(Ok! So, I'm taking a break from the romance side of things for this one. Pick a side, they are now your brother. This is only sibling love not Incest. Ok? Ok! Let's go! :3)
(I play a side for you, you play a side for me)
Patton (Ages~ Pat: 23, You: 19)-
You lived with your big brother, Patton, because after you moved out of your parents house, Patton took you in until you could find a house. But you stayed with him because he needed you just as much as you needed him. Like today, Patton was getting ready for work and had stayed up late with you to help you with (Panic attack, homework, cleaning your room, etc.) So He was tired. You had woken up before he was going to leave. He turned to you, said morning, then he looked you straight in the eyes and asked. "Have you seen my glasses? I can't find my glasses." He pouted. You tried to hold in a laugh as you nodded. "You have? Where?" He asked, being completely serious. You giggled/chuckled and grabbed the glasses off his head. "On your head." He looked at his glasses and sighed, smiling slightly. "What would I do without you Kiddo?" He asked you. "Probably be dead." You told him. He giggled and ruffled your hair. "Ok kiddo, I gotta go. I'll be back later." He told you before walking out the door. Continue....
Logan (Ages~ Lo: 16, you: 9)-
You lived with your brother and your mom and dad. You were like your older brother, Logan, and would try and be just like him. You tried to wear what he wore and did everything he did. You would even pick up on his speaking patterns which was mostly speaking with big words and speaking in an older tone of voice. Like today your parents were fighting again and you heard it from the kitchen as Logan make you some toast. You wanted some coffee like him but he had to bargain with you to drink hot cocoa instead. He was tired because you had nightmares last night and he had stayed up with all night. He walked out of the kitchen as you followed him, staring at your parents. "It's too early for this shît..." He mumbled and took a sip of coffee. Your parents didn't seem to care that he swore because of their arguing. "Yeah! Too early for this shît!" You repeated which caused your parents to stop arguing and Logan choke on his coffee and tried not to laugh. "(Y/N) (middle name) Berry! Do not say that!" Your mother scolded you. "But bro-bro said it!" You whined. After Logan calmed down, he looked at you and knelt down to you. "Hey, don't say that. It's bad... Uh, I can't say it either so how about we never say it again together?" He explained. You smiled widely and nodded. "Ok bro-bro! No saying that word!" You said, drinking you cocoa. He sighed quietly and ruffled your hair. Continue...
Remus + Roman (Their age- 10, your age- 17):
You lived with your little brothers and your dad. Your dad had a lot on his plate, especially when your pa and him split up. So you were always with your brothers taking care of them. You had a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and they were always there to help your decision for your relationship. You and your partner got into a fight and they wanted to make up after a reasonable amount of time. So you asked Roman and Remus what you should do. "Kiss him!" "KiLL HiM!" They shouted together. You giggled and ruffled their hair. "You guys are great. But I think I'll take Roman's advice this time." You told them before kissing their heads softly. "Ok!" They said together with a wide smile. Continue...
Virgil: (His age- 9, your age- 16)
You lived with your younger brother and your mother. Your mother was always working and you had to work a lot too but you mostly took care of your little brother Virgil. You guys were kinda poor so you had to learn to sew so you could fix clothes and make them too. Your mother was gone again for the day and you were watching over Virgil as you did your homework. He was a very anxious boy so he didn't bother you a lot or bring things up to you when he really wanted to. It took him almost an entire year to ask mom to get his hair dyed. Of course, mom was understanding and said 'if someone would do it with him' he could do it. Now he has purple hair and you have (dyed color) hair. But Today was one of those days. He was actually all jumpy and he wasn't wearing his favorite jacket. After homework, he came up to you and holding his jacket. "What's wrong little bud?" You asked, kneeling down to his height. He held out his torn jacket which caused you to softly take it from his hands. "What happened to it?" You asked gently. He stayed quiet and you were about to tell him that it was fine but he quickly blurred out, "Some kids at school jumped me and tore my jacket up!" You stared at him and clenched the jacket tightly but gave him a sweet smile. "Ok bud... You want me to fix it?" He slowly nodded, causing you to nod and stand up. You walked to your room and told him to play some video games or something. It took you a few hours and by the time you finished the jacket, mom was already home and passed out in her room. You found Virgil in his room, listening to music. You tapped his shoulder, causing him to look up at you. You smiled at him and held out his jacket. He smiled slightly and took the jacket, putting it on. He looked at the jacket then looked up at you with stars in his brown eyes. "Thank you (N/N)...!" He said happily before hugging you. You giggled/chuckled slightly and hugged him back. "You're welcome bud." You replied with a smile. Continue....
(Edit! Forgot Dee! I meant to do him but I completely forgot to do it!)
Deceit: (His age- 24, your age- 12)
You live with your older brother, Dee, or as many people call him, Deceit. You lived with him for 5 years now. You were given away to foster care for some reason regarding your parents way they treated you and Dee was able to take you out of foster care when he turned 18 but he couldn't get you out till he was 19. But now you live with him and he works a lot but you hang out a lot. Today was his day off and you wanted to do a makeover for him. He gladly accepted and let you do your think. You were playin with his hair and put it in ponytail, giggling as he looked at you. "What? Think I look funny, kid? I bet I look better with a ponytail than you do." "Ha! That's wrong!" You said, giggling. "Prove it then!" You stuck you tongue out at him and let him put/try to put your long/short hair into a ponytail. You looked at him and wide smile. "Ok, I was wrong. You're better with a ponytail." He said with a chuckle, booping your nose which caused you to giggle more. Continue...
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