the demons growled before they all ran off. The new demon, whose name you guess was Logan, sighed quietly and looked at you, causing you to puff your chest out and your angels to hide behind you more. He looked you up and down before looking back at your face. "You don't need to be so defensive, I'm not here to take or hurt any of you angels darling... I only came to find my demons, Honey... Now that I know they're not working, then I will be on my way." He stated before walking up to you, looking down at you as your angels held onto your dress robe. "For once they were right about something, you are pretty good looking..." This made you blush, which surprised your angels since they never saw you blush. He smirked slightly before turning away and walking off. You turned to your angels and checked if they were fine. Continue...
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